Gabriel clenched her pink fist tightly, her silver teeth clenching loudly: "You pig..."

As a result, at this moment, the classroom suddenly fell silent.

Everyone will experience the same "event" when they are in school, that is, the originally noisy class suddenly fell into a strange silence at a certain moment.

Of course, this is not a supernatural event. In fact, it is the result of thousands of years of evolution in nature.

People are receiving information around them all the time. Although hearing does not account for as much as vision, it also receives nearly [-]% of the amount of information.

The noise of the companions around her indicates the safety of the environment. When the speed of the noise disappearing reaches a certain critical point, everyone becomes alert and shuts up. This is the early warning mechanism from ancient times. The prominent ones in the group attract the attention of natural enemies.

For the same reason, there are insects and birds.In fact, whether it is birds chirping or frog chirping, it is not an entertainment activity to do nothing when you are full. On the contrary, it is a dangerous behavior performed under unavoidable circumstances for courtship.Because making a sound will inevitably reveal its position, making it easier to be hunted by natural enemies.

In survival in the wild, people often judge the degree of danger nearby based on the sound of birds. If a certain area is so quiet that there are no birds and insects, even a nervous person will instinctively feel uneasy and close the door. mouth.

The same silence happened in the classroom just now. Gabriel, the useless angel, didn't attend the class, and was so angry that he wanted to hit someone just now, so he became the only source of sound in the class.

Dozens of eyes looked at him in unison.

There was a strange silence for a few seconds, and then there was a burst of laughter.

Jing Keai hugged her chest with one hand, lightly tapped the blackboard with the chalk in her hand, and slightly raised the corners of her thin lips: "Student Jia Baili is very energetic today, so let's get up and read a text."


The useless angel blushed slightly, and stood up slowly.

Hua Ye didn't speak, but took a pen to draw a horizontal line on the place to be read as a reminder, and then Gabriel began to read aloud.

"Okay, sit down." After Gabriel finished reading two paragraphs, Jing Keai waved her hand, "Next time, don't curse, girls should pay attention to their image."

"I, I didn't scold him..." Gabriel blushed, and hurriedly defended, "Because, because he has a tattoo of Peppa Pig, that's why I said pig!"


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines.

Who would tattoo a piggy Peppa on his body, that pig never showed his face from the beginning to the end!When it appears on TV, it is either the left face or the right face. If you take a frontal photo of it, you will find that it is a 'scary' pig with four eyes!There is a subtle overlap with the image of a foreign god!

Jing Keai raised her eyebrows, with a playful smile on her face: "I didn't expect Hua Ye to have such a special interest."

There was joyful laughter again in the class, and some girls who were eating melons even lost their breath from laughing, covering their stomachs with one hand, and tears came out.

"I didn't..." Hua Ye had black lines on his face, ready to wash away his grievances.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was poked by the useless angel behind him, "Don't talk, I'll treat you to a cold drink after class!"

When get out of class was about to end, Gabriel poked Hua Ye again, and handed over a small note.

"Don't ask Wei Nai strange questions... Anyway, it's not the first time you've been gossiped by others, as long as you keep your face paralyzed, no one will talk about you after two days."

Chapter 750 The Problem With Shoelaces

"Servant, servant!"

After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the silly meow and Liuhua who were sitting in front ran over with a "deng, deng, deng" and looked to the left with curious faces, "Where is Peppa Pig?"

Hua Ye said with a dark face:


"Liar, Gabriel said you have it." Silly Meow puffed up her cheeks, "I didn't bring the tattoo with me... Ah, I see, when you took off your pants behind my back in the morning, it was just to let me Shall I watch Peppa Pig?"

Look at your sister!That is simply a cold joke made by Lafite who evaded taxes, do you still take it seriously!

Taking off your pants just to show you Peppa Pig on your ass while you're bending over to pick up a pineapple bun?

Don't be kidding, no matter what, you have to write a few 'positive' characters on your legs!

Liuhua put her hands behind her back, leaned forward slightly, and the hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side: "Is the brave man going to summon Peppa Pig?"

Summoning Zhu Bajie is fine, at least it can resist primary damage, so what's the use of summoning Peppa Pig?

Could it be made into a roast suckling pig to distract the enemy!

Wei Nai also sat in the last row, but there was a person separated from Gabriel, so she naturally didn't believe what Peppa Pig said, and asked curiously at this moment: "Why is Xiao Jia so excited in class?"

Gabriel looked away with some guilt, "I'm really talking about Peppa Pig..."

"Eh?" Wei Nai tilted her head, expressing her confusion, "Is Peppa Pig cute? Why is it so popular recently?"

"It's not a question of being cute or not." Gabriel shook her finger, "It's the idol of countless people!"

This useless angel plausibly said:

"Little Pig Peppa lives in the top mansion in the UK. The whole room is filled with toys and games, and he can eat whatever he wants. What he has to do every day is to open his eyes and play, and then close his eyes to sleep... I really want this kind of life!"


Wei Nai squinted her eyes: "I remember you didn't want to become a koala?"

"Ever since I knew the true face of the koala, I couldn't be cute about it anymore." Gabriel snorted weakly.

"Hey, the real face of the koala?" Liuhua blinked his eyes curiously, "Could it be like the brave man, absorbing the moonlight and turning into a gorilla?"

You are talking about Saiyans, right? Moonlight is just the refraction of sunlight, so it doesn’t have any special abilities!

Gabriel Salted Fish Party: "Koala's true don't want to know."

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