Jiaairu's pretty face turned frosty.

"So you've been lying to me from beginning to end!"

"I didn't say it before, just to give you a chance to reform. If you confess honestly and sincerely repent, that's all. In the end, you and your friends cheated on me..."

"Now, the crime is unforgivable!"

Gabriel took a step back and shouted, "Sister, don't be so angry, or you will grow old!"

The useless angel ran downstairs while disturbing the army's morale.

At this moment, Gabriel finally understood why Gaairu called her to speak on the rooftop.

Because in the room, there are Alice and Liuhua. My sister is a serious, rigid and serious angel, and she will never use her abilities in front of ordinary people. Now she calls herself to the rooftop, clearly intending to arrest her and return to the heaven to be punished.

(Damn it! I accidentally fell into my sister's trap!)

(But it’s still too late, as long as I go back to the room and hug Alice or Liuhua, my sister can’t take me away!)

It's a pity that the ideal is very full, but the reality is very backbone.

Just as Gabriel turned around and took two steps, she was grabbed by the shoulder: "Don't try to run away, obediently follow me back to the Heaven Realm to accept transformation."

"I like my elder sister the most!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Gabriel decisively used the coquettish tactic, her eyes misty, and pitifully begged: "The most gentle and kindest sister in the world, surely she won't cry when she sees her lovely sister?"

Jiaailu was unmoved, but instead looked disgusted: "At this point, do you think acting like a baby is still useful?"

"You will lose your lovely sister like this!"

"To shut up."

"If you don't go back, you won't go! Don't go back to the heaven no matter what... At least let me finish today's task first!"


A pair of silver wings suddenly opened.

Jiaailu stopped talking, and a magic circle appeared under her feet, ready to take Gabriel back to the heaven.

But the next moment.

Her breath is a pause.

A slender and beautiful right hand pressed her wrist, and the magic circle suddenly shattered.

"why you?!"

After Jiaailu was taken aback, her eyes suddenly became alert.

She had sensed the powerful aura from Illya before, so she took Gabriel away this time, so she didn't mean to protect her, but she never thought that it would be Hua Ye who stopped her.

Gabriel also opened her eyes wide, looking at Hua Ye in surprise.

In fact, she has always known that Hua Ye is not an ordinary person, but it seems that she has never said that she is an angel, and she has never asked Hua Ye's true identity... After all, the world is so big, who doesn't have a few secrets?

Looking at her sister, who had vigilant eyes and was facing a formidable enemy, Jia Baili suddenly realized that the paralyzed face that she poked and poked every day in front of her... seemed not as simple as imagined?

"She doesn't want to go, so don't take her away."

Hua Ye spoke calmly, his voice was not loud, but there was an undeniable taste in it.

Jiaairu didn't answer, just took a deep breath and clasped her hands together in front of her chest.

got windy.

Under the cold moonlight, a gust of evening wind blew by, flying into the distance with scattered feathers.

A pair of white wings spread out.

Jiael broke free from the gravity of the earth and floated into the midair. A golden holy sword appeared in her hand, which is the fighting form of an angel.

"This is the plane governed by heaven. You don't have any access records at all. Come back to heaven with me to be judged."

The voice is majestic, serious and earnest.

Well, this is just official talk.

Weak stowaways will be caught by the angels and imprisoned or directly purified, but for powerful beings like Thor, as long as they don't destroy everywhere like Godzilla, the angels will turn a blind eye.

"Illya." Hua Ye shouted.

Suddenly, faint ripples appeared in the air, and Ilya, who was wearing a maid outfit, appeared out of nowhere behind Hua Ye, knelt on one knee and said, "I will wait for the master's orders."

"You saw the situation, you go and deal with it." Hua Ye ordered.

"Yes, Master."

Illya raised her head, and a pair of gray wings grew silently from her back, flying into the air.

The two figures quickly flew into the clouds and disappeared.

"Hey, what do you mean deal with it? How do you want to deal with my sister?" Gabriel came back to her senses and looked at Hua Ye fiercely. "Shouldn't it be enough to call her down to drink tea and chat?"

"If my sister is injured, you can go back and kneel on the keyboard!"

Chapter 763 Diplomatic Incident

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