As for Gabriel... she's desperate right now.

The plot of this kind of movie is fine to watch alone, but watching sex scenes with my sister, listening to coquettish/panting, will kill me!It must be embarrassing to death!

Chapter 783 Found a Scumbag

in a dimly lit room.

The sultry and charming/panting gently reverberates.

The naked woman was still shaking her waist.

However, the plot that was supposed to make people's heart beat faster and their blood pulsed, caused the temperature in the room to drop suddenly, as if it was winter in March and September in an instant. freeze.

Hua Ye raised his hand and smoothed his hair, avoiding the tragedy of this useless angel being choked to death by popcorn.

"Cough cough cough..."

Gabriel finally caught her breath, and quickly grabbed the remote control to turn off the TV, her face flushed and she said, "Sister, listen to my explanation!"

"So familiar..."

Sitting next to him, Hua Ye ate popcorn silently. He always felt that the phrase "you listen to my explanation" was full of sense of sight... Sure enough, if you come out to hang out, you have to pay it back?

Chiailu was surrounded by cold air. Compared with the holy angel, she was more like the frost goddess who froze everything. She turned her head to look at her sister, and said without a trace of ups and downs in her voice: "Gabriel, you usually watch this kind of thing. ?”

"No!" Gabriel shook her head hastily, almost crying, "I didn't know there would be such content..."

It’s okay to fail in the super spicy food battle, why do you still encounter such a bad plot when watching horror movies!She will definitely be severely punished by her old-fashioned and serious sister!

It's a pity that Jiaairu was unmoved: "However, I remember you said before that you bought the CD because you like this type of movie."


Gabriel opened her mouth, already despairing of this malicious world.

The reason why I said I like watching horror movies is just an excuse to fool my sister, but now it has become a real hammer to shoot myself in the foot.

"I was wrong……"

The useless angel lowered its head pitifully, pretending to admit its mistake obediently, but it didn't forget to use the corner of its eye to signal Hua Ye to help it out.

Hua Ye ate a piece of popcorn and suggested, "How about kneeling on the keyboard?"



the next morning.

It was less than seven o'clock when the knock on the door rang.

Elijah opened the door.

"Good morning, Illya-chan~~" Gabriel held her schoolbag in both hands, her blond hair fell to her waist, shining holy light in the sun, her voice was gentle and her smile was bright, "I'm calling classmate Hua Ye to go to school together. "

"Master hasn't woken up yet." Ilya said calmly.

"I told him to get up." Gabriel entered the room and walked up to Hua Ye. The smile on her face was still gentle, but her eyes could kill people. "It's time to get up."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and sat up from the bed.

After turning off the TV last night, Jiaailu asked Hua Ye and Ilya to go out, and then set up a soundproof barrier in the room, obviously to have a pleasant and friendly exchange with her sister... Although I don't know the content of the exchange, but The effect is obviously good, otherwise this useless angel would not have run to Hua Ye so early to avoid his sister.

"It's still early……"

"Going back to bed and getting up early will be good for your health, and we can still clean the classroom." The useless angel bent slightly, squinted his eyes, and signaled with his eyes, "Get up quickly, or you will die!"


Hua Ye had no choice but to get out of bed and get dressed, then went to the bathroom to wash up.

"Master, what do you want for breakfast?"

Maid Illya waits for orders.

"I'll treat him to breakfast later, so I won't trouble Illya-chan today." Gabriel said with a smile.

Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

It's nothing more than running over and knocking on the door to disturb people after six o'clock in the morning. Now you don't even dare to eat breakfast. How much do you want to escape your sister's sight!

After leaving the apartment, the useless angel asked in a low voice, "Is my sister spying on me with clairvoyance?"

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded.

"Help me block my sister's sight!" Gabriel said decisively.

"Is this another request?" Hua Ye planned to ask clearly first, lest this useless angel renege on his debt.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's just a request of yours!"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Okay, blocked."

"Phew..." the crippled angel let out a breath, immediately switched to lazy mode, and gritted his teeth, "You little soul left me and ran away last night! Do you know how terrible things my sister did to me! "

"I don't know." Hua Ye shook his head.

Tricking my sister into buying explosive puffs, wanting to make my sister suspicious of life, and even making my sister applaud for love... It's not too much to teach you, right?

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