Hua Ye said with a dark face:

"Yesterday I took Illya to school and asked Wei Nai to help teach her some social knowledge. As for the mistress, she asked herself."

"It turned out to be like this." The dark-bellied girl's complexion cleared up in an instant. Should it be said that angels are all actresses who change their faces in a second?

"Then I am also the mistress?"

"No." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"If you tell a lie, your nose will get bigger." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and the corners of her thin lips curled upwards, "You don't want to talk about your mouth, but you have an honest body."

Hua Ye's face darkened: "Who are you talking about?"

"Of course someone who's recently turned into a carnivore."

"You'll get slapped like this."

"If you don't believe me, Wei Nai is right next door... Woo meow!"



"Yes, is it alright?"

An aggrieved voice sounded.

"No, continue."

Hua Ye's voice was cold and heartless.

"But classmate Hua Ye is so tough here... His hands are already sore... shall we continue next time?"

"Don't give up halfway."

"Woo~~ Hua Ye knows how to bully me!"

"Hmph, isn't this what you volunteered to do?"

"But...but Wei Nai is next door, if Wei Nai finds out, it will be very bad, right?"

"It's just a pinch of the shoulder, what's so bad about it." Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "Don't make dirty jokes on purpose."

"No." La Feier stood behind Hua Ye, massaging Hua Ye's shoulders with a pair of slender hands, "The benevolent sees the benevolent, and the filthy sees the filthy, because Hua Ye's mind is full of dirty things, so he thinks about those things. Bar?"

Hua Ye put on a straight face: "Come here, stand up obediently."

"I was wrong!" The black-bellied girl begged decisively, "Student Hua Ye, please forgive me this time?"

A strand of silver hair flowed down from his shoulders and fell in front of Hua Ye, feeling a little itchy. The aroma of green apple shampoo rushed into his nose, and there was also an elegant and delicate fragrance like orchid and musk, which was very pleasant.

"Apologizing is useful, what else do you need the law for?" Hua Ye snorted, "And when you apologize, you show your chest and buttocks. This is the basic sincerity."


There was a blush on La Feier's pretty face, and he felt aggrieved: "Student Hua Ye has really become a big pervert, right?"

At this time, there were suddenly "dong dong dong" footsteps outside the door.

"Master Baiyu!" A girl with golden twintails appeared outside the door, probably running all the way up. Although her body stopped now, her ponytails were still swaying behind her back, shining a dazzling golden light in the setting sun, " I'm coming!"

Rafael nodded slightly, the grievance on his face disappeared: "Alice, good afternoon."

It wasn't the first time for this short Douding to come to Huaye's place as a guest. Although he was not as familiar with Gabriel, he didn't need to be deliberately entertained.

She changed a pair of slippers at the door, walked into the living room, fanned her face with her hand, and asked, "Where is Gabriel, what did she call me for?"

"Well, Xiaojia has encountered a big crisis..." Rafael briefly explained the matter, and then made a very vivid metaphor.

"In the current situation, Xiaojia is like a girl from the light camp who sneaked into the evil camp. If her identity is revealed, she will be caught by the evil orcs and suffer terrible tortures of one kind or another."

Although it seems correct to say so, it sounds super bad, and the crippled angel is from the evil camp, but her sister is from the light camp, right?

"Yu, so that's the case?" Alice thought of those orc abuse books sold at comic exhibitions, couldn't help but shuddered, crossed her arms and said, "In that case, I'll help as much as I can..."

"But why did Gabriel say that I am the protagonist today?"

"I don't know about this question either. You can ask classmate Hua Ye." Rafael stretched out a slender finger and pointed at Hua Ye.

This short bean in the group can rely on the large number of people to say that Hua Ye is "facially paralyzed", but now he asks very honestly: "That... what is the reason?"

"You wouldn't want to know."


Hua Ye glanced at the message on the phone: "She will be back soon, you can ask yourself."


During the period of cleaning the room, Gabriel sent back many messages intermittently.

"Sister is scary, super scary! You must take it seriously, and you must not take it lightly!"

"Treat her like the kind of final boss who will destroy the world if he is in a bad mood!"

"At that time, if my sister asks about my recent study and life, remember to help me smooth things over."

In addition, there is also a private message to Hua Ye.

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