The crippled angel glared at Hua Ye, after all, he didn't mention Jia Ailu's punishment last night, and raised his hand to cover his cheek: "My mouth hurts, it's all your fault."

"What does a sore mouth have to do with me?" Hua Ye's face was dark.

"There seems to be an ulcer in the mouth..."


This is the so-called self-inflicted evil!It was obviously a trick to deal with your sister, but Jia Ailu was fine, but you have a mouth ulcer!

Hua Ye thought for a while, and said solemnly:

"I can……"

"Shut up!" The crippled angel punched Hua Ye's abdomen, but the force was limp and powerless. "Spit out again, and I'll punch you to death!"

Hua Ye grabbed the crippled angel's fist, "Then go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine?"

Gabriel hesitated for a moment, feeling the pain in her mouth, she nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's go to the pharmacy..."


The two quickly walked into a pharmacy, because it was still early, there was no one in the store, only a clerk stood behind the counter, yawning sleepily.

"Welcome!" Seeing Hua Ye and Gabriel enter the store, the clerk hurriedly bowed and asked, "What do you two need?"

Gabriel, with short legs and short steps, followed Hua Ye into the shop. He was rubbing his cheeks with his hands at the moment, and raised his hand to poke Hua Ye's back, signaling Hua Ye to speak.

"Buy her medicine..."

While talking, Hua Ye took out his mobile phone to search what medicine to buy for oral ulcers.


The clerk girl was startled, and her eyes fell on Gabriel who was behind Hua Ye.

This useless angel got up early and cleaned himself up. Although he is not in the Holy Light mode, he looks like a "child of someone else's family"... Then, here comes the problem.

Two students wearing student uniforms sneaked into the pharmacy to buy medicine early in the morning when many people hadn't woken up yet, and the girl still looked timid with tears in her eyes, as if she was afraid of something... Could it be that she wanted to Do you want to buy that medicine?

Thinking of this, the clerk's gaze at Hua Ye suddenly became unfriendly.

Especially when Hua Ye was still playing with his mobile phone with his head down, his appearance of "plucking a bird is ruthless", made the girl in the shop clerk snort in disgust.


Hua Ye raised his head and looked at the woman behind the counter inexplicably, not understanding why the woman's eyes suddenly became disgusted.

"Do you know that taking that kind of medicine is very harmful to your body?" The woman said in a cold tone.

"Hurt the body?"

Hua Ye didn't know that the medicine for oral ulcers would also hurt the body, but the medicine was three-point poisonous, and it was normal to have side effects, probably similar to cold medicine, which caused drowsiness?

"It's okay." Hua Ye said casually, "She's used to it."

"Xi, get used to it?!"

The woman standing behind the counter suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at Gabriel with grief.

How many times do you have to eat it before you get used to it?

That kind of medicine is used as an emergency contraceptive method. If you can’t take it, try not to take it. If you take too much, it will even cause infertility. She is such a cute girl, but if you cheat her, you don’t know how to cherish it!

The clerk took a deep breath, clenched her fists and said to Hua Ye:

"That medicine has a lot of side effects on the body, you should restrain yourself!"

Hua Ye was startled, then turned to look at Gabriel: "It must be because she didn't know how to restrain herself last night?"

I knew I couldn't eat spicy food, but I couldn't control my mouth, and I ate an extra bowl of rice than usual. I can't blame others for my mouth ulcers, right?


The disdain in the shop assistant's eyes was almost overflowing.

Oh my God!

How dare you dump the blame on a girl for such a thing?

You are so big, and that girl is so small, if you don't want to, she can force you!

It's fine if you can't control your lower body. After all, men are lower body animals, but at least take responsibility for me after pushing!This kind of bastard who disregards the girl's body and lets the girl eat medicine as food, should be destroyed by humanity, right?

The clerk took a deep breath: "This is a matter between two people, I want to ask that girl's opinion..."

"The matter between the two of you?" Hua Ye was puzzled, and he didn't have a mouth ulcer. "It has nothing to do with me, right?"


As a clerk, you can't speak bad words to passengers, but it doesn't prevent the clerk from showing contempt for Hua Ye. A simple translation is: I found a scumbag...

Found a scum...

Hua Ye frowned slightly. He didn't understand why the clerk suddenly became so hostile towards him, but he was already upset. He put away his phone and said in a cold tone, "One serving of watermelon frost spray."

For the treatment of oral ulcers, watermelon frost spray is the most recommended on the Internet.

"Hey, Watermelon Frost Spray?!" The clerk's eyes widened, "Isn't what you want to buy a birth control pill?"

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