Wearing a black gothic dress, Igarashi strode over, first gave Hoshino Xia a murderous look, and then said to Hua Ye: "Follow me to the rooftop, and I'll ask the maid to make you some black tea!"

It doesn't matter to the others, except that if this big-breasted monster is not allowed to get close to Hua Ye, he must be killed in the cradle!

"I noticed that you often call classmate Hua Ye to go to the rooftop?" Hoshino Xia put her chin in one hand and said with a soft snort, "Could it be that you want to do something ulterior on the rooftop?"

"You, what nonsense are you talking about!" Igarashi suddenly felt guilty, thinking that the mortal enemy had seen the process of 'manually helping breast enlargement', and said sternly, "Believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"


Hua Ye couldn't help but want to raise his hand to cover his forehead.

The same is a girl, why is the gap so big?

Look at Gabriel's useless angel, his acting skills are simply explosive, and he can fool the entire class.

When Rafael started something, a bunch of people begged to be let go.

How come you are here, and you are easily played by others in the palm of your hand!

(Well, are you actually doing something ulterior?)

Seeing Ai Igarashi who was trying to pretend nothing happened, Hoshino Natsu stared and her mind turned.

(No, I can't go on like this...Even this star with poor breasts knows how to be seductive, so I want to take the initiative!)

It's not that she wants to compete with Igarashi to be jealous, she is just a sure-fire star with poor breasts, and has an arrogant and arrogant personality. As a dog, trying to take off with salty fish, taking so many aura biscuits every time, and showing off triumphantly, it makes people very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Hoshino Xia suddenly pursed her lips, a subtle smile of "I've seen through everything" appeared on her face.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?" Igarashi became more guilty, gritted his silver teeth and said, "It's so disgusting."

"Oh, my head is so dizzy..."

The big-breasted loli suddenly raised her hand to cover her forehead, then staggered and hugged Hua Ye's arm.

The pleasant smell of milk and apple came to the nostrils, and the two soft and plump things were pressed on the arm, which made Hua Ye think of the heavy fruit for no reason.

Hoshino Xia, who forcibly distributed a wave of benefits, also felt a little hot on the face. After all, with her status, no one was qualified to enjoy this kind of treatment before.

At this moment, the little bird is leaning against the person, the rosy clouds are slightly dyed, and the eyes are rolling, which is extraordinarily alluring

You deserve to have a big baby face/loli voice with breasts.

"Big boobs!?"

Biting baleful aura swept across violently, and a murderous voice rang out word by word: "Get out of here!"

Seeing his mortal enemy embracing Hua Ye in front of him, the cross tendon on Igarashi's forehead twitched. If eyes could kill, Hoshino Xia would have been torn to pieces by now.

"Let go." Hua Ye pulled the corner of his mouth and pulled out his arm.

So you two love each other and kill each other, why do you involve me in it!

Seeing Hua Ye take the initiative to break free from the clutches of his mortal enemy, Igarashi looked a little better, but he was still murderous: "He has no interest in you at all, don't post it on purpose!"

"Anyway, I have big breasts." Hoshino Xia puffed out her chest, and the subtext was ready to come out, "Do boys not like big breasts?"

"If there is another time, you will die!"

Hoshino Xia broke all the rules with one word, "Anyway, I have big breasts."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! You're looking for death!" Igarashi almost gritted his silver teeth. If it wasn't for the previous three chapters of the agreement, the school couldn't do anything, and now they would have already fought, "Come out with me to fight to the death!"

"No." Hoshino Xia shook her head and looked at Hua Ye with cute eyes, "I still want to spend more time with classmate Hua Ye, meow."

Igarashi finally couldn't take it anymore, ran to Hua Ye, grabbed Hua Ye's hand: "Let's go to the rooftop!"

"It's troublesome to climb the stairs to get to the rooftop, isn't it?" Hoshino Xia raised her face and raised the green tea in her hand, "I can invite classmate Hua Ye to drink tea right now."

Igarashi also looked at her: "Would you choose her or me?!"


Choose your sister!

What is the sense of sight of these two women competing for husbands!Remind me of my identity as a teacher!

"I won't choose anyone." Hua Ye's face was dark.

As soon as he finished speaking, another lazy voice sounded: "Hey, I said this is also a school after all, please pay attention to the impact."

Jing Keai came down from upstairs, with one arm on her chest and a lady's cigarette in the other, looking at the three of Hua Ye with some headaches.

She had known for a long time that Igarashi and Hoshino Natsu's identities and backgrounds were not simple, but the three of them didn't have much contact with each other, so she didn't take it to heart. Only now did she realize that these two people came to the school to be teachers to snatch man!

Although I often use my fists to impart life experience to students, I still pay attention to the distance between students and teachers, but none of the three people in front of me is a follower of the rules. What about the news?

At this moment, Jing Keai even thought of the title

"Shock!Two girls fight for husband in female classroom, the object is actually a boy》

"The Unholy Tragedy on Campus, the Truth Makes People Silence"

"As long as you have the courage, the teacher will take maternity leave"

Thinking of this, Jing Keai flicked the lady's cigarette in her hand: "Let's take some time to educate this kid, what does it mean to respect a teacher..."

Chapter 775 Igarashi

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