"Teacher Jing misunderstood." Hoshino Xia stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, her big brown eyes were full of innocence, "I just joked with Ai-chan."

At first glance, she seemed to be a fellow junior high school student who was trying to show her cuteness maliciously, but the corner of her mouth twitched because of her cuteness and profound skills.

"Don't call me Ai-chan!"

Igarashi snorted softly, but this time she didn't break the stage.

She loves to save face in front of outsiders, so it is absolutely impossible for her to compete with others and be jealous.

Jing Keai twitched the corner of her mouth, turned around and left:

"You guys continue."

But before leaving, Jing Keai gave Hua Ye a warning look: "Boy, the teacher-student relationship is too much."

Who is playing teacher-student relationship? I was just passing by, but I was scrambled by these two guys. It's a disaster, okay?

"Are you free to go to the izakaya with the teacher for a drink at night?" Jing Keai raised her heroic eyebrows, "Let's talk about life, talk about ideals..."

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye squinted his eyes and stretched out his right hand, "I'll go first, the three of you are just right to talk about life, so farewell!"

The small theater in the corridor came to an end.

Hua Ye returned to the classroom. Not long after he sat down, the phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly. He took out the phone and saw that it was a message from Igarashi.

"Hey, come to the rooftop to drink black tea!"


Hua Ye said that it is no longer possible to look directly at the word 'drinking black tea'.

It is obviously a very serious afternoon black tea, but every time I finish drinking black tea, I have to help with a breast enlargement massage... It sounds like doing hair, and it is gradually full of bad meanings.

Hua Ye put away his phone and ignored her.

It's a pity that the legal loli kept urging, Hua Ye could only sigh, got up and walked out of the classroom.

Push open the iron gate and walk up to the rooftop.

After seeing Hua Ye, a maid in black and white maid uniform made a cup of black tea deftly, then bowed lightly to Igarashi, turned around and exited the rooftop silently without ordering, before leaving, Don't forget to gently close the iron door... It's just that the eyes that looked at Hua Ye through the crack of the door at the end were a little weird.

Hey, don't think that you can't see the meaning of "rooftop play lover" in your eyes, who has a special interest in rooftops!

Apart from the larger area and better lighting, there are no other advantages at all. The reason why I came to the rooftop is obviously because Igarashi doesn't want to look up at others.

Hua Ye walked under the umbrella and took a sip from his teacup.

"Hey, you are not allowed to get close to that monster with big breasts in the future!" Igarashi put down her teacup and said with disgust on her face, "She is obviously trying to flirt with you on purpose, just to get biscuits from you, don't you I was tricked by her."

"I didn't approach her, I just happened to meet her." Hua Ye said slowly while drinking tea, "I won't be seduced."

Igarashi leaned back on the chair, and let out a soft snort full of disdain: "Oh, man..."


Hua Ye's face darkened suddenly.

It's obviously a few simple words, why when they are combined into a sentence, it makes people want to hit someone so much!

"Anyway, she has big breasts." Hua Ye said expressionlessly.

"What's so great about big breasts?" The legal loli was indignant, "Her legs are thick, but mine are thin!"

In this era of legs playing for years, especially in the summer when the lower garments are collectively missing, beautiful legs are definitely a big killer for attracting attention.

"See, swan legs!"

Igarashi took off his shoes, and stretched his right leg in front of Hua Ye. The black knee socks had just covered his knees, and a sensual indentation was slightly drawn on the white jade-like skin.

While the boobs of this legit loli are set, the legs do look good.

The skin is fair and delicate, without any pores or roughness. Due to regular exercise, the muscles are very well-proportioned, tight and full of elasticity. The curves of the legs from the knees to the toes are quite beautiful, as if the perfect lines drawn by the artist's brain.The toes wrapped in stockings moved playfully, making people want to hold them and play with them.

Take two random photos with your mobile phone, without any need for post-editing, and just take them to sell leg photos, ensuring that a lot of people are willing to spend money to buy them.

It's a pity that Hua Ye was unmoved.

"You have short legs."


Igarashi opened his eyes wide.

Hua Ye repeated: "You have short legs."

"You are weak! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻"

Igarashi was so angry that he almost flipped the table, but fortunately Hua Ye held him down.

"Okay, I'm done." Hua Ye finished drinking the black tea and stood up, "Is it okay, I'm leaving?"

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Although Igarashi really wanted to say "Get lost", it's a pity that now she has something to ask, so she has to swallow her anger, lightly playing with the teacup with her pale jade fingers, and patches of blush crept up on her fair little face: "I used tools yesterday I measured it, and it did get bigger...so...help me massage it again..."

After automatically asking Hua Ye to help her manually enlarge her breasts, Igarashi would measure herself with a soft ruler every night before going to bed, and last night she was pleasantly surprised to find that her bust, which hadn't changed for many years, had quietly grown by one centimeter. ...

Although it is only an insignificant centimeter, in Igarashi's view, it is a big step for mankind to reach the moon.

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