Raphael nodded, and when Machiko let down his vigilance, he suddenly turned around and attacked, launching the skill: Dragon Claw Hand.

"Ah meow!"

The vitals on her chest were suddenly attacked, Machiko was so frightened that she almost lost her shape, her pretty face quickly flushed red, and even her earlobes turned into crystal red agate: "Lafite, you, what are you doing?"

Raphael rested her chin on Machiko's shoulder, and replied with a smile: "Machiko-chan has grown bigger recently, so I need to measure it manually."

"This kind of thing doesn't need to be measured!"

"Is that because Machiko-chan has a good texture?"

"Your hand feels better, why do you want to touch me!"

"Hey, is Machiko-chan going to touch me too?"

"I never said that!"

"Then how do you know it feels better to say?"


Boys and girls have different ways of expressing friendship.

Boys can hook their shoulders, but girls are not suitable. In the same way, two girls can walk together hand in hand, and two boys walk hand in hand on the road, and they will be regarded as abnormal.

It seems to be one of the ways to express friendliness and increase intimacy between girls. (Singles, I guess.)

"Lafite, let go, let go of me, people will see me like this..." Machiko suppressed her embarrassment, and pleaded pitifully in a low voice.

It's a pity that Machiko obviously doesn't understand Rafael's pleasure mechanism.

As a typical black-bellied girl, doing things to evade taxes every day and making life interesting is the correct way to open up.

It would be fine if Machiko was like Alice, completely defenseless against Raphael and not resisting. Unfortunately, the trembling little white rabbit Machiko could clearly provide Rafael with a lot of pleasure.

Rafael chuckled lightly: "It's okay, Xiao Jia and Wei Nai were in the same posture yesterday."


Machiko opened his eyes wide.

"It's just a misunderstanding." A pleasant voice came into my ears.

"So that's how it is..."

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, the pleasant chuckle came again: "But we didn't misunderstand."


Chapter 766 Candlelight Dinner

school entrance.

"Student Hua Ye, I kept you waiting..."

Machiko covered her chest with one hand, ran to Hua Ye's side in small steps, and said softly, panting.

She was attacked by Rafael from behind in the corridor, and she managed to escape from the clutches of the demon because a student passed by. The strange feeling in her chest has not dissipated yet.

Hua Ye said, "Why is your face so red?"

"No, it's nothing..." Machiko hurriedly shook her head, unable to tell the fact that she was attacked/chest, "Let's go?"


It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them were walking on the road, but they didn't meet any acquaintances.

Hua Ye looked normal, but Machiko was a little nervous.

Because the direction of going home was opposite, today was the first time she went home with Hua Ye, and the tension and anticipation in her heart were intertwined, so that her palms were sweating.

The two walked to the tram stop, and Hua Ye bought two bottles of drinks in front of the vending machine, "Here."

"Thank you Hua Ye."

Machiko reached for the green tea and soon ran into a problem.

(Oops, oops... now I can't unscrew the cap because my hands are sweaty!)

(Should I ask classmate Hua Ye to help me?)

(But asking Hua Ye to help with trivial things like twisting the bottle cap, will he be laughed at?)

Machiko's pretty face turned red, and she was still too embarrassed to ask for help after all. She could only hope that she could unscrew the bottle cap, but unfortunately, with sweaty palms, she really couldn't unscrew the bottle of drink.

When she was hesitating whether to wipe the sweat off her hands with a tissue, Hua Ye had already noticed the strangeness in her, and said, "Give me the drink."


Machiko blushed and handed the drink to Hua Ye.

"Okay." Hua Ye unscrewed the cap casually and returned the drink to Machiko.

"Thank you Hua Ye..."

Machiko's pretty face flushed, and she thanked her in a low voice.

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