The last time it was a big battle to fool sister, the main purpose was to fool sister so that Jia Ailu would leave after the home visit.

Now that Jiaairu already knows the true face of Gabriel's depravity, the difficulty is undoubtedly more than ten times higher.

A group of girls frowned and thought about countermeasures.

"I don't think it should be very difficult..." Raphael broke the silence first. The dark-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger, tilted her head slightly, and let her silver hair flow down her shoulders, "Everyone has weaknesses. We just need to find the weak point of Kael-san, and then we'll be fine."

"That's right, Lafite is afraid of frogs." Satania raised her right hand and said triumphantly, "Last time it rained, I was chasing frogs around!"

Alice puffed up her cheeks, not to be outdone: "Your weakness is the pineapple bun."

Rafael blinked: "That's right, Liuhua is afraid of tomatoes and green peppers."

The dumb hair on the top of Liuhua's head trembled, pointing to Wei Nai: "Vinette is afraid of cockroaches."


A drop of cold sweat dripped down Wei Nai's head, she looked at Machiko, "The monitor is afraid of Lafite."

"Eh?" Machiko blushed and hesitated, "It's not that I'm afraid... It's just, it's just that Lafite is too enthusiastic... By the way, I heard that Alice is afraid of watching horror movies?"


The more Hua Ye listened, the more speechless he became.

It was agreed to formulate a battle plan to deal with my sister, but why did it suddenly become a meeting of exposing shortcomings!

"Very good, the next goal is to find the weakness of my sister." Gabriel nodded earnestly, and actually took notes on the paper.

"Wait a moment!"

Alice suddenly raised her hand, and the blond girl with two ponytails stretched out a light-white jade finger, pointed at Hua Ye, and asked curiously, "No one said what is this big pervert afraid of?"

Chapter 773


All of a sudden, many pairs of big eyes looked at Hua Ye.

"Alice is right, it seems that she really doesn't know what Hua Ye is afraid of..." Machiko pursed her lips, and gently wrapped her fingers around a strand of hair.

Liuhua raised her hand: "Afraid of tomatoes and peppers?"

"No matter how you look at it, it's impossible!"

"Afraid of spicy food?"

Alice makes a guess.

Sorry, not afraid at all.

Even the Reaper Spicy Strips, which are so spicy that people doubt life, can be eaten without frowning.

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel, and this crippled angel happened to be looking up too, his eyes met and his mind was connected, and then... Then Gabriel made a gesture of wiping his neck, expressing his inner thoughts in a simple and rude way: "If you dare to speak out, you will die!"

"Afraid of furry bugs?" Satania thought for a while and said, "Is it a bug like a unicorn?"

Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, she glanced at Hua Ye, and then quickly looked away.I went to see a movie because of this, I can't remember the content of the movie, but I clearly remember that a child's unicorn fairy flew out, and I was so scared that I sat in Hua Ye's arms, it was so embarrassing that I exploded Scenes.

These girls put forward speculations one after another, and then denied it themselves. Finally, they found that there was really nothing that Hua Ye was afraid of.

"I'm not afraid of horror movies, and I'm not afraid of haunted houses..." Alice thought about it in her heart, but still couldn't figure it out, so she asked directly, "Hey, what are you afraid of?"

Holding the teacup, Hua Ye calmly took a sip, then said:

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Liar!" Alice blinked her big blue eyes, with her ponytails bouncing behind her back, "How can someone be afraid of everything? Do you think you are the Terminator? Although your face is paralyzed..."

Hua Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at the short Douding, so scared that Alice quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Actually, I know what classmate Hua Ye is afraid of." Raphael stretched out a slender finger, attracting everyone's attention.


Even Hua Ye looked at this black-bellied girl.

I have nothing to fear, how can I find out what scares me?

"I can't say it." Raphael shook his head, and the joyful smile in his eyes almost overflowed, "Said Hua Ye would bully me."

Saying this in front of so many people is to save the gold medal from death!

"Tell me." Hua Ye snorted softly, "I won't bully you."

"Then what did I say?"


"Hmm!" The black-bellied girl blinked at Huaye, her lips were slightly raised like cherry blossoms in early spring, and after everyone's appetite was whetted, she said, "Actually Hua Ye is afraid of wearing women's clothes."


Afraid of your sister's women's clothing!In the final analysis, it is just a cloth for covering the body, there is no distinction between high and low, and I refuse women's clothing, not because I am afraid, but because I hate it, okay?

Just as Hua Ye was about to refute, the black-bellied girl continued:

"Recently, a women's clothing competition is being held. If Hua Ye is not afraid, you can participate to prove yourself."

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