"I know this." Raphael stretched out a slender finger and explained with a smile, "It's actually Coca-Cola."

"Because the sugar content of Coca-Cola is three times that of Pepsi, when you eat sweets, it will prompt the brain to release happy chemicals... High sugar content + refreshing drink, if you drink two bottles of happy water a day, and then do not exercise , will soon become a fat house."

"So that's how it is..."

Wei Nai nodded subconsciously. She doesn't drink Coke. She usually only drinks barley tea and yogurt, and usually doesn't eat high-calorie foods such as potato chips. But for Gabriel...

"Gabriel, how much heavier are you now than when you were at home?" Gaairu asked again.

"It's not a lot..."

The useless angel stretched out a finger with some guilt.

"Don't try to lie to me." Jia Ailu put on a pretty face, "I measured you yesterday, and you are three catties fatter than at home."

"Three catties is not a lot..." Wei Nai hurriedly smoothed things over.

From the time I came to the human world to study spiritual practice in March, to the current October, I have gained three catties in six months, which is really not too much.

"Not much?" Jia Ailu slightly raised her eyebrows, and said to Wei Nai, "Go to the supermarket to buy three catties of pork, and see how much there is?"


Wei Nai was speechless.

Many people are not sensitive to numbers, and think that it is no big deal to gain a catty or two catties. At this time, as long as you go to the supermarket to buy two catties of pork and hold it in your hand, you will know that two catties of meat is a lot of meat!

Hua Ye nodded and said, "It's quite a lot."

"Don't talk!" The useless angel turned his head and gave Hua Ye a murderous look, then puffed up his cheeks, expressing his displeasure, "Sister, what are you trying to say?"

"It's very simple." Gail stretched out a finger, tapped lightly on the draft paper, and then calmly said the words that almost made Gabriel collapse, "Didn't you ask me last night, when will I Are you going back?"

Gabriel opened her eyes wide, and a bad premonition welled up in her heart.

Sure enough, I heard Gailu calmly say:

"As long as you correct all the above ten items, I will go back."

Gabriel was so angry that she almost flipped the table: "Sister is a hateful big devil!?"

"Huh?" Jiaailu narrowed her eyes halfway, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.


Gabriel pushed back the raised table again.

"If you don't have an opinion, it's settled like this?" Jiaailu asked, but her eyes were clearly a warning of "you dare to have an opinion".

As the saying goes, one thing falls one thing, Tian Kewei Nai, who ignored Lafite and beat up Satania Gabriel, can only prostrate on the ground under the majesty of her sister at this moment, shivering, even if her heart is full of anger He vomited blood, but he still forced a moving smile on his face: "No, I have no objection..."

While talking, the crippled angel looked at Hua Ye and the other three begging for help.

Hua Ye drank the barley tea slowly, instead of pleading for mercy, he felt rather relieved.You usually bully this and that, but now you are being suppressed by your sister alone. It can only be said that good and evil will be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation.

Rafael also gave a thumbs up beside him, smiling gracefully: "Oh, today is also a happy day."

Gabriel clenched her silver teeth, her eyes finally fell on Vinai.

It's a pity that before she had time to act like a baby, Wei Nai turned her head and looked out the window: "I think sister Jia Ailu's words are reasonable, such as staying up late to cultivate immortality, etc., it should really be changed..."

Chapter 779 Wei Nai's Suffering Day

in the kitchen.

"Ah, ah, do you know how scary my sister is now?" Gabriel scratched her hair, puffing her cheeks like a puffer fish, "I feel like I'm living in a Nazi concentration camp, all the time You have to worry and be cautious all the time, and you are hovering on the edge of life and death every minute and every second!"

"But sister Jiaailu won't use violence against you, right?" Rafael stretched out a finger, smiling happily, "Although sister Jiaailu looks cold, she is actually a very gentle person."

"It's true that you don't know how to use violence..." Gabriel thought brokenly, "But being looked at by my sister with cold eyes is even scarier, right? When you sleep at night, you don't need to turn on the air conditioner!"

Wei Nai complained:

"The temperature at night has been getting lower and lower recently, so there is no need to turn on the air conditioner."

Gabriel looked at Hua Ye while washing the peppers on her hands, "Remember to make super spicy dishes at night, preferably so spicy that my sister doubts her life, and then she can't stand it and leave voluntarily, do you hear me?"

"You have said it the eighth time." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

The chef of the dinner is Hua Ye, and the cleaning work in the early stage is usually Wei Nai's business, but under the watchful eyes of Jia Ailu, Gabriel could only reluctantly follow in to help.

The peppers I bought this time were not the usual bell peppers. After all, they are not really spicy. Instead, I bought green hot peppers, millet peppers, and red peppers... Anyway, how spicy it is.

Gabriel and Lafite were in charge of cleaning, and Wei Nai was in charge of cutting, and the air was filled with acrid smell.


Jiaailu suddenly walked to the door of the kitchen with a cup of milky white liquid.

"Sister, sister..." Gabriel responded, "What's the matter?"

"When I was cleaning the room in the morning, I saw a yam left over from yesterday in the kitchen, so I squeezed a cup of yam juice." Gail said, and handed the cup to Gabriel, "After you drink it, remember Keep your spirits up and don't always look weak."


The crippled angel couldn't resist, so he could only reach out to take the cup.

The effect of yam juice is to nourish the spleen and stomach, and it can treat weak spleen and stomach, fatigue, sweating, etc. Drinking it often has the effect of strengthening the body, but the color of yam juice is milky white like coconut juice...

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