This kind of blue-eyed young dragon has eaten crabs, shells, hermit crabs, frogs, butterflies, cicadas, etc., and everything that flies in the sky, runs on the ground, or swims in the water must go to her recipe.

There is a song called Ode to the Millennium Recipe, and Kang Na can definitely write a "Millennium Dragon's Food Journey"!

Thor peeled off two horseshoes with a knife, exposing the white and tender flesh inside, and handed one of them to Hua Ye: "Here, how about a taste?"


Hua Ye reached out to take it, and ate it in one bite. The horseshoe tasted sweet and crunchy, because when it was taken out of the refrigerator just now, there was still a cold air, somewhat similar to pear meat, and the taste was not bad.

"Master Thor, I want to eat too." Kang Na raised her hand.

"Wait," Thor bit the other hoof in half, and muttered, "Open your mouth."


Kang Na raised her small face, waiting for the food to be delivered.


Thor flicked his fingers, and half of the horseshoe flew out.


Kang Na has a passive talent of [-]% catching snacks, so naturally she will not fail. After eating a horseshoe, she continued to do her homework with her mouth full.

"Xiaolin said this can be used for cooking, and she often ate it when she was a child. When she talked last night, the expression on her face should be nostalgia?" Thor turned his head and thought for a while. Apart from nostalgia, there should be melancholy and loneliness. The expression, in short, is very distressed, "So I plan to use horseshoes to cook for Xiaolin to eat at night, and Xiaoye will help me."

"No help." Hua Ye said with a cold face, "It's not difficult to do it, you can learn it online."

"But my cooking is not as delicious as Xiao Ye's, and Xiao Lin will be happier if you make it." This dragon maid actually learned to act like a baby, and looked at Hua Ye with fluttering eyes. Well, the level of coquettishness is as high as the sky, and as low as the earth, even Gabriel's useless angel can't compare.

Seeing that Hua Ye was unmoved, Thor rolled his eyes and suddenly asked, "Xiao Ye, do you like watching Fat Times?"


Hua Ye almost spat out.

Hey, you are driving too fast, you are still pretending to be pitiful, why did the topic jump to Fat Times in an instant!

Even if you like it, wouldn't you still lift your skirt to reveal your fat times?

Certainly not!

"I don't like it." Hua Ye shook his head with disgust in his eyes.

"But Kobayashi likes it very much..."

your sister!Although Xiaolin is a three-faceless paralyzed girl, she doesn't have any strange attributes!What's wrong with suddenly liking fat times!

Thor continued: "When I was sleeping last night, I saw Xiao Lin holding that girl's fat book, laughing there..."

Laugh at your sister!Don't add strange rotten girl attributes to Xiaolin without authorization!

"Wait." Hua Ye suddenly realized something was wrong, "You said 'that book' fat times?"

When can the quantifier of fat time be used?

"That's right, it's Fat Times." Thor stood up from the sofa, turned and walked into the bedroom, and quickly took out a comic book, "This is it."

Hua Ye reached out to take it, and was immediately speechless.

The cover of the pamphlet shows a short-haired maid standing sideways. At this moment, she is lifting the hem of the maid's skirt, revealing the white suspenders, pink and white legs, and lace chubby legs...

In addition, while the maid was lifting her skirt, she also had a disgusted expression on her face as if she was looking at unrecyclable kitchen waste.

The title of the manga is also special: "I'll Show You Fat Times with Disgusted Face".

"Is this what you're talking about?" Hua Ye flipped through a few pages with a dark face, and found that there was not even a complete plot in it, "I didn't see anything interesting at all."

"I'll Show You Fat Times with Disgusted Face", Hua Ye had heard the name of this comic, but hadn't read the content.I heard that the original author said in an interview that because he is an out-and-out M shaker, he believes that the pinnacle of life is not to be named a marquis or prime minister, but to be despised by beautiful girls while lifting up his skirt to give it to him with disgust. I look fat...

A guy who can say such a thing is definitely a pervert!

Hehe, the guy who smirked and swiped at the fat times of these maids is really a pervert! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"What I said is true!" Thor puffed out his mouth, feeling unhappy, "That dead house in Takiya gave it to Kobayashi, and he said that it is very popular recently, and it will be animated soon... Have you seen it?" right?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.He's been very busy these days, and he really hasn't read the book "Show You Fat Times with Disgusted Face".

If you want to watch the fat times, you can go to that crippled angel, or tax-evading Lafite, or even Igarashi?

Huh, there seems to be a strange name mixed in...


Thor puffed up his cheeks, leaned forward slightly and looked at Hua Ye: "Doesn't Xiao Ye really like watching it?"

"do not like."

"Not interested at all?"

"not interested."


Thor suddenly stood up straight, his big golden eyes looked at Hua Ye without blinking.

"What are you going to do?" A question mark floated above Hua Ye's head.

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