
With a dark face on Hua Ye's face, he silently wrote something down in his small notebook.

Children do not obey how to do?

Just a snap.

"Okay, let's talk about this topic later, let's get down to business now." Gabriel tapped the table with a pen, "Lafite, do you know my sister's weakness?"

"I don't know." Rafael shook his head, "Sister Jialu seems to be a perfect person."

"The elder sister who brought despair to my younger sister, how perfect is she!" Gabriel couldn't help complaining.

"Actually, you can give it a try..." Rafael looked at Wei Nai with a smile.

"What are you going to say?" Wei Nai made a vigilant movement of leaning back. Except for Xiao Jia who can ignore Lafite's troubles, everyone else will more or less contribute pleasure points.

"It's so sad, Wei Nai sauce actually doubted me..."

"Because you have too many 'records'!"

"It's actually very simple." As expected of a tax evader, La Feier came up with a plan to make trouble in the blink of an eye, "The reason why Sister Jiaailu stayed is mainly to help Xiaojia correct her bad habits. It's a kind of concern...then, if sister Jiaairu can't take care of herself, of course she won't supervise Xiaojia anymore."

"It sounds very feasible." Gabriel urged while recording in the notebook, "Keep talking."

"So, you can make people pursue sister Jiaailu, and if sister Jiaailu agrees, then she will be busy dating and unable to supervise Xiaojia. If she doesn't agree, she will use the offensive of stalking to force her Sister Gaairu has to leave."


After the voice fell, the air suddenly became silent.

The eyes of a group of girls once again fell on Hua Ye.

"What are you looking at me again?" Hua Ye's face was filled with black lines. Now he can't even drink tea in peace!

As the only boy in the club, it seems that the matter of pursuing Jia Ailu can only fall to Huaye's side, after all, there is no other boy who knows everything in a short time.

"No!" Unexpectedly, the first person to object was Gabriel.

This useless angel was holding a pen in his hand, his face was green and pale, the pen tip almost pierced the book, this paralyzed man had kissed himself so many times, and now he was going after his sister, how could he tolerate such a thing happening!

"Only this is absolutely not acceptable!" Gabriel said firmly.

"I also think this method is a bit too much..." Wei Nai frowned slightly, "After all, she is Xiaojia's sister, even if she wants her to leave, there are many ways, but it is wrong to play with other people's feelings."

"Yeah." Machiko nodded.

Let Hua Ye go after other girls, even if it's just acting, it will be very uncomfortable, right?

"But I didn't intend for classmate Huaye to chase sister Jiaairu." Rafael blinked, with an innocent expression on his face.


"Hey, look, Wei Nai-chan said before that she thinks sister Jia Ailu is doing a good job, which shows that the three views of the two of them are very compatible...so asking Wei Nai-chan to pursue sister Jia Ailu may be able to get twice the result with half the effort."


Everyone turned their heads in unison again, but this time the focus of their eyes became Wei Nai.

Satania put her arms around her chest: "Vinette is very good at taking care of people, I think this can be done."

Liuhua raised her hand in fear of chaos: "Support Wei Nai."

Alice held back her laughter, her ponytails twitched behind her back: "Vinai-chan, you've worked hard."

Even Machiko raised her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes bent into two crescent moons.

"You, you..." Wei Nai opened her eyes wide, and it took a while to regain her senses. She bit her lower lip in shame and anger, and threw Rafael who was sitting next to her, "Lafite! I will fight you!" !"

For a while, the voices of Yingying and swallows can be heard endlessly.The occasional panting and moaning sounds can even make the boy's blood spurt and his face turn red, which actually gave Hua Ye a lot of benefits.

"Let's keep this as a backup plan for now..." Gabriel thought for a while, took a note, and then made a final decision, "My sister used to have a very bland taste, so I don't know if she's afraid of spicy food... It's decided, I'll make one at night A super spicy mapo tofu! Then call my sister to watch a super scary ghost movie together!"

Chapter 774 As long as you are brave enough, the teacher will take maternity leave

When Hua Ye came out of the club activity room and was about to go back to the classroom, he happened to meet the big-breasted loli Hoshino Xia at the corner of the corridor shopping in front of the vending machine.

"Student Hua Ye, good afternoon." Hoshino Xia waved her hand and said hello, her voice was soft and waxy, and her face was full of unexpected surprises.

He is obviously a middle school student, but he is wearing a teacher's uniform solemnly, and the teacher's uniform can't hide the eagerness on his chest. Although he has not been teaching at the school for a long time, the attributes of the childish face and the breast loli voice are simply explosive. Became the first person on the list of popular teachers.

Although poor milk is a scarce resource, not everyone likes to be certain.

After all, starting from the biological instinct of human beings to reproduce, there are still more people who like the 'land flowing with milk and honey'.

"Well, good afternoon." Hua Ye replied.

In school, the other party is a teacher anyway, so it's not easy to turn a blind eye.

"Student Hua Ye, do you want a drink? The teacher treats you meow." Hoshino Xia tilted her head slightly, her eyes widened, and her immature childlike face would definitely make countless lolicans shout that three years of blood earned money, and the death penalty is not a loss.

This big-breasted loli is no longer afraid of Hua Ye's unspoken rules. Through the professional behavior pattern evaluation, the evaluator pointed out that unless the intimacy is sufficient, there is no need to worry about being raped by Hua Ye.

In short, only when the intimacy is high enough will he tease you, otherwise you can only tease him.

As the saying goes, advancing and retreating is the correct way to get along between men and women. Now that Hoshino Xia knew that Hua Ye would not slap her, she became more courageous and began to flirt back on the verge of being slapped.

Hua Ye glanced at her, but before he could speak, a menacing voice came: "Don't drink that big-breasted monster's drink!"

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