People without thought, he must worry about.

In order to divert her sister's attention, Gabriel forcibly erected an 'foreign enemy', that is, the 'brother and sister' pair of Alice and Hua Ye.

Although I don't want to be a younger sister, but now I'm on the thief ship, and I can only cooperate with the acting with grievances.

Gabriel put her legs together and sat next to Gaair in a very ladylike posture.

"I'm gonna start now!"

After a simple declaration before meals, the dinner officially began.

"Sister, try this boiled fish fillet, it's delicious..." Gabriel said in the strategy.


Jiaairu nodded slightly, glanced at Illya, then picked up the bowl and chopsticks, lightly took a bite of the fish fillet, her eyes couldn't help but light up.

The fish fillets are extremely smooth and tender, and the delicious soup instantly occupies every taste bud. This is a fresh fragrance without any impurities, no fishy smell, and no beany smell. It is almost as if the teeth touch it lightly, and the fish will slip into the throat.

"Sister, how are you?" Gabriel looked expectantly.

"It's delicious." Jiaailu closed her eyes, as if recalling it, and then commented, "It's delicious."

Obviously, Jia Ailu is not a professional foodie, so she can't describe exactly where the food is delicious, but two consecutive affirmations are enough to prove her agreement in her heart.

"As long as my sister likes it. (*^▽^*)"

(Heh heh, my sister's strategy battle was successful! Sure enough, even my sister has a hidden foodie attribute. I caught your stomach today, and tomorrow I can catch your heart!)

Gaair turned to look at Gabriel and asked:

"I remember that when you were at home, you could only cook rice balls, but now you can make such delicious dishes?"

"I said it was the result of my practice during this period." Gabriel changed the subject without any trace, "Sister, try this dish again, it tastes very good..."

"You don't want to eat it yourself?" Gail asked.

"Only love and delicious food can't be let down." This crippled angel clasped his hands together, his tone was extremely gentle, and his smile warmed people's hearts. "Seeing my sister's happy smile because of the delicious food, I am already full."

After hearing this, Hua Ye expressed that he couldn't help but want to hit someone.

Why are you full? The real reason is that you have eaten a lot in the name of trying dishes in the kitchen before!

Hearing this sweet and coquettish voice, except for La Fei who was evading taxes, everyone else shivered involuntarily.

"People are shameless, they really are invincible in the world."

"Society Gabriel."

"Can't be offended, can't be offended."

Chapter 760 German Orthopedics

Dinner continues.

With Gabriel who is determined to capture her sister's body and mind, Raphael who never forgets to evade taxes, and the wise and foolish idiot Meow, you will never be lonely at the dinner table.

"Hey, this rib is so big, you can eat it so much, let me eat it for you..."

Alice, a girl with two ponytails sitting next to Hua Ye, mumbled to herself as she put a piece of ribs into Hua Ye's bowl.

Although I don't want to be a little sister, but I will try my best to do what I promised.


Then he was kicked under the table.

Gabriel: "What about your expression?"

Hua Ye thought about it, and decided to reciprocate, so he picked up the chicken with his serving chopsticks and put it in the bowl of short beans.

"Eat meat and grow taller."


Soul pale!

Alice, who was a little happy at first, suddenly bulged her cheeks with anger.

What is long height?

Are you disliking me for being short?

If she took off her shoes and compared her height, she would be one centimeter taller than Gabriel!

The short bean glared at Hua Ye, and was about to speak, when the room suddenly vibrated, and the doors and windows rustled.

Alice shuddered and threw herself into Hua Ye's arms in fright.

"Earth, there's an earthquake! Everyone, find a bunker and hide!"


The entire land of Japan is located in the Pacific Ocean seismic belt, and the geological activity is intense. There are more than a thousand felt earthquakes every year. According to incomplete statistics, 10% of the world's earthquakes occur in Japan and its surrounding areas. It can be said that It is a veritable earthquake power.

Therefore, starting from elementary school, everyone has to receive self-rescue training when an earthquake occurs... In fact, it is nothing more than looking for a triangular structure and crouching with one's head in defense, and then resigning to fate.

Because of an earthquake experience in her childhood, Alice was more afraid of earthquakes than others. At this moment, after feeling the obvious vibration under her body, she subconsciously searched for a safe hiding place nearby...the result was that she threw herself into Hua Ye's arms.

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