
Gabriel, who was rubbing her cheeks, immediately sprayed.

Meow meow meow?

What the hell is the contraceptive pill?

I just have a mouth ulcer, why do I have to eat that kind of thing!

Hua Ye also had black lines all over his face. He pointed at Gabriel, gritted his teeth and said, "She ate too much spicy food last night, and now she has a mouth ulcer! What kind of medicine do you think we are here to buy?"

Go to your uncle!Feelings, do you think that I took her to a room last night and didn't use a small umbrella for my own pleasure, so I took her here to buy contraceptives this morning! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

The clerk opened her mouth, her face turned red, "Yes, I'm sorry... please wait a moment, I'm going to get contraception... no, it's watermelon frost spray..."

Chapter 784 You are dirty

"The watermelon frost spray you want..." The clerk trotted back with the medicine, and asked with a blushing face, "Well, have you two checked it?"

"Check what?" Gabriel blinked, a little puzzled.

"Mouth ulcers can be divided into excess-fire type and virtual-fire type. Watermelon frost spray can only treat the excess-fire type of aphthous ulcers..."

Hua Ye said, "It should be because she ate a lot of spicy food last night."

"So, too much spicy food will irritate the oral mucosa, leading to oral ulcers, so it should be a real fire type, but just to be on the safe side, it's better to check..." The clerk pursed her lips and explained , "It's very simple, there will be redness and swelling around the real fire type of aphthous sores, let's take a look."

Hua Ye responded and looked at the useless angel: "Open your mouth."

Gabriel glared at Hua Ye, but still reluctantly opened her mouth: "Ah——"

It's better to ask Hua Ye to help than to let this stranger check.

Hua Ye took a closer look and found that there were two mouth ulcers on this useless angel, one was on the right side of the tongue, and the other was on the lower lip. The area was only the size of a grain of rice, and there was some redness and swelling around it.

"It's a real fire ulcer."

"Then there is no problem with watermelon cream spray..." The clerk breathed a sigh of relief, and explained the precautions while scanning the code, "After spraying, you need to keep the liquid ingredients in your mouth and don't swallow it. Do not drink any water until the powder is completely absorbed..."

After paying the bill, Hua Ye and Gabriel walked out of the pharmacy and sat down on an empty bench.

"Spray now or when?" Hua Ye raised the watermelon frost spray in his hand.

"Of course I spray it now." Gabriel urged, "Hurry up, I don't want to wait a second longer!"

Oral ulcers are painful when you breathe. Although it doesn’t matter if you don’t spray medicine, it will heal automatically in about a week. But during this period, it will hurt when you eat, it hurts when you drink hot water, and it hurts even when you are silent. It’s unbearable. OK!

Hua Ye nodded, opened the package, and suddenly said:

"Wait a moment."


Hua Ye said solemnly:

"The clerk told you to gargle with salt water first to sterilize the bacteria. If you don't gargle, it will probably have a bad effect, so..."

"go away!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gabriel's words.

The useless angel half-closed his eyes, and raised his fist full of murderous intent: "If you dare to say anything about kissing and disinfection, I'll beat you to death!"


As we all know, watermelon frost spray is not a liquid, but a white powder. The reason for this name is that one of the main ingredients in it is the frost that is scraped off after a special treatment of watermelon, so it got its name.

This useless angel has short legs, short chest, and a small mouth. In order to apply the medicine at this moment, she has to raise her small face, open her mouth, and spit out the tip of her pink tongue. She probably feels that this posture is a bit embarrassing. Although her eyes She was still fierce, but there were already two faint red glows on her face...

If Hongxia is changed to flushing, and the fierce eyes are replaced with bewildered eyes, it will instantly become some popular drama!

"What are you looking at?" Seeing that Hua Ye's eyes were getting more and more wrong, the useless angel hurriedly said, "If you dare to mess around, you will die!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "I think it should be disinfected after all."


Before Gabriel could react, Hua Ye had already hugged her on his lap.

"Soul light..."

Before she finished speaking, Hua Ye grabbed her slender waist and kissed her directly without giving her a chance to resist.

Soft and moist lips, with a refreshing breath, as fragrant as orchids.

Under a kiss, the lips and teeth are fragrant.

Because the lower lip has been sprayed with watermelon frost, at this moment the lips have a cool mint taste, and it is slightly bitter, like some kind of iced jelly with a good taste.

It's a pity that Gabriel took a bite before Hua Ye could taste it carefully.

"Hundan!" The crippled angel blushed, wiped his lips with his hands, and punched Hua Ye twice with murderous aura, "Knowing that my mouth hurts, I still kiss you...just care about your own pleasure, right?"

With black lines on Hua Ye's face, he couldn't help complaining, "You're dirty."

"You face paralyzed/sexual maniac is not qualified to say me!"

"Who do you call facial paralysis?"

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