"Why are you here so slowly?" Wei Nai couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Because I met a poor stray kitten on the road, who followed me and called 'meow meow'..."

"Hey, cat?" Wei Nai was suddenly distracted, "Where is the cat?"

"My classmate Hua Ye and I fed it a piece of bread, and it took some time." As a troublemaker girl, she must have a thick skin, and she must not show her flaws at all, so she said it as if it was true, "Then the cat When you're full, go away."

"That's it..." Wei Nai pursed her lips, pulled up a strand of hair around her ears in disappointment, and then pushed Gabriel who was sleeping on her lap to wake up, "Xiao Jia, get up quickly, we are going back. "

"Sleep a little longer..." The useless angel still refused to get up, and arched its face towards Wei Nai's lower abdomen in a daze.

Wei Nai's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she couldn't help reaching out to pinch Gabriel's ears, and said shyly and angrily, "Get up quickly, I'm going to be angry if you keep messing around!"



"My lord, I'm back."

At the door of the apartment, Gabriel had already switched to the holy light mode, and greeted Gail with a gentle smile.

Wei Nai bowed and shouted politely, "Sister Jiaairu, good afternoon."

"Sister Jiaailu." Rafael clasped his hands together, smiling gracefully, "I'm here to disturb you again today."

"En." Jiaailu responded, and calmly said, "Come in."

The windows in the room are bright and clean, the air is fresh, and things are neatly arranged. It is completely different from Gabriel's appearance at home alone. Sure enough, there is suppression by her sister, and this useless angel has no chance to let go.

"Sister, these are the puffs I bought." Gabriel offered the puffs in her hands, "I heard that the taste is super delicious, why don't you try it?"

The corners of Wei Nai's eyes twitched, trying hard to suppress the desire to complain.

You didn't buy it!

After queuing for less than ten minutes, I shouted that I was hot and tired, and said that I had to melt it, but when I arrived at the supermarket, I wanted to sit in the shopping cart and let me push it...You cheat my sister like this, my conscience will not hurt. Well!

Lafite can't touch his conscience, but you can easily touch it!

"Huh?" Jiaailu tilted her head slightly, looked at Wei Nai, and asked in a pair of blue eyes, "Vina seems to have something to say?"

"No, no." Wei Nai hurriedly smiled and shook her head stiffly, she had to lie again for Gabriel's sake.

I always feel that if this continues, I am getting closer and closer to the real devil...

Jiaailu didn't ask any more questions, but reached out to take a puff, opened her small mouth and took a bite, then nodded and commented: "It tastes good."

"As long as my sister likes it."


Gabriel launched a begging stare.

"What do you see me doing?" Gailu raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Because I haven't eaten on the way." The useless angel stretched out two fingers, tapped it gently on its chest, and said with a slightly red face, "After finding delicious food, I want to eat it with my sister. Sharing makes the taste better."


The corner of Wei Nai's mouth twitched slightly, and she could hardly bear it anymore... I have never seen such a brazen little Jia!

Rafael, on the other hand, looked at Gabriel, whose acting skills exploded, with a happy smile, constantly gaining pleasure points.

As for Gabriel... What's wrong with being cute and coquettish?

Although it's shameful to be cute, it's quite useful against my sister. If you show a lazy look like a salted fish in front of your sister, you must have been knocked on the head by Jia Ailu by now.

Jiaairu looked down at the puff in her hand, and said calmly:

"Let's eat together."

"Yeah, I like my sister the most! (*^▽^*)"


It's a pity that this useless angel will soon stop laughing.

"Look at this." After eating the puffs, Jiaairu reached out and put a piece of draft paper on the table.

"Eh? What is this?"

Gabriel took the draft paper, and her face soon turned green.

Sitting next to Hua Ye, he looked a little curiously, and saw the title "Ten Signs of Depravity".

They are noon when you open your eyes, sleep after [-] o’clock in the evening, chaotic room, time is basically spent on mobile phones and computers, no enthusiasm for doing anything, often in a daze and inexplicable irritability, severe lack of physical exercise, poor diet Regularity, lack of communication with family members, often drinking fat house happy water and eating potato chips.

Jiaairu looked at Gabriel, half-closed her eyes, and said in a dignified voice, "Gabriel, how much do you think you have?"

"That..." Gabriel's eyes drifted, and he talked about him from left to right, "It's not a lot... At least it's not that I can't be enthusiastic about everything..."

"What? Are you trying to say that you are passionate about playing games?"

Gabriel shrank her neck, obediently bowed her head to listen to the training, but her eyes couldn't stop asking for help from Wei Nai.

Wei Nai twitched the corner of her mouth, changed the subject and said:

"Um... Sister Jiaailu, what is the fat house happy water?"

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