But in this way, Wei Nai fell into a new trouble.

Because I can’t do bad things, the living expenses have been deducted a lot by hell. Although the money I earn from working in a coffee shop is enough to cover expenses, but as a devil, I can’t do bad things. Will I be laughed at?

If Jiaailu is the goal of longing, wouldn't he be getting farther and farther away from the real devil?

"Don't be angry." Rafael handed over a glass of Coke, "Have a glass of soda to calm down."

Wei Nai blurted out a word of complaint: "Fat house happy water?"

"That's not it." Tax-dodging Lafite blinked his eyes, sat upright, and fooled people with a cheerful smile, "Coke's calories are indeed high, but I added ice cubes in the glass, so that the calories are just right The coolness of the ice cubes offsets it, so you won’t get fat after drinking it.”

Wei Nai squinted her eyes and said expressionlessly: "When you say this, please touch your conscience."

"But I can't touch it." The black-bellied girl raised her hand and knocked her head with an innocent face, "I'm also very distressed."

Gabriel lifted the table and said, "What we are discussing now is how to deal with my sister, right?"

"Sister Jiaairu must have a weakness, but we haven't discovered it..." Rafael changed his job to a military adviser again, pushed the glasses that didn't exist on the bridge of his nose, and said solemnly, "Why don't you try to make my sister also Falling with you? In this way, I will naturally feel embarrassed to take care of you."

"Eh, what to do?"

"Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling... No, it's eating, drinking and having fun?"


Chapter 785

After school.

Just as Hua Ye walked to the school gate, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from Dragon Maid Thor.

"Hey, is that Xiao Ye?" Thor's energetic voice rang in his ears, "Xiao Lin said that his hometown sent a lot of fruit, and we couldn't eat it. I asked you to come and get some to eat at home!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "With you and Kang Na here, is there anything I can't eat?"

"What." Thor was unhappy, "Speaking as if we are good eaters."

"If you can eat it, you should ask those cafeteria owners who are crying in the toilet?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining.

"Hee hee. (*^▽^*)" Thor deliberately acted cute, and changed the subject, "Anyway, remember to come to dinner tonight."


fifteen minutes later.

Hua Ye came to the door of Xiaolin's apartment.

As soon as the doorbell was pressed, the door opened with a "click".

"Xiao Ye, are you here?" Thor stood behind the door in a maid outfit that never changed for thousands of years, with a smile on his face full of vigor, and the little canine teeth at the corner of his mouth were so cute in the sun, he waved to Hua Ye, "Come in, come in." !"


Hua Ye responded, walked into the entrance, put on a pair of sandals Thor had prepared, and went to the living room.

The blue-eyed young dragon Kangna has already finished school, the little yellow hat is thrown on the sofa, and the red schoolbag, which is much larger than a high school student's schoolbag, is leaning next to it. At the moment, it is watching TV while lying on the coffee table, holding a pencil do homework.

Hua Ye suddenly felt that Gabriel and Satania should come over to watch this scene. Even elementary school students know how to study hard and do homework frequently, but you are fishing all day long, won't your conscience hurt!

But after seeing the snack in Hua Ye's hand, the blue-eyed young dragon decisively dropped the pencil in his hand, and ran over with his bare feet. His pair of thick legs in white stockings were surprisingly cute.

"Baumkuchen, cotton candy." Kang Na raised her small face, sniffed her nose, her big eyes bluer than the sky flashed anticipation, "I want to eat."

Hua Ye handed the snacks he bought on the way to Kang Na.I didn't think so before, but now that I think about it, this blue-eyed baby dragon doesn't cry, make noise, play with your phone, search your room, or drop your handicrafts...Compared to those brats, it's so cute that it explodes OK!

"Xiaoye, eat a pear." Thor handed over a peeled pear.

"Are these sand pears the fruit you gave me?" Hua Ye reached out to take the pears and asked casually.

There is no doubt that these pears are sand pears, which are very common in Japan. They are darker brown in color than white pears, with a crisper taste and thinner skin, making them easier to identify.

"Yeah, it was delivered by courier last night." Thor nodded, pointing to a cardboard box in the kitchen, "It's a big box full of dozens of pears. Xiao Lin said it was a specialty of his hometown. What 'taste of hometown', I specifically asked you to come over and get some to eat back."

October is the best season for eating pears in Japan, but there are only cherry blossom trees and some green trees in the city, so there are no pear trees. If you want to eat pears, you can only go to the supermarket to buy them.

These pears sent from my hometown have no difference in taste compared to the fruits bought in the supermarket, but because of the extra heart, they naturally have a special taste in my heart.

Hua Ye took a bite and found that the flesh was smooth, with a slightly sour taste and a refreshing taste. It tasted really good.

"By the way, there is still a bag of weird fruits." Thor ran over to open the refrigerator, and grabbed two black, round pie-shaped fruits slightly larger than coins. "Unfortunately, the name is a mouthful..."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Water chestnuts?"

However, the word 'water chestnut' is difficult to pronounce, and this thing looks very similar to a horseshoe, so the name "horseshoe" is more common.

"That's right, that's the name!" Thor's eyes lit up, "Xiaolin said that this can be eaten as a fruit or as a vegetable, so strange."

"It's not surprising, is it?" Hua Ye said casually, "Carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, etc. can all be eaten as vegetables."

Thor opened his eyes wide in surprise, and asked curiously, "Hey, watermelon can also be eaten as a vegetable?"

"Fried watermelon rind, let's find out."

"It turned out to be the watermelon rind." Thor suddenly realized, he clenched his right hand and smashed it on the palm of his hand, and then said with some disappointment, "It's a pity that when I ate watermelon before, the watermelon rind was eaten by Connor, and there was nothing left. down."

What is watermelon rind?

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