"Are the two of them dating?"

"But classmate Gabriel is so small, it will be crushed, right?"

"Hey, you're too dirty."


Although mathematics may seem boring, its status is extremely important. Only by studying hard can you appreciate its unique beauty. For example, the number sequence summation problem on the blackboard can be easily solved by using the method of displacement and subtraction.

To use an analogy, it's like a zipper on trousers. As long as the first link is fastened, the rest of the content can be easily solved... It's really not difficult.

As a result, he looked back after solving the problem, only to find that there were a lot of dazed-eyed melon-eating girls, especially Liuhua and Satania who were sitting in front, their faces were full of cuteness, as if they were reading a book from heaven.

"The solution is good." The bald teacher pushed the sunglasses and said, "Go back and sit down, and listen carefully to the class."


After school.

in the community room.

Wei Nai looked at Gabriel, pursed her lips, and asked curiously:

"Xiaojia, why don't you leave today? Aren't you always the first one to go home?"

"I don't want to go back." Gabriel put down the handheld device in her hand, and leaned half on the chair, her unrequited eyes looked like an orange cat that had just undergone a sterilization operation, "Going home is like going to the execution ground, At that time, you have to sit in a sitting position, stand in a standing position, you can't lean on the sofa, you can't play games, and you can't be disheveled... There are so many rules to follow, it will be uncomfortable to death, right?"

"It looks like Xiaojia is going to be full of energy today." The corners of Rafael's lips curled up, continuing to gain joy.

Gabriel rolled her eyes: "I'm already like this, you still have the nerve to make trouble."

"Xiaojia, shall I still be a guest at night?" The dark-bellied girl stretched her waist, her thin school uniform outlined her infinitely beautiful and exquisite curves.

"What are you going for?"

"Tax evasion..." The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger, patted her chest, and said solemnly, "No, I'll help you share the firepower."

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "When you speak, please touch your conscience."

"Eh? Conscience or something..." Raphael lowered her head, her right hand rested on her left chest, the silent and towering peaks under her school uniform were clearly too huge to be grasped with one hand.

The black-bellied girl sighed a little disappointed: "It seems that I can't touch it."

With black lines on Wei Nai's face, she couldn't help complaining, "Lafite, you're getting dirtier!"

"I can't help it." The black-bellied girl propped her chin with one hand, tilted her head slightly, and her face was innocent, "Because if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black."


A series of disgusted eyes drifted to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye was so angry that he almost flipped the table, he didn't say a word, why is he always lying down, if that's the case, I'll show you guys next time!


Chapter 777 Boys are made of water!

Going home alone will definitely be scolded by my sister. At this time, it is undoubtedly a wise move to find someone to share the firepower.

In terms of candidates, Satania and Liuhua will never be allowed to go again. It is said that the great wisdom is as stupid as it is, but it is a pity that you only see stupidity, and you can't see where the wisdom is.

Machiko's family lives far away, so it's inconvenient to go home at night if you are a guest.

Alice still has a dance class to attend in the evening. Although she is a short Douding elementary school student, she has learned a lot. It is estimated that she is not tall because she is too tired.

As for Wei Nai...

"I dont go."

With a pretty face, Wei Nai sternly refused.

What to do?

Could it be that for Xiao Jia's happiness, he wants to hook up with sister Jia Ailu?

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to agree to it!

"It's just because you can chat with my sister. If you chat, I don't have to listen to my sister's nagging." The useless angel clasped his hands together, pitifully, "Vina sauce, can you help me?"

"Don't go."


Use skill: Gabriel's Gaze.

Wei Nai's defense continued to decline.

Wei Nai was hit by a broken defense.

Wei Nai's blood volume cleared to zero.

"Don't look at me with the eyes of a cat begging for food!" Wei Nai finally lost the battle and gave up on herself, "I'll just go..."


When they walked to the food street, they suddenly saw a large group of people queuing in front of a cake shop, and the line stretched a long way.

"Hey, what is that?" Wei Nai looked curiously, "There are a lot of people in line."

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