Time passed quietly.

The daily life on campus is as dull as ever.

Apart from the fact that Gabriel did not come to class today because of the "psychological shadow" left behind by her sister's visit to the God of War last night, there is nothing else worth mentioning.

In the blink of an eye, it was the last history class in the afternoon, and it happened to be about the most famous Honno-ji Temple change during the Warring States period in Japan. That is, Oda Nobunaga was conspired against by his confidant Mitsuhide Akechi in the Honno-ji Temple in Kyoto on the eve of the unification day. history.

Oda Nobunaga, nicknamed the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, is known to everyone in Japan, and his life is full of legends. Although he has been dead for hundreds of years, he is still active in major TV dramas and games, and he has not even been able to Escape the fate of becoming a mother... Because of the similar life experience with Cao Cao, people often compare Oda Nobunaga and Cao Cao.

Don't talk about anything, Hua Ye suddenly discovered Cao Mengde's true liking...

What Cao Cao really likes is not a married woman, but an NTR!

Chapter 765 Daily Tax Evasion

Cao Mengde's habit of being a good wife is well known to everyone, and even because of this reason, his general Dian Wei was shot to death by random arrows... As an ancient evil, a fierce general with a force value of 99 points failed to wrap his body in leather on the battlefield That's all, in the end, he took the blame for the leader's life, which can be said to be very wronged.

So why is Cao Cao such a good wife?

In his own words, it's because married women are mature and plump, unlike little girls who don't know how to flirt. However, when it comes to flirting, those prostitutes in brothels are the ones who know how to flirt best, right?

It's a pity that Cao Cao's favorite is a wife, not a famous prostitute.

If you think about it carefully, wives actually have a hidden attribute-they are good families rather than prostitutes.

So just infer.

Good wives because they're good families, good families because they're good NTR...no problem at all.

"Oda Nobunaga has a far-sightedness beyond that era, and the idea of ​​​​the world's martial arts that he put forward also has many merits... Also, the famous sentence written by Oda Nobunaga in Honnoji Temple is "Fifty years in the world, like a dream and like an illusion." ', whoever writes it as "the enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes", don't blame me and give you zero points..."

The teacher of the history class is an old man with half-white hair. He probably has taught history for many years, and he has also acquired an air of flattery... Well, it’s just that he speaks slowly and does things slowly. He is not warm, and if he meets someone with a quick temper, he may be able to kill him in a hurry.

On the podium, the teacher was giving lectures slowly, while under the podium, there was a group of small hamsters whispering like gnawing melon seeds.

A nympho girl with her face in her hands: "Oda-kun is so powerful, I really want to go back through the ancient well and fall in love with Oda-kun."

It is impossible to fall in love, and it is impossible in this life.During the Warring States Period in Japan, like ancient Greece, there was no such thing as women's rights at all. Women were either reproductive tools or marriage tools.

A certain rotten girl's eyes sparkled: "I don't know if Oda-kun, Tokugawa-kun and Toyotomi-kun had any love stories?"

There is definitely no love story, but it is not necessarily true if there is no foundation.

During the Warring States Period in Japan, the practice of cultivating foundations was extremely popular among the monks and warriors. At that time, there was even a special term for cultivating foundations called "the way of all". If you understand it literally, it can be understood as many to one The foundation meeting!

The story of Oda Nobunaga is known to everyone in the island country, and Machiko is naturally familiar with it, so today it is rare that he did not listen carefully, but took out his mobile phone and secretly sent a message to Hua Ye.

"Student Hua Ye, after the club activities are over, shall we meet at the school gate?"


"By the way, why didn't Gabriel come to class today? Didn't anything happen last night?"

In fact, a world-class event happened. If Illya and Gael fought, the world might be destroyed.

Hua Ye: "She played games all night last night, so she didn't come."


Machiko sweated a bit, raised her head with a guilty conscience, saw that the history teacher was still lecturing slowly on the podium, and didn't mean to ask too many questions, so she continued to chat with Hua Ye.

As a 'child of someone else's family', when Machiko was in class, she took notes and listened to lectures seriously, but now she is sending messages to Hua Ye under the teacher's nose. While nervous, there is an unspeakable feeling in her heart Stimulate.

(As the class monitor, I should take the lead in obeying the class discipline, but now I am playing with my mobile phone...too much, too much, too much...)

(However, I already know the contents of the book, so it’s okay to play occasionally, right?)

(I heard that the student days without passing the note are not considered complete... It's a pity that Hua Ye sits so far away, it will be very troublesome to pass the note, right?)

(The note will be passed around the class for half a circle like a greedy snake, before it reaches the hands of classmate Hua Ye... No, that kind of thing is simply a public execution!)


It wasn't until the school bell rang that Machiko suddenly realized that it was the end of get out of class time before she knew it, and she actually played with her mobile phone for half the class.

She hurriedly put away her phone, got up and went to the office with a guilty conscience.

"Machiko-chan, good afternoon."

A pleasant voice suddenly sounded from behind, it was as pleasant as a silver bell, but it startled Machiko.

"Lafite, next, good afternoon!"

Machiko answered quickly.

"Hmm..." Rafael didn't say anything, just stretched out a slender jade finger and pointed it on his chin, with the other hand behind his back, he circled around Machiko.

Machiko became even more nervous, trying to speak in a calm tone:

"I still have something to do, so I'll go first..."

"Nah." Rafael tilted his head slightly, and the corners of his thin lips curled up, as if the cat found an interesting toy, "I always feel that Machiko-chan was so happy just now, did you encounter some happy event?"

"No, no..."

It's a pity that Machiko is too thin-skinned and not good at lying. When he speaks, his eyes are erratic, and a large blush can't help but fly on his face... he almost said I was lying.

"Is that so..."

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