at the same time.

Suddenly, a light flashed in the living room, and Illya and Gael fell from the sky.


Chapter 771 Ten Class Illusions

Gabriel, who had just eaten the quail eggs, heard the familiar and majestic voice behind her, and she trembled in fright, her eyes suddenly opened wide.

This crippled angel seemed to have been cursed by Medusa's petrification, its neck was stuck, and all its strength was used in the simple movement of turning its head: "Really, really sister?!"

Seeing Jiaailu standing behind him with a beautiful face frosted, the last hope was also dashed.

There is only one thought in Gabriel's head:


She was actually caught and raped by her sister, this time she is doomed!

"Sister...cough cough cough..."

Because of the action of gasping for air, the little face of the useless angel flushed from being choked by the quail eggs, coughing uncontrollably.

"You..." Jiaairu took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "Swallow the food in your mouth before talking."

Seeing that her sister was still able to communicate, instead of losing her mind and killing her with a sword on the spot, Gabriel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's good to be able to talk, at least there is room for fooling around..."

In contrast, elder sister Jiaairu's thoughts are more complicated.

It's impossible to say you don't care.

Seeing my younger sister being fed by others, and it's obviously not the first time that the two of them are familiar with each other. It feels like the Chinese cabbage that I have worked so hard to grow, and it is easily beaten by others. How could I not care?

In fact, Jiaailu's first reaction just now was to draw a sword to kill people. I have to say that the two sisters have a tacit understanding in some aspects.

However, after thinking about Hua Ye's identity and the highest order, Jia Ailu fell silent again. She has no chance of winning, and may even cause the destruction of countless worlds. Even she can't do it willfully.

After returning to the heaven with Ilya yesterday, the identity of the first secretary of the devil immediately received the highest level of attention and courtesy. The twelve archangels gathered together, although the reason for the tension is ridiculous...

After graduating from the Angel School, Jia Ailu changed her job to become a warrior, so she knew Hua Ye's identity as the Demon King, but it was only hearsay. Until the twelve archangels shook their heads, no one would come to this world. Jia Ai Lu Cai finally had an intuitive impression of Hua Ye's power.

In the end, even God woke up, and ended the meeting with the bewildering sentence "The only one who can defeat him is himself".

As far as the heavens are concerned, the final decision is simple

As long as Hua Ye doesn't destroy the world, then just turn a blind eye, close one eye, and don't react.

But as an elder sister, there is no problem in educating a depraved younger sister.

"Sister, are you back?" Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Gabriel quickly switched to the holy light mode, "I was just now..."

"You don't need to explain."


"You are depraved to the extreme now, and you must be punished." Jiaelu glanced over the feeding incident just now, and said seriously with a pretty face, "So I will stay in the world until you return to your original appearance."

"Eh?!" Gabriel opened her eyes wide, "What does sister mean, you want to stay in the world?"

"Yeah." Jiaairu nodded lightly, "Go and clean the room."


Gabriel subconsciously shook her head and refused.

"What?" Gail narrowed her eyes.

"Because, because the bed is small..."

How could I agree? Evening is a great time to cultivate immortals, but if my sister is by my side, there is no chance of cultivating immortals at all!

Gail calmly said:

"I can sleep on the floor at night."

Gabriel's face suddenly showed the expression of 'the sky is falling', and he broke the jar and said: "Then I won't go back at night, I will stay here and sleep!"

Of course she could see that her elder sister Jia Ailu was afraid of Hua Ye, so she decided to take a gamble for her God of War who hadn't cleared the level yet.

"Huh?" Jiaairu half-closed her eyes, "Gabriel, can you say it again?"

Brine some tofu, one thing down one thing.

This crippled angel, Tian Kewei Nai, hangs and beats Satania, and is indifferent to Lafite's troubles, but in front of his elder sister Jiaairu, it is like a cat whose neck is pinched by someone, and squints with her sister. Eyes, the courage to resist just now dissipated.

"I said that my sister is very welcome to live with me..." Gabriel smiled with tears in her eyes.

Jiaairu nodded lightly: "Let's go back to your room."

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye said suddenly.

Jiaailu paused, and said vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

Hua Ye glanced at the table, "Just leave like this?"

Jiael said seriously: "If you want to do bad things to my sister, then I will fight until the last moment."

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