"Wait, wait a minute!" the unscrupulous girl gasped, and asked with sparkling eyes, "Are you my cousin's friend?"

Hua Ye calmly corrected: "Classmate."

Kitano Haruka bit her lower lip, lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Fumino, Hua Ye and I are just classmates..."

The bad girl obviously didn't listen, and said expectantly: "Then do you have a girlfriend now?"

Hua Ye felt something was wrong, "What do you want to say?"

"Hey, how about I being your girlfriend?" The bad girl patted her chest, but it was a pity, "Your eyes were so scary just now, you must have a lot of face when you go out to play."


Since when are scary eyes something worth showing off?Your three views are very problematic!

"You can go." Hua Ye said calmly.

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet..."

The bad girl still wanted to talk, but after being glanced at by Hua Ye, her legs trembled again, and she muttered, "Let's just go, why are you so fierce..."

When the bad girl ran away, Hua Ye glanced at Haruka Kitano, and said casually, "Pick up the wallet."

"Ah... oh."

Kitano Haruka picked up the wallet that fell on the ground, followed Hua Ye in small steps, and then explained in a low voice: "Wen Nai is my uncle's daughter. She was very obedient when she was a child. I don't know why after entering junior high school, she became the girl she is now. Look, uncle told her several times, but she didn't listen..."

Maybe it's time for rebellion.

Basically everyone has had secondary illness and rebellious period, feel that they are born special, maybe one day they will be able to awaken the memory of the previous life, and then point to the sky with one hand, point to the ground with the other, I am the only one, but it will cause trouble for others It must be corrected.

"Lightning Dharma King, please understand." Hua Ye complained.

"No, no." Haruka Kitano hurriedly shook his head, "There is no scientific basis for electrotherapy...and uncle is reluctant."

Hey, you stayed too far, don't take the complaint seriously!

Hua Ye said calmly: "When you should refuse, you should refuse."

The bob-haired girl is pitiful: "I, I won't..."

Hua Ye thought she was going to say no, but she didn't expect to say no, so he said, "Really?"


"Stand up!"

Kitano Haruka hurriedly stood upright.

Hua Ye stretched out a finger and ordered, "Hold on."

"Hey?!" The bob-haired girl opened her eyes wide and asked nervously, "Hua Ye, why do you want me to do such a thing?"

"Because you are easy to bully." Hua Ye's voice was cold and heartless.


Kitano Haruka's eyes soon became foggy. She slowly opened her mouth, closed her eyes and held Hua Ye's fingers. However, after entering the mouth, she heard a cracking sound of "click" and the sweetness of cream and cocoa. The taste blooms in the mouth.


Kitano Haruka hurriedly opened his eyes, and saw that what he was holding was actually a piece of Dove chocolate.

"Student Hua Ye?" Kitano Haruka hurriedly pulled out the chocolate, which was already stained with saliva, and asked softly with a blushing face, "Why feed me, feed me chocolate?"

"Because there happened to be a piece of chocolate in my pocket, it would soften if I didn't eat it." Hua Ye replied.

Identification is completed.

This dazed bob-haired girl is indeed a jittery M.

Knowing that he was intentionally bullying her, he didn't dare to resist, and would just accept it. He always felt that even if she was asked to swallow other bad things, she would silently do so with tears in her eyes!

When Hua Ye walked into the classroom, most of the melon-eating girls in the class had already arrived. Last evening, the tables and chairs had been restored to their original state, and the classroom had been cleaned.

There are always endless topics to talk about among the girls. The period before class was quite lively, but as Hua Ye and Kitano Haruka walked into the classroom one after the other, the class was suddenly quiet for a moment, one after another was subtle. looked over.

Hua Ye glanced over, and these melon-eating girls quickly looked away again, but the chattering voice was obviously much quieter.

"I didn't believe it at first, because I can't believe whatever you say...but now I believe it a little bit."

"Student Hua Ye is pursuing Kitano-student, I always find it unbelievable."

"But yesterday someone saw classmate Hua Ye handing over a love letter."


Hua Ye finally understood why the eyes of these melon-eating girls were so weird... Did he think he was chasing that bob-haired girl?

Stop kidding!

She doesn't need to pursue at all, she only needs an order, and she can do whatever she wants!

However, it is natural for girls to gossip. Studies have shown that nine out of ten girls gossip, and the remaining one is a gossip maker. It is impossible to cover their mouths, and brainwashing is too troublesome. At this time, there are usually three choices.

The first is to leave it alone.Today is the era of the information explosion, and we are bombarded with all kinds of true or false information every day. Similar rumors will naturally be forgotten in a short time.

The second is to create new gossip and use new hot spots to attract other people's attention. For example, Jing Keai suddenly married herself... Well, you can't talk nonsense about this, otherwise you will definitely be beaten to death.

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