A pleasant scent of shampoo hits the nostrils.

Hua Ye hesitated for a moment, but didn't reach out to support the short Douding's head.

On the one hand, it was because of the panic and panic in her eyes, on the other hand, if she supported her head, she always felt that this short bean would cry with anger.

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and she throws herself into her arms.

Although Alice and Gabriel both have a petite figure that is sure, and some people believe that they are elementary school students, but when they are held in their arms, they clearly have a softness that elementary school students cannot match.

This movement is a long story, but in fact it is just the blink of an eye.

From the beginning of the school to the present, everyone has experienced many earthquakes, but there has not been a devastating earthquake. Although this earthquake was more severe, it did not make people take it seriously. He didn't stop talking.

The vibration stopped.

Alice quietly opened her eyes, and seeing everyone looking at her strangely, her little face blushed, and she stammered and explained: "Earth, earthquake is very dangerous! The teacher said that when encountering an earthquake, you must first Hide well for a while, after all, you are not afraid of [-], just in case..."

While talking, the short Douding was about to get up from Hua Ye's arms, but another aftershock struck her, scaring her into Hua Ye's arms with a "meow" and trembling again. I thought Hua Ye was holding a big orange cat.


Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

Recalling that time when Raphael had to hide in the sports warehouse because of 'letting himself go', an earthquake just happened. She obviously only felt it slightly, but it took a long time for Alice to come back, and You still have a pale face... Are you really afraid of earthquakes?

I'm afraid that the whole person will turn on the vibration mode!

Shivering is not a problem.

The problem is that she happens to be sitting in Hua Ye's arms right now.

This time it is finally not a mobile phone, but a real flag!In front of a group of young girls, the shortest Douding who has the worst relationship has raised the flag!

The aftershocks ended quickly.

After all, Alice has been on the battlefield for a long time, and quickly recovered from the panic caused by the earthquake, and then realized another thing that made her even more frightened.

There is clearly something terrifying under the buttocks that is rapidly growing in size, giving people the feeling of a terrifying boa constrictor...

"Male, boy's boa constrictor?"

Alice's eyes widened suddenly, and her whole body petrified in place, but her little face flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The air was suddenly silent.

In Alice's big blue eyes, hazy mist has already surged, but unfortunately, she has been frightened and stimulated one after another, and now she doesn't even have the strength to stand up.

In the end, Rafael stepped forward, reached out and pulled Alice up from Hua Ye's arms, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, the earthquake has passed."

Alice didn't speak, her little head almost fell to her chest, her face was flushed with bright red, and even her neck turned pink.

Although she always said that she was sixteen years old, even if she got married and had children, she would have no problem, but just now was the first time she came into contact with a boy's boa constrictor, and she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat, and her whole body was not well.

"That's not right."

Jiaailu put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand, and suddenly spoke.

"Eh? Wh, what's wrong?" Alice was a little guilty, and murmured to herself, "Shouldn't you hide in the arms of boys? But when there is an earthquake, how can you have so many fantasies?"

In the end, this sentence was for Hua Ye.

Jia Ailu looked at Hua Ye with serious eyes and said, "No wonder you have a bad relationship with your sister...you will be sent to the German orthopedics department like this."


The girls at the dinner table almost squirted.

Only brothers and sisters will be sent to German orthopedics!

If Alice is overthrown, not only will she not be sent to the German orthopedic department, Alice's mother may be very happy to put the engagement on the agenda!

"That..." Wei Nai wiped her mouth and asked in a low voice, "Sister Jiaairu, do you know what 'German Orthopedics' means?"

Gail glanced at Gabriel, nodded and replied:

"I'm not a primitive person who doesn't listen to things outside the window, so I naturally know what it means... Those who behave like beasts to their sisters will all have their legs broken and sent to the German orthopedics department, right?"


After Jiaailu explained this, the atmosphere became even more awkward. Alice opened her mouth, but she really didn't have the courage to speak, so she could only cover her face with a bowl.

After all, amidst Gabriel's fooling around, Alice and Hua Ye are still "brother and sister" at the moment.

As a result, the bloody drama of brother and sister's disagreement unfolded to the rhythm of the evil "ghost brother" in an instant!

Hua Ye's face was dark, ready to prove his innocence: "We are not..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a low cry.

"Oops!" In order to change the subject, Gabriel 'accidentally' dropped a fried shrimp on the hem of her skirt, "I'm sorry sister, I'm going to wipe my clothes with a piece of paper... Hurry up and eat, what do you have to say? Let's chat after eating, it will taste bad if it gets cold."

Chapter 761 My Sister Is Impossible Lily

"Xiao Jia, let me help you."

Wei Nai got up and followed Gabriel, walking towards the bedroom.

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