The senior was stared at by Hua Ye, but before she could react, she puffed up her cheeks and asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

Seeing steam coming out of Machiko's head, the senior sister realized that she had said something wrong, so she stuck out her tongue at Hua Ye, took the basketball, and quickly turned around and slipped away.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze and looked at Machiko.

The eyes of the girl with long black and straight seemed to lose focus, and she muttered to herself in an inaudible voice: "That, that kind of thing... I haven't confirmed my relationship with Wei Nai, I obviously still have a chance... and the emotional How can things be considered rape and love?"

Chapter 751

school playground.

The physical education teacher is a tall, thin man in his fifties, with a dark complexion, and he often wears a white baseball cap to hide the fact that he is bald...

For some reason, middle-aged men are always plagued by hair loss crises.

"You take everyone for a run to warm up first."

After the roll call, the physical education teacher waved to Huaye.

Hua Ye didn't speak, but turned and took the lead in running.

Running to warm up seems to be a common opening part of physical education classes. Usually, the boys take the lead in running, and the others follow behind. However, in class A of the first grade, there are too many girls and too few boys. It looks like Hua Ye is being chased by a group of girls. , it is inevitable that there is some joy.

"Aide, run faster." The second person following Hua Ye is Satania. Although this idiot's grades in the cultural class are low, his motor nerves are exceptionally developed, as if he regarded the warm-up run as a In the official competition, he shouted energetically, "Let's compete on who will reach the finish line first? The loser should treat the other party to a pineapple bun."

Before Hua Ye could speak, several girls who were following Hua Ye had already chattered.

"This speed is fine, don't listen to Satania."

"It's not a race, what are you doing running so fast?"

"That's right, student Hua Ye, don't be too fast, I won't be able to stand it."


After a brief silence.

The joyful laughter of the melon-eating girls resounded loudly, and for a while, Yingyingyanyan could not stop hearing it.


After the warm-up run, the physical education teacher asked two teams to practice volleyball paddling. Wei Nai and Gabriel were in a group, and Silly Meow and Liuhua were in a group. Girls with bobbed hair are often lonely at this time because of their bad popularity. Fortunately, there is Machiko, the squad leader, who will always lend a helping hand in time.

As for Hua Ye, he naturally teamed up with Wuhe, another boy in his class.

However, Shiori's expression was obviously a little embarrassed.

Since he finished the drama of "Dragon Quest" that day, he was often teased to be "together". Fortunately, the teacher turned a blind eye and closed his eyes, and did not have too strict requirements. The two played for a while They dispersed silently.

Although kicking the ball is a very basic movement, if you have bad motor nerves, you will not be able to play it well.

For example, Liuhua's motor nerves are very poor, and he refused to take off the blindfold on his face. After a while, he was hit on the head by a volleyball, and then turned into the tearful squatting mode with his head in his arms.

When these melon-eating girls play volleyball, apart from the volleyball flying in the air, there are obviously other balls bouncing up and down.

This situation suddenly reminded Hua Ye of "Beach Volleyball", one of Thor's top ten must-play games for gentlemen.

Although Hua Ye has never played beach volleyball, he has seen game videos on the Internet... I always feel that gentlemen and serious gamers are not playing the same ball at all!


Time passed quietly, and it was time to leave school in the afternoon.

"Poke poke-"

Gabriel threw a note over: "Get ready, go buy a game."


After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Gabriel, who was usually lazy and sluggish, rarely pulled herself together and left the classroom in a hurry.

The two walked to the tram station. Although it was not the rush hour for commuting, there was a lot of traffic nearby, so they couldn't find a seat, so they stood next to the handrail near the door.

"Speaking of which, God of War has a great sense of attack. After I go back, I want to play all night!"

"Do you still remember the 'Wild Whore' you bought last time?" Hua Ye said blankly, "How long have you been playing now?"

"That's different... If you do too many side quests, you'll get tired of it, right?" The useless angel was a little guilty. The last time I bought the big whore in the wilderness with Hua Ye, although I was looking forward to it before buying it, it's a pity that after I got it, I didn't like it. On the contrary, it is much less, and now it is less than half of the game, "God of War doesn't have so many side missions, so I will definitely play through this time!"

"But that's what you told me last time."

"Hundan!" Gabriel clenched her fists tightly, "You're just trying to argue with me, aren't you?"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand and grasped the useless angel's fist: "Hands are so cold."

"Don't take me."

"Just to help you warm your hands."

Gabriel snorted, and returned Hua Ye's words: "You told me the same thing last time...but you wanted to do disgusting things to my feet, hentai!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "I said it was a mobile phone! If you don't believe me, go back and try again at night, it will feel obviously different, okay?"

"go away!"


When someone chats, the long journey will be much shorter.

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