"My sister once even slaughtered a dragon. If you don't want to die, you must not do anything too extreme, otherwise we will both die!"


"Bang bang bang."

There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

"I'll go and open the door." Wei Nai walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Vina sauce, thank you for your hard work."

A warm and soft voice came to the ears, like the evening wind blowing gently, making people unconsciously intoxicated by it.

"Hey, who is this?" Alice asked curiously, looking at the girl who was exuding holy light outside the door, "Gabriel's sister?"

"No." Rafael propped his chin with one hand, his eyes sparkled, and he replied in a low voice, "Xiao Jia before she became obsessed with cultivating immortality, that's what she looked like."


Alice opened her eyes wide and almost spit out the black tea when she heard the words.

When she met Gabriel, the useless angel had completely degenerated into a player cultivating immortals, giving people the impression of a lazy, bad, and weak abandoned house.

is that a lie?

It must be a lie, right?

This gentle girl shining with holy light is really that Gabriel who is obsessed with cultivating immortals?

No, quickly drink a sip of black tea to suppress the shock.

Gabriel opened the door, with a warm smile, and shouted in a sweet voice: "Sister, you can come in."


A cold voice sounded.

Except for Huaye and Rafael, everyone else swallowed subconsciously. After all, Gabriel described Gail as a ruthless dictator in the chat group, which inevitably made people a little scared.

However, after seeing the other party clearly, Alice almost sprayed again.

Gabriel's elder sister, Gaairu, is not superhuman, nor is she a cruel devil, but tall and beautiful, she can be said to be an enlarged version of Gabriel.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, what is held in Gailu's arms

The last rays of afterglow from the sky slanted over and landed on the items in Jiaailu's arms, causing an indescribable sense of weirdness in everyone's hearts.

Even Hua Ye couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth.

The round cheeks, the slightly raised corners of the mouth, the bright colors of red and yellow, the eyes full of wisdom, and the raised brows full of amorous feelings... They look cute separately, but unfortunately when they are combined, they are completely beautiful. I can't get cute anymore.

Funny Mr.

To be precise, it is a funny pillow.

Gabriel, the final boss who can destroy the world, officially debuts.

However, Gael, who is holding the sleazy Joker-kun in her arms, is completely intimidating.

"This is my older sister, Gail." Shengguang Gabriel took out the slippers from the shoe cabinet and introduced to everyone, "Just now when my sister and I were buying ingredients in the supermarket, it happened to be in time for the lucky draw. , my sister was very lucky, and won the third prize, and it is this funny gentleman pillow."

Everyone: "..."

Chapter 757 Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke


Jiaailu walked in with Mr. Humorous in her arms, glanced across the room, and then nodded slightly.

"Yes, the first pass was successfully passed!"

Gabriel, who didn't know that she was often peeped by her sister, clenched her fist behind her back excitedly.

According to this rhythm, there is every chance to deceive my sister into the palm of my hand.

At this moment, the room has been cleaned so clean that it can be seen from others, even if a patient with severe cleanliness comes, he can't pick out a single thorn.

"Vina, you did a good job."

The useless angel blinked at Wei Nai, and then said softly: "Sister, they are all friends I made when I came here to study, and we agreed to come to tutoring together today, so I won't cause trouble for my sister." Bar?"

"No." Jiaailu shook her head, and introduced herself generously, "My name is Jiaailu, and Gabriel has troubled you."

"No trouble, no trouble." Wei Nai hurriedly shook her head, "We are good friends with Xiao Jia."

Rafael smiled brightly: "I'm so happy to see Sister Jialujialu again."

Others also introduced themselves.

"You are Gabriel's older sister?" Satania asked curiously with one hand on her face, "It doesn't look so scary."

"Huh?" Jiaailu tilted her head slightly, "Why do you think I'm scary?"


Before Sata Meow finished speaking, Vinai covered her mouth.

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