Hey, where do you want to bite!And the hatchet is useless, and the teeth can't be useful either, be careful that your teeth will collapse when the time comes!

Chapter 776 Conscience or something, I can't touch it

Time passed quietly.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last math class in the afternoon.

The math teacher happened to be the head teacher with a bald head. He was nicknamed "The Devil's Muscular Man". He always wore a suit and a tie. The top of his head was shiny. At night, it could reflect the moonlight and act as a light bulb. He would wear a pair of sunglasses wherever he went... No To pretend to be cool, just to hide the fact that the eyes are super small.

The beauty of mathematics is that it makes people confused.

Coupled with the low voice of the head teacher with the bald head, which has the effect of a lullaby, the atmosphere of the whole class is drowsy.

"Poke poke-"

The familiar three consecutive pokes landed on the back, and Gabriel passed a small note over.

"Remember to make a super spicy dish at night, preferably the kind that makes my sister doubt her life, and then take the initiative to run back to the heaven, do you hear me?"

Hua Ye replied with a pen: "Is this the third request?"

A look of disgust fell on Hua Ye's back: "It's just a meal, and you want to be paid?"

"It's a matter of course to pay back the debt. Is there any problem with paying for the labor by yourself?"


"Then you find Wei Nai to make dinner."


Gabriel fell silent.

Wei Nai's taste is relatively light, and the cooking is also very warm. As for letting Satania cook dark cooking... Maybe she will be killed by her sister as a poisoned assassin!

"I see..." Gabriel clenched her fists tightly, "It's just a reward for you once."


"Then what are you going to cook tonight?"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "How about the Reaper Hot Tiao?"

Japanese food has a unique warmth, even Japanese mapo tofu, which is known as very spicy, is actually not spicy, and some people even think it is sweet... For example, Gabriel's school girl Tapu sauce, just eat it Served with mapo tofu, and then ate three bowls of rice alone!

If you want to say something so spicy that people doubt life, the Reaper Hot Tiao is the first, and there is already Gabriel's personal example as proof.

The note didn't come over, but a murderous aura surged from behind, and then a small fist hit Hua Ye's back, but it was limp and powerless.

"If you want to die, just say so!?"

Let my sister eat the Reaper hot strips?

Thank you for daring to speak out!

At that time, my sister is so hot that she explodes in place, do you still want to help relieve the hotness by kissing my sister?

If you dare to nod your head, you will screw your head off!

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye was quite puzzled.

Let your sister eat the Reaper's Spicy Strips. There is a 90% chance that it will be so spicy that she will doubt her life. It is clearly a simple and efficient battle plan. Why are you so angry all of a sudden?


Hua Ye raised his hand to grab a piece of flying chalk.

"Student Jia Baili." The bald head teacher tapped on the blackboard, "You come up and solve this problem."

Gabriel stood up, but it was a pity that she couldn't solve the problem after touching fish for a long time, so she could only stand there with her head down to show her acknowledgment, unless Satania publicly provocatively said, "I didn't Writing homework, and not doing it on purpose”, generally will not be kicked out of the classroom and punished to stand.

But standing there and ignoring you is a kind of public execution. If it is a thin-skinned person, such as Machiko and Kitano Haruka, they probably want to find a crack in the ground at this moment.

The drowsy melon-eating girls shook their spirits and started chatting.

"Student Gabriel is causing trouble again?"

"Speaking of which, what happened to Gabriel, who was shining all over her body in the morning? Could it be a hallucination?"

"I also think it's an illusion caused by too much study pressure..."


The bald head teacher looked at Hua Ye and said again: "Student Hua Ye, come and solve this problem."

Questioning is the strongest magic weapon used by teachers to rectify classroom order. What should I do if I see a classmate drowsy?

Very simple.

Just ask questions, to ensure that the student is instantly refreshed and free from sleepiness.

Hua Ye did not stand there to accept the public execution, but walked to the podium, picked up the chalk, and began to solve the problem smoothly.

It wasn't long before the campus festival ended, Hua Ye's current "heat" hadn't completely subsided yet, and the discussions among the melon-eating girls below were obviously a little louder.

"Suddenly discovered that Hua Ye can draw sketches, play the piano, and I heard that he can cook really well, and he looks super handsome in a suit...Why didn't I find out before?"

"He has a very good relationship with classmate Gabriel. It seems that he was caught passing a note just now."

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