
The fourth class is physical education class. As the time enters the autumn, the swimming class has been stopped, and the class is held on the playground instead.

As the bell rang for the end of the third get out of class, Hua Ye got up silently and walked outside the classroom, waiting for the melon-eating girls in the class to change into their sportswear.

White shirts, red sports shorts, and black or white stockings on the legs, the layering is bright and distinct, which can especially highlight the youth and vitality of high school girls.

After the melon-eating girl in the class finished changing, Hua Ye went into the classroom to change, but when he opened the door and came out, he saw Machiko waiting outside the door.

"Student Hua Ye..." Machiko tied up her hair with a red ribbon. After all, she will be warming up for a run later, so it would be inconvenient if her hair wasn't tied up. "Can you go to the sports warehouse with me to get a volleyball?" ?”


Although Machiko is the class monitor, it's a pity that Machiko has a quiet temperament and also has a personality that doesn't cause trouble to others. Many times, he will silently do the dirty work on himself... For example, Hua Ye often sees Machiko going to the toilet alone with tools Clean and hygienic.

The clear sky is as blue as a wash, only a few cotton candy-like white clouds dotted leisurely.

The bright sunlight passes through the branches and leaves, and sprinkles the mottled autumn shadows on the ground.

Few people go to the direction of the sports warehouse. Hua Ye and Machiko walked on the tree-lined road, only hearing insects and birds, as if there were only two people left in the whole world.

Hua Ye didn't feel anything, but Machiko's face slowly blushed, she gently pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers, and said in a low voice: "This school festival is thanks to classmate Hua Ye. Although the last scene was a bit abrupt, the audience's evaluation is very good." High, and finally won a second prize in the class..."

"Well, is student Hua Ye free tonight?" Machiko looked up, with a look of hope in his eyes, "Mom went to visit grandma yesterday, and grandma sent a lot of fruits and vegetables. Dad hasn't come back yet, so those fruits and vegetables are eaten again. No more, mom asked me to invite you to dinner..."

Hua Ye shook his head: "I'm not free, I'm going to buy games tonight."


Machiko responded somewhat disappointed.

"But I'm free tomorrow night."

The eyes of the girl with long black and straight eyes lit up again: "Then Hua Ye will be our guest tomorrow night? In fact, my mother is also very good at cooking."



Walking to the sports warehouse, signed the registration form of the warehouse keeper, and was about to pick up the volleyball when Machiko tripped and almost fell.

Fortunately, Hua Ye grabbed her hand and pulled Machiko back.

"Huh, I was scared to death~~" Machiko patted his chest, looked down, and found that the shoelace on his right foot had loosened at some point, "So I stepped on the shoelace..."

Machiko blushed slightly: "Shall I tie my shoelaces first?"

"En." Hua Ye responded and let go of his hand.

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, and squatted down on the ground to tie the loose shoelaces.

The squad leader is also a person with a big heart, but it is not obvious at ordinary times, but at this moment, as she squats down to tie her shoelaces, her chest and butt will naturally come into contact with her knees, so she directly squeezes into a The shape is full of temptation, as if it will overflow in the next moment.

The sports shirt is not a V-neck, but Machiko lowers her head to tie her shoelaces at the moment, and it is inevitable that she is still happy. From Hua Ye's perspective, she can clearly see the pale pink girlish bra inside.

Sensing Hua Ye's gaze, Machiko's face flushed slightly, and she was embarrassed to ask Hua Ye to turn her head away, so she could only speed up the speed of tying her shoelaces.

It's a pity that the more anxious and the more chaotic, the result was a mistake in the rush, and accidentally tied the shoelace into a tight knot. Machiko hurried to untie it, but it was a pity that he couldn't untie it for a while.

(bad, bad!)

(If you can't even tie your shoelaces well, you will definitely be regarded as an idiot by Hua Ye, right?)

(Untie it quickly, untie it quickly, untie it quickly...can't untie it...)

(So ​​embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing...)

Seeing that Machiko's face was getting redder and redder, and there was steam coming out of her head, as if she was about to cry in the next moment, Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of her mouth, and couldn't help but said, "Let me do it."

Tying a shoelace almost made me cry, I guess it's just you!I always feel that if you don't help, you will faint!

"Eh?" Machiko raised her face, "What are students Hua and Hua Ye going to do?"

"You stand up first."


Machiko stood up without knowing why, and then saw Hua Ye squatting down, reaching out to help her tie up her shoelaces, an indescribable feeling suddenly surged in her heart, as if something was about to overflow in the next moment.

Before it was fastened, a figure suddenly pushed the door open and walked over.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" The person who spoke was the natural dumb senior in the second grade. After seeing Hua Ye and Machiko clearly, the senior immediately opened her eyes wide, "Okay, that maid lady traveled thousands of miles for you." You have come all the way here, and you actually want to let him down!"

Hua Ye's face darkened, "I failed your sister!"

"Senior misunderstood." Machiko quickly shook her head and explained, "Student Hua Ye is just helping me tie my shoelaces..."

The senior sister folded her chest with one hand, rested her chin with the other hand, snapped her fingers suddenly, and deduced: "You two have adultery!"

"Eh eh?"

The senior sister was triumphant: "If you were an ordinary friend of the opposite sex, you wouldn't tie your shoelaces at all, would you? Don't think that senior sister is easy to fool, I actually know a lot of things."

You know so many things, do you know that there is a saying called 'the villain dies because of talking too much'!

"All right."

Hua Ye finally tied his shoelaces and stood up with a dark face.

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