After arriving at the station, Hua Ye led the useless angel out of the tram and came to the entrance of a large peripheral store.

It was already afternoon, but it was obvious that there was a long queue.

"It's so troublesome, why are there so many people..." Gabriel complained, and then pushed Hua Ye's waist to start queuing up, "You stand in front, you are so tall, just help me block the sun."

It's not about being tall, but about being short!

There is no doubt that queuing is a very boring thing. The team's progress is not fast. The useless angel soon became impatient, so he put his head on Hua Ye's back, and held Hua Ye's clothes with the other hand , to create a shadow to play with the phone, although it is not intended to be cute, but at first glance it does look a little cute like a baby.

Not far away, young people who were obviously a pair of good gay friends began to discuss in a low voice.

"I also want a sister who is so clingy."

"You already have so many wives, what more sister do you need?"

"No matter how many wives you have, they are not as important as your sister... Would you like to introduce your sister to me? Sister Ru, I will take care of her."

"How dare you miss my sister, go to hell!"


Gabriel obviously heard the two people's discussion, and turned her head to look lazily. The 'sinister' eyes that belonged to bad girls immediately made the two of them shut their mouths.

Then the useless angel pushed its head against Hua Ye's back.

"what happened?"

Gabriel pouted and said, "Why are you so tall? If you were shorter, no one would misunderstand you, right?"

Hey, you're going too far. Just now you said that being tall can cover you from the sun, but now you're saying it's better to be shorter. You're going to be slapped.

Hua Ye turned around and said solemnly, "Let me kiss you, and I promise no one will misunderstand."

"go away."

It was almost evening when Hua Ye and Gabriel finally lined up to buy the collector's edition of "God of War 4".

"I'm going to stay up all night tonight!" the crippled angel clenched his fists and shouted.

At this time, there happened to be a gust of evening wind blowing, which messed up the hair of the crippled angel.

"Hair is messed up." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to smooth Gabriel's hair.

"It's annoying, don't touch my head."

Although he said no, at a certain moment, the face of this useless angel clearly showed the comfort of a cat being stroked.

Ding: Touch head proficiency +1.

After Hua Ye smoothed his hair, his movements suddenly stopped, he turned his head to look across the street, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why are there feathers?"

Gabriel didn't realize what was going on for a while looking at the spiritualized white feathers falling down in mid-air. It wasn't until she followed Hua Ye's gaze to look across the road that her eyes widened: "Hey, sister, why are you here?!"

Chapter 752 Holy Angel Gabriel

As the sun sets, the tired birds return to their nests.

Looking at the extremely familiar face across the road, Gabriel felt her heart suddenly stop beating, and even her thoughts almost froze.

"……elder sister?!"

This is a girl who is [-]% similar to Gabriel in appearance, wearing a white bathrobe, and also has a head of soft golden hair, but she is much taller than Gabriel, and her chest is also bigger ...It can be roughly regarded as an adult version of Gabriel.

However, the other party did not have Gabriel's laziness and laziness at all. The slightly pursed corners of his lips seemed to be ready to eradicate the injustice in the world at any time, and the sharp eyes mixed with calmness also revealed a seriousness and earnestness, which made people admire subconsciously, but Don't dare to get too close.

"Is it really... my sister?"

Gabriel rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

The sister across the road is clear and has not disappeared.

Gabriel didn't believe it, and rubbed her eyes again.

Instead of disappearing, my sister became clearer, and even looked at herself calmly.

A terrible thought suddenly popped into my mind.

"Yaoshou! My sister ran down without saying hello!"

The crippled angel trembled, and the War God he just bought was scared off.

"What?" Hua Ye casually caught the dropped game.

"It's, it's over..." Gabriel murmured to herself with a pale face.

There is no doubt that the very familiar figure on the other side of the road is his sister, innocent Jiaalu White, and it is absolutely impossible to admit this.

In Gabriel's impression, her elder sister, Gail, is a serious, serious and rigid person. If she knew that after she came to the world, she was addicted to games and didn't want to make progress, and she had completely degenerated into a useless angel, she would be super angry , and then severely punish myself...

and many more!

Another more serious problem made Gabriel tremble uncontrollably.

When did my sister come?

How long has she been standing across the road?

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