Wei Nai was about to cry.

Why does this happen!

I obviously just came in to help wipe the sauce on the skirt, so why did I become a jerk!

Shy and anxious, Wei Nai moved her body again, but instead of being useless, it made Gabriel below her groan again.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have seen this kind of situation somewhere..." Satania crossed her chest with one hand and rested her chin with the other hand. After thinking for a moment, her eyes lit up and said, "Ah, I remembered, it was those... ..."

"you shut up!"

Vinay and Gabriel shouted together.

"What..." Satania puffed up her cheeks, and Rafael covered her mouth.

The black-bellied girl shook her finger, "Don't say anything at a time like this, or the consequences will be serious."

"Lafite, can you come and help me?" There was no other way, Wei Nai could only hold back her shame and ask for help.

"Let me do it."

Jiaailu walked into the bedroom, and said to the people standing by the door: "Go back and continue eating, just leave it to me."

"Understood, sister Gailu."

Rafael responded, and quietly tugged on La Huaye's sleeve, then turned and left.

After a while, the three girls came out of the bedroom.

Wei Nai's face was on fire, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip down.

Gabriel's face is also flushed... Well, it's probably a camouflage under the holy light mode, just like the skin color of a chameleon, which changes under the influence of the environment, otherwise, with her 999-point skin thickness, her complexion would definitely not be so red.

Jiaailu's eyes were calm and her expression was normal.

Dinner continues.

After going through twists and turns, this time I finally finished dinner without incident.

Gabriel was about to ask her sister when she would return to the heaven, but Gaairu got up and walked out, and said in a cold voice, "Gabriel, come out with me."

Chapter 762 The Exposed Gabriel

On the rooftop of the apartment.

The evening wind is cold.

A round of silver moon is bright and bright, and it sprinkles thousands of hectares of silver light.

The moonlight is like water, shining for thousands of miles.

"Sister, what's the matter with calling me out?" Gabriel continued to play the role of the perfect sister, "It's best to drink a cup of green tea after dinner. I also practice tea making."

The crippled angel thought that Jiaalu called him up to talk about 'Lily's coming out', but Jiaailu didn't speak, just stared at her quietly.

Whenever Jiaairu looked at people with this kind of eyes, Gabriel would feel that she had done something wrong, not to mention that she was deceiving her sister from the beginning to the end this time, and even planned to attack her body and mind.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" The useless angel blinked a little guilty, trying to pass the test, "Is there something on my face? Then please wipe it off for me."

"Don't lie to me." Gaairu said calmly.

"Eh?" Gabriel's acting skills exploded, her eyes were innocent and wronged, "What are you talking about, how could I lie to you?"

"I've already seen the fact that you have degenerated to the extreme in the world."



A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Gabriel was petrified in place.

My sister has always known?

Then what is the purpose of acting so hard for so long?

"Sister, you actually deceived my feelings!"

Gabriel's face flushed red.

"Well, I lied to you?" Jiaairu raised her eyebrows.

"That's right! If you had said it earlier, I would have obediently admitted it!" Gabriel pouted her mouth so that a soy sauce bottle could be hung on it, "Won't your conscience ache for cheating on such a cute little sister? .”

"Will the villain file a complaint first?"

Kael narrowed her eyes.

"I was wrong!" This crippled angel could speak so hard, but now that his sister showed signs of losing his temper, he immediately abandoned his morals and begged for mercy, "I will practice hard in the future and strive to be a good angel. My lord, please forgive me!" I will do it this time!"

Jiael was unmoved, and calmly said:

"I didn't feel the sincerity at all. You should go back and reflect on it. If you cook a few more satisfactory dishes, I can consider commuting your sentence."

Now this useless angel finally understands what it means to shoot himself in the foot, so he can only raise his face and say pitifully, "Actually... those dishes were made by others, and I was just responsible for bringing them to my sister..."


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