The useless angel walked into the apartment and replied, "Last night I..."

Is it because I went to bed too late last night?

"I didn't sleep last night..."

Your sister, so she was playing games all night!

Gabriel walked into the living room, then flicked the two rabbit slippers, and sat on the sofa in a duck posture: "I'm going to starve to death."

The subtext is plain and simple

"Is there anything to eat? Hurry up and feed me!"

Hua Ye sighed: "Didn't eat dinner again?"

"Forgot." The useless angel said confidently, "Let me tell you, God of War is super fun, it's the best hitting game I've ever played, bar none!"

"That's because you haven't played a virtual reality game."

Gabriel's eyes lit up: "Hey, do you have a virtual reality game?"

"No." Hua Ye used the skill poker face.

You have already forgotten to sleep and eat, and you are in the dark. If you are allowed to play virtual reality games again, you will die suddenly!

"Tch." Gabriel leaned back on the sofa, covering her stomach with one hand, "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"I'll feed you next?"

"Huh?" Gabriel immediately leaned back and said with disgust in her eyes, "hentai! Believe it or not?"

However, your mouth is so small, whether you can fit it in or not is a problem!

Hua Ye was expressionless: "I'm talking about soba noodles."


He went to the kitchen to boil the water, prepared the sauce, Hua Ye walked back to the living room, and saw Gabriel leaning on the armrest of the sofa, his little head was biting, apparently about to fall asleep.

Hua Ye walked over and stretched out his hand to press down a dull hair on the top of the useless angel's head.

Gabriel, who was dozing off, woke up in an instant, "Hundan, don't touch me!"

When it was fierce, it was a tiger, and it looked like a big orange cat lying on the sofa, so what if it licks you?

"Don't move." Hua Ye ordered.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hands and landed on both sides of the crippled angel's eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Help you relieve eye fatigue." Hua Ye paused, "Dark circles are ugly."

"Tch, there are people who specialize in smoky makeup!"

Saying this, the useless angel became obedient and honest.

Hua Ye stood behind the sofa to help with the massage, and he could clearly smell the faint aroma of green apple shampoo. This useless angel was wearing a large shirt, and when he was talking, his eyes could slide down the neckline unimpeded.

The delicate and slender clavicle can be seen clearly, probably can put a few coins, and then there is a pale pink girls' developmental bra, two subtle white bulges can be seen vaguely, but that's it... the groove is not There may be, but it is impossible to have in this life.


The massage relieves fatigue so well that the crippled angel makes the comforting grunt of a petted cat from time to time.

Hua Ye proposed:

"In fact, besides massaging the eyes, other places can also be massaged."


Hua Ye said solemnly: "Manual breast enlargement, let's find out."

"go away!"


"The noodles are ready." Hua Ye walked out from the kitchen, "Go get it yourself."

This useless angel seemed to be really hungry, and it was rare that Hua Ye didn't help bring it to her face. She put on her slippers and ran into the kitchen, and brought out the noodles.

As a result, when eating noodles, he lost a quail egg on the table because he was impatient and didn't hold his chopsticks firmly.

"Damn it!" The useless angel picked up the quail eggs and looked at Hua Ye, "I think the eggs in your bowl are more delicious..."

"Don't even think about it." Hua Ye said blankly, "Take it to the kitchen and rinse it with water."

"Let's forget it, anyway, it's no problem to pick up and eat food that falls on the table for less than three seconds." The useless angel plausibly said, "It's called 'not clean, you won't get sick if you eat it' .”

However, there is only one real reason, that is, you are too lazy to move!

"In the next two days, I have to clear the God of War as soon as possible, otherwise, if my sister comes again, I will definitely not have the opportunity to play the game..." Gabriel quickly finished the noodles in her bowl, and then looked into Hua Ye's bowl.


Hua Ye picked up the quail eggs: "Open your mouth."

Having been fed many times already, and the two of them were alone, the useless angel was naturally not embarrassed. He raised his face and opened his mouth: "Ah——"

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