"Look." The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger, "Xiaojia first asked one person to bring the pot, then another person to bring the seasoning, and then let others bring the ingredients... In the end, Xiaojia didn't have to do anything, You can have hot pot."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Wei Nai's head: "Although I feel a little inappropriate, I can't refute it at all."

Rafael circled around Hua Ye: "Hey, classmate Hua Ye was seriously injured, so he deliberately refrained from talking so as not to worry us?"

"Hey, what do you say?"

"I think Sister Jiaailu is actually a sister-in-law." The black-bellied girl blinked at Hua Ye, "If classmate Hua Ye is caught doing bad things, maybe he will be beaten by Sister Jiaailu Broken leg."

Wei Nai was a little nervous: "No way?"

Satania put her arms around her chest and nodded seriously: "Maybe the third leg was broken."

Shut up!If you drive without knowing what the third leg is, be careful of overturning!

Only Liuhua firmly stood on Hua Ye's side, "The brave will not lose, as long as the seal on the right hand is released, the evil king Yan will be invincible when he kills Hei Longbo..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Hua Ye gave him a slap on his face expressionlessly.

"Pain, pain, pain..." Liuhua put her head in her hands, tears streaming down her face, "The brave bully people!"

"Huh~~ I'm really looking forward to Xiaojia and Sister Jiaailu coming back soon!" The black-bellied girl clasped her hands together and smiled happily.

Wei Nai squinted her eyes: "At a time like this, I think Xiaojia will complain, 'We have a traitor among us'..."

"No more." The dark-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger, her eyes sparkling, "Don't you think it's super interesting for Xiao Jia to give up her dignity and bottom line, sell her body and soul, and serve others with a forced face and a smile? ?”


It's obviously just my sister's home visit, but after hearing you say that, it turned into a bad situation in an instant!

Wei Nai's pretty face was slightly red, and she was no match for Raphael when it came to driving, so she could only change the subject, looked at Hua Ye and asked, "The garbage has been sorted and packed... shall we put it in your room first?"

Disposing of garbage in Japan is a very troublesome thing. It is necessary to throw the specified garbage in the specified place at the specified time... In short, it depends on the almanac when throwing garbage.Unlike many places in Tianchao, although recyclable garbage and non-recyclable garbage are marked on the trash cans, in fact, the garbage is never sorted, because... when the garbage truck comes to collect the garbage, it is all the same. The car is ready to go.

So although the trash in Gabriel's room had already been packed, there was no time to throw it away.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Hua Ye walked to the door, and the door quickly opened with a 'click'.

"Master, you are back."

Illya, who was dressed in a black and white maid outfit, bowed to salute.

"Illya, good afternoon." Wei Nai greeted politely.

Illya looked at Wei Nai and saluted again: "Hello, Mistress."

"Eh eh?"

Wei Nai was taken aback for a moment, then her pretty face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she hurriedly said: "You, what are you talking about! Mistress or something...how is it possible..."

Ilya replied calmly: "I asked the master if you are the mistress, and the master did not deny it."


Wei Nai bit her lower lip, turned her head and gave Hua Ye a shy and angry look, "How could you teach Ilya to say such things?"

She is not a three-year-old child, so she doesn't need me to teach her what to say!

Wei Nai blushed, and whispered: "From now on, just call me Wei Nai, don't, don't call me other names..."

"Yes, mistress."


"Wait a minute, what about me?" Satania hurried out when she heard the conversation outside the door, pointed at herself, and then raised her chin triumphantly, "If Wei Nai is the mistress, then what am I?" ? Definitely a lot stronger, right?"

Yi Liya looked at Hua Ye, "Master, what should I call her?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "She's an idiot."

"What!" Satania immediately puffed up her cheeks, feeling unhappy, "Lafite said that I am wise and stupid, so I am not a fool!"

Chapter 756


The extremely aggrieved eyes that seemed to be robbed of the last piece of dried fish fell on Hua Ye's face.

After Wei Nai brought the packed garbage, she went back to Gabriel's room to sort out the comic books and game discs. At this moment, there were only Hua Ye and Rafael in the room.

"Student Hua Ye is going too far!"

Rafael was lying on the sofa, her pink cheeks were swollen high, like a squirrel with several chestnuts in its mouth.

Hua Ye was unmoved, and even took a sip of the barley tea served by Illya before asking, "What's wrong with me?"

Raphael is pitiful.

"Obviously I did such and such excessive things to me, why am I not the mistress?"

"Sure enough, boys are like this, right?"

"Kick it away after eating it dry... No wonder people say 'Entertaining people with sex, the color fades and the grace is rejected'..."

Your sister, who ate it up and wiped it clean!And you, a sixteen-year-old girl, don't you think it's against harmony to say that you are fading and gracious!

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