Surprise your sister!Only surprise, no joy at all!I can't help but turn back time and see what the two of you did last night!

Satania seemed a little distressed, and said in a slightly low voice: "But so many people are watching, it's a bit embarrassing to say."


Hua Ye vomited blood, and a mouthful of blood spewed out three feet away.

Is there anyone else watching?Are you two live streaming? !

"Wang Wang!"

While speaking, a white dog sprang out from the corner quickly, snatched the pineapple bun from Satania's hand in an incomparably skillful gesture, then wagged its tail, turned and walked away arrogantly.

"Damn it! Come to grab my pineapple bun again!" Satania stretched her hand forward, "If it wasn't for the pain in my feet, I wouldn't have let you succeed!"

Rafael finally saw Hua Ye at this moment, his eyes lit up slightly, and he waved with a smile and shouted: "Student Hua Ye, good morning."

Not good at all.

Hua Ye's face was expressionless, and his eyes were extremely disgusted.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Lafayle blinked, and soon understood why Huaye's face was dark, his bright eyes were flowing, and the joyful smile in his eyes almost flowed out, "Could it be that...Huaye is jealous ?”

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "No."

"Sure enough, there is." La Feier put his hands behind his back, walked quickly two steps, came to Hua Ye's side, and then turned his head to look, sighing with a headache, "I didn't expect that Hua Ye would even be jealous of high heels. Well... no wonder it tastes sour."


your sister!

Are you trying on high heels?Then you two should speak clearly!

"I went to Alice's place with Lafei yesterday, and insisted on letting me try on high heels." Satania had already recovered from the blow of losing the pineapple bag, "What do you say that high heels are romantic for girls, and they don't know how to wear them?" High heels are not for girls... What, I asked Wei Nai, she obviously doesn't know how to wear them either!"

"By the way, where's Wei Nai?" Raphael blinked, "Why didn't you see Wei Nai?"

Hua Ye coughed lightly: "I don't know."


The black-bellied girl puffed up her pink cheeks, feeling unhappy, she turned her head and said to Satania: "Suddenly I remembered a joke, tell it to Satania."

"What joke?" Satania said vigilantly, "I always feel that you have malicious intentions."

"No." The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger and said with a smile, "It's actually very simple... It is said that one day when His Royal Highness Satania was crossing the bridge, she accidentally dropped a pineapple bag into the river. Then classmate Hua Ye appeared from the water, holding a normal pineapple bag in his left hand and a limited edition rainbow pineapple bag in his right hand, and asked: Which bag of pineapple bag did you drop?"

"Huh?" Satania replied decisively, "I dropped a rainbow pineapple bun!"

Raphael glanced at Hua Ye, and continued:

"Student Hua Ye was very disappointed because Satania told a lie, so she pointed behind her and said, "The pineapple bag is behind you." Satania was overjoyed, turned around and bent down, and then Hua Ye took the opportunity to take off his pants..."

Hua Ye: "..."

Take off your sister's pants, don't drive suddenly for me!If you want to fuck a silly meow, you don't need to go to such trouble, okay? Just promise her to give her two rainbow pineapple buns every day, and I guess all poses will be unlocked!

"Okay, I'm done." Rafael put his hands behind his back, and turned his head to look at Hua Ye with a smile.

"What, this joke is not funny at all." Satania puffed up her cheeks and asked before she could figure out the meaning of the joke, "And why did the attendant take off his pants?"

"I don't know." Rafael looked up at the sky, "Probably because classmate Hua Ye is becoming more and more obscene?"

Hua Ye couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a dark face: "Who is obscene?"

The black-bellied girl closed one eye and said with an innocent face, "I've told you all, so you don't know."

Talking all the way, I walked to the school without knowing it.

Rafael and Satania walked ahead and entered the campus, but Hua Ye paused and turned to look across the road.

Under the shade of a tree, a girl with a bob head, Haruka Kitano, stood there like a silly quail. In front of her was a bad girl with dyed yellow hair, earrings, and chewing bubble gum. Not very old, and still wearing the junior high school uniform of the school next door, he is stretching out his right hand, asking for something impatiently.

"Hey, give me the money on your body, I have a treat for lunch!"


Without resisting, or daring not to resist, Haruka Kitano silently took out her wallet and whispered, "I only have two thousand yen on me..."

"What? That little money is not even enough to eat ramen!" The bad girl was quite upset, she reached out and grabbed the wallet, and turned it over, "How embarrassing do you make me be in front of my friends?"

"It's very face-saving to blackmail others?"

A calm voice rang in the ears of the two.

The junior high school delinquent turned his head impatiently when he heard the words, and originally wanted to say a few words, but after meeting Hua Ye's eyes, his face turned pale immediately, his feet went limp, and he almost fell to his knees, stammering his defense Said: "I, I asked my cousin for money... how can it be considered extortion?"

Chapter 748 Girlfriend Candidates

"Student Huaye," Kitano Haruka helped the bad girl, and begged pitifully, "This is my cousin Tian Wennan, you, don't bully her..."

It turned out that Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, would one be willing to fight the other?

But being blackmailed by a junior high school cousin, you are enough!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and was about to leave.

If it's another girl who eats melons and is being bullied by bad guys, that's fine. Hua Ye won't bother with her at all, but it's not easy to turn a blind eye to letting this bob-haired girl help with the love letter yesterday.

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