"Hey, where is it dirty?" Thor blinked his eyes, puzzled, "I saw it accidentally on the Internet, some people said that geoduck is too expensive to eat, I want to know how it tastes, and then someone replied below : You only need to use 'catch the strong man' to imagine the geoduck, and naturally you won't have too much expectation... After all, what does this sentence mean?"

Chapter 789

Back at the apartment, it was already half past five, and Thor put down his things, but he was not in a hurry to prepare cooking now.

Kang Na didn't wear slippers, but only wore a pair of white tube socks. She ran to the living room with two thick legs and sat down. She turned on the TV and started watching it.It happened to be on a variety show, and the content was an interview with a zoo in this city. In order to attract traffic, the zoo said that as long as they kiss, they can enter the zoo for free... The problem is that it is not limited to men and women, two men kissing can be counted as passing.

Hua Ye took a glance and just saw two men kissing each other. The picture was really eye-catching.

"By the way, I promised to kiss you when I caught the geoduck." Thor clenched his fist with his left hand and slammed it on his right hand. "Sit still, we will do what we say, and we will never be ambiguous."

Hey, are you serious?

Girls who make good promises are the easiest to go back on their word, what are you doing so frankly!

Hua Ye said with a dark face:

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Shy? Why are you shy?" Thor blinked his eyes, expressing his confusion, "It's just a kiss, it won't get pregnant or get hurt... just like humans kiss kittens and puppies, and they don't feel shy Bar?"

What he said made sense, but Hua Ye had no words to refute, because he also didn't know what 'shyness' was.

"Are you shy?" Thor asked curiously.

"No." Hua Ye said with a poker face.

"Humans are really creatures that are easily swayed by low-level emotions." Thor shook his head, "Speaking of which, Kobayashi also refused to let me kiss, obviously it is a maid's duty to offer a kiss to the master who is tired all day Say……"

Maids don't have such a bad job!If you kiss me back and forth, she will become a lily!

"Do you treat others like this?" Hua Ye asked.

"Of course not, because Xiao Lin and Xiao Ye are special." Thor wrinkled his nose and sniffed Hua Ye. It sounds good too, and it will take me to a buffet... Anyway, I don't hate it."

"You don't hate me."


The dragon maid leaned forward slightly, and the huge chest approached Hua Ye. It stared at Hua Ye for a few seconds without blinking its golden eyes, and suddenly realized: "Ah, I understand!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Understand what?"

"Don't let me kiss, you want Kang Na to replace me?"


Instead of your sister!

Hua Ye was so angry that he almost lifted the table.

The human form of this blue-eyed baby dragon is only an eight-year-old girl, and she will go to jail!Even if the police can't control them, they will be despised to death by Gabriel and Wei Nai!

"Don't say anything, just kiss me." Hua Ye said expressionlessly.


Thor was not shy either. He supported the sofa with one hand, and with the other hand, he pinned a strand of golden hair that fell to his chest behind his ear. Then he leaned forward and leaned forward to kiss Hua Ye on the face. .

The breeze was blowing, and a pleasant fragrance came to the face.

It not only has the fragrance of green apple shampoo, but also has a strong milky fragrance.

Hua Ye only felt the soft and moist lips imprinted on his face, and he made a loud "baji" sound... It didn't feel like a relative, but like eating fruit!

"Big liar." Thor said suddenly.


The dragon maid tilted her head, reached out her hand to touch her lips, frowned and said: "It is said on the Internet that kissing others will make the heart beat faster, the mouth will dry up, the deer will bump around, and the whole sky will become brighter...it's not at all."

I can't make your heart beat faster and your mouth dry, I'm really sorry!

Hua Ye looked disgusted, and took out a tissue to wipe off the saliva on his face.The dragon's saliva is a rare material for alchemy. If an alchemist saw this tissue, they might fight over it.

"Konna." Thor turned to look at Kangna, "Let me kiss you?"


The blue-eyed young dragon tilted its head slightly, raised its small face, and let Thor kiss him in the same way.

After the kiss, the dragon maid sighed, and stretched out her hand to rub her lips: "I really don't feel anything... Let's find a chance to kiss Xiao Lin and try."

"Master Thor, I want to kiss you too." Kang Na raised her hand.


Thor bent down, the majesty of his chest once again released the attractiveness of his breasts, tremblingly attracting the attention of others, then Connor leaned over and kissed Thor on the face.

After the kiss, the blue-eyed young dragon looked up at Hua Ye again.

Hey, what do you see me doing?

Even if I want to kiss, I won't agree to you. If Wei Nai finds out, she will be despised to death!

Their eyes met, and before the blue-eyed young dragon could speak, Thor shouted, "Xiaoye, come and help."

The dragon maid took out a geoduck from the bag, stretched out her fingers and poked lightly on the siphon of the geoduck: "It feels much smaller..."

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