(Hmph, I really still have room to grow...)

(Maybe you can also wear camisole and evening dress in the future.)

(Anyone who dares to say that I am a certainty will blow his head off!)

The more Igarashi thought about it, the more excited she became, and couldn't help snickering 'Puff', the uncontrollable complacency left Hua Ye speechless.

"Are you...addicted?"

Since the first time, you are like a dam that has opened the gates, and you have to have a massage almost every day!If this goes on like this, you will change from a "Queen of the Night Full of Majesty" to a "Queen of the Night with Dissatisfaction"!

"Nonsense! I'm not addicted! Who would be addicted to such a disgusting thing!" Igarashi clenched her teeth in anger, wishing to bite Hua Ye, you good-looking guy who is cheap, just take advantage of it silently Now, is talking so much nonsense going to die, "If it's not for getting bigger, you can touch me and try!"

Hua Ye was speechless.

Where did you get the courage to say that?

Even if I push you down and forcefully slap you, you won't be able to resist.

"What are you still doing standing there? Sit down and give me a massage."

Igarashi has obviously started to break the pot, anyway, it's not the first time, I get used to it when I press it, and I won't be seen on the rooftop, and my breasts are really getting bigger. The size of the chest is not obvious, and I don't expect to become a figure like the big-breasted monster, but at least it can't be a certainty.

If there is a choice... Who wouldn't want to be a girl who bears the weight of her breasts, Hun Dan!

"Okay." Hua Ye sighed.

As mammals, human beings have always had a special affection for their breasts since ancient times. That's why in the Bible, "the land flowing with milk and honey" is used to describe the breasts.

For many men, unpacking a girl's bra is comparable to a woman unpacking a courier. Knowing what's inside, they still can't help being excited and looking forward to it.

It's a pity that Hua Ye was not excited at all, nor was he expecting at all.

It is not pleasant to manually enlarge the breasts of this legal loli.

The massage starts quickly.

Feeling the strange feeling of electric shock coming from his chest, Igarashi bit his lips, blushed and held the book in front of his eyes (mainly to hide his embarrassment), but unfortunately he couldn't read a single word on it .

My head was in a daze, thinking about messy problems.

Why did you do this?

Because I am the queen of the night, I should be superior to others, but there are always things that make people mock me, I can't bear it!

As for breast enlargement... Are there still fewer people undergoing breast enlargement surgery every year?

Those people can even endure the fear of cutting a knife in the chest, and then stuffing silicone or something into it. In comparison, manual breast augmentation is actually not... a disadvantage, right?

Whether to eat or not to suffer, this question is quite difficult to solve.

Igarashi thought for many days, but couldn't come up with an answer.

It's not that annoying anyway...

Time passed quietly.

Igarashi covered her small face with a page of the unturned book, tried to suppress the voice that came to her mouth, and said indistinctly: "Turn to the other side..."

It wasn't until the long-suppressed low moan was about to overflow from his throat that Igarashi finally said: "Okay, okay! Let's call it a day today!"

If I continue to massage, I will definitely not be able to help but let out a super shameful voice, so stop here, anyway, there are still many opportunities for massage in the future.

Upon hearing this, Hua Ye decisively withdrew his hand.

So Igarashi was unhappy again.

Soul pale!

What is that look of disgust on your face?

Let’s not talk about whether you will suffer or not, anyway, you will definitely not suffer!And as a student, helping the teacher to enlarge her breasts, the excited mouth has become bigger!

"I'll pay the massage fee to your card." Igarashi's domineering air leaked, but unfortunately, his flushed face really didn't show the air of a domineering president.

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, always feeling that if he took the money, he would become a cowboy in a nightclub.

In fact, it's not easy to be a cowherd. Where do good-looking girls need to find a cowherd?

Hua Ye remembered that he accidentally saw the practice of the cowherd on the Internet - buy a piece of stinky pork, cut a slit on the surface, and then stuff a coin in, when can the coin be sucked out with his tongue , when to get started.

So friends who want to make money by being a cowherd, wash up and sleep.

"I am leaving."

Hua Ye stood up, ready to leave.

"One more thing..." Igarashi took a sip of black tea to moisten his parched and thirsty mouth and throat, "I'm going on a mission tomorrow, and it might take a while before I can come back..."

Speaking of this, the voice became murderous again, "Don't be seduced by that monster with big breasts, or I will, I will..."

"What are you talking about?" Hua Ye asked curiously.

"I'll kill you adulterers and prostitutes with a hatchet!"

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "The hatchet can't hurt me."

Igarashi grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth that looked like braided shells, and the two small canine teeth gleamed coldly in the sun: "Then I'll bite it off!"

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