Who wants to do bad things to her, do you think I want her to pay her back?

If so, your sister has already paid for it countless times!

Hua Ye said with a black face: "I just let her do the dishes."

"Wash, wash the dishes?" Gaairu opened her eyes wide.

"Otherwise what do you think!"


Jiaailu's face was slightly red, she lowered her head and said:

"Gabriel is causing you trouble, I will be responsible for washing the dishes..."

"Sister, let me do it." Gabriel puffed up her cheeks, waved her hand and said, "You don't know how to cook, so what if you drop a bowl?"





Campus life in autumn is as peaceful and leisurely as ever.

There are still dozens of minutes before class starts, and most of the melon-eating girls in the class have already arrived. Some are reviewing their homework, some are chatting and gossiping in twos and threes, but as Gabriel entered the classroom, the noise suddenly disappeared. Needle drop can be heard in the classroom.

All eyes fell on Gabriel who walked in from the main entrance.

After a while, there was the sound of little hamsters whispering like they were eating melon seeds.

"Is that girl... from our class?"

"It looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before..."

"Ah, I remembered!" A girl chirped, "This girl who is shining all over seems to be... Gabriel?"

"Hey, that bad girl Gabriel who cuts classes every day?"


In the first week of school, Gabriel used to go to school in the Holy Light mode, but unfortunately, after being exposed to online games, Gabriel quickly degenerated into a girl cultivating immortals. Since then, Gabriel the Holy Light has become a great Hallucinations in some people's memories.

"Student Gabriel?" Machiko was so surprised that she couldn't believe her eyes, "You, are you okay?"

The beautiful girl in front of her who is shining with light is really that fallen Gabriel?

The image gap between the two is too big, it is completely unacceptable, okay?

"Squad leader, good morning." Gabriel greeted with a smile, her voice gentle, "I'm fine now, don't worry."


Machiko shivered subconsciously.

How come you look like this!No matter how you look at it, it looks like your head is broken by the door!

Chapter 772

"Hey, Xiaojia?" Wei Nai also opened her eyes wide in surprise, "Why did you..."

In the middle of the speech, Wei Nai suddenly understood, and couldn't help but said:

"Your sister is here again?"

The only one who can make Gabriel, who has always been lazy, become what she is now is her older sister, Gaair.

"Big sister came back last night, and had a long talk with me, talking about many principles of life." Gabriel said softly, clasped her hands together, bathed in the bright morning light, exuding a holy radiance, which made many melon-eating girls I was dumbfounded, "Under the teaching of my sister, I understand that only by studying hard and making progress every day can I benefit the world..."

Even Hua Ye couldn't help covering his forehead when he heard such shameless words, let alone other people.

"Gabriel?" Satania put her right hand in front of her chest, thinking exactly the same as Machiko, "Did you break your head when you went out?"

"I feel an evil aura." Liuhua's hair on top of her head stood up, she raised her hand to press the blindfold, and said vigilantly, "The evil spirits are scattered! Gabriel has been possessed!"

"Xiao Jia, don't speak in such a tone, it's so scary..." Wei Nai put her arms around her arms, a big drop of cold sweat fell from her head, "Hey, what do you mean you keep blinking?"


Not long after the class bell rang, the familiar thumping sensation came from behind.

A note was thrown onto Hua Ye's desk from behind.

"Hey, is my sister spying on me?!"

Hua Ye said truthfully: "Well, the spell clairvoyance is silently watching you."

"I knew it!" Gabriel puffed up her cheeks and replied angrily, "When I went out in the morning, I bought a can of drink from a vending machine on the side of the road, and threw it in the trash can after drinking it. I didn’t throw it in, but the can of drink actually bounced and hit me on the head... Sure enough, it’s my sister’s fault!"

The useless angel gritted his teeth and said:

"Is there any way you can help block sister's spell?"


"Then help me quickly."

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