Nonsense, I used to live carefree in the water, but now I am fished out by you. When I am frightened, it is normal to become smaller!

"Why don't they all shrink in?" Thor's face showed a touch of disgust, "Now it looks more like [beep——]."

Shut up!Don't talk about indescribable parts at every turn!


Six forty in the evening.

After the autumnal equinox, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. Unknowingly, the red sun has set in the west, and the twilight outside is deep.

In the apartment building opposite the community, lights were lit up, emitting a warm orange light.

"Ding dong."

The doorbell finally rang.

Thor "swipe" to the door, raised his hand and opened the door, with a bright smile on his face: "Xiao Lin, welcome home!"

A second later, Thor's face changed instantly, his mouth turned into an equilateral triangle, his eyes flashed red, and his back was full of evil spirits: "Why are you here again?!"

"Well, because when you called in the afternoon, I was next to Xiao Linsang to ask questions..." Elma replied a little embarrassed. After seeing Hua Ye in the living room, her eyes lit up immediately, and then put the copper in her hand. The gongs were served, "Excuse me!"

As a complete foodie, after hearing the phone call in the afternoon, Elma couldn't bear it anymore.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. I used to think that the street snacks tasted good, but since I ate Huaye's cooking last weekend, I always feel that it is several grades worse when I eat other foods now.

Although I know that it is not good to always be a guest at other people's house, but I really don't want to miss the delicious food, so I can only look at Xiaolin pitifully with begging eyes... Finally, I successfully received Xiaolin's guest invitation.

Thor puffed up his cheeks: "Come again to disturb my private space with don't want to be a third party!"

"Thor... er..."

Xiao Lin raised his voice, and a gloomy white light flashed across the lens.

"Come on in, the food is ready." Thor instantly restored his enthusiastic smile, and reached out to take Xiaolin's briefcase, "Change into your slippers first, then go to the bathroom to wash your face, and drink a glass of freshly made banana milk. Take a break and have dinner."


Xiao Lin entered the living room, greeted Hua Ye, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face.

Elma didn't go to the bathroom, but jumped in front of Hua Ye, her chest, which was not inferior to Thor's, trembled twice, making one wonder if the buttons on her chest would collapse and fly out in the next moment, and said enthusiastically: " Xiao Ye, good evening!"

Hua Ye glanced at Alma: "Good evening."

Elma's eyes sparkled: "Well, what are you having for dinner?"

You've already seen it, so don't ask questions knowingly, and wipe off your saliva when you speak!

Probably because of frequent visits, Elma didn't treat herself as an outsider. After washing her hands, she volunteered to serve the dishes, which made Thor very dissatisfied, thinking that the other party had robbed her of her job as a maid.

The horseshoe was made into "horseshoe fresh lotus root soup" according to Kobayashi's instructions, and then...

"Hey, what's this?" Xiao Lin pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked curiously.

"This is a geoduck." Thor replied proudly.

"Geoduck?" Xiao Lin was taken aback, "That kind of thing is not cheap..."

"Well, it was Xiaoye who grabbed it out of the water tank and said."

"That's it." Xiao Lin nodded, and soon realized something was wrong, "Are there only four copies?"

Well, the problem is coming.

Five people, four sticks, how should they be divided?

Blade Bounty!

Briefly report the situation first.

A total of 19 words were updated last month. If a chapter is 2000 words, it should be finished...

Then I suddenly discovered last night that there was only a small distance left from 200 million words.

Then set a small goal first, write 200 million words as soon as possible?

So I will work hard to update in the next few days, it is still 200 blades plus one update.

If you have blades, please vote for me.


Chapter 790 Exchange for a Knee Pillow

"I didn't know that Elma was coming as a guest, so I only made four copies..." Thor puffed up his cheeks and replied.

There are many ways to cook geoduck, but in island countries, the most common way to eat geoduck is sashimi. The method is actually very simple, that is, quickly blanch it with boiling water, then remove the two shells, remove the internal organs, and peel off the siphon. Rough skin, cleaned, and finally cut into thin slices with uniform thickness, mixed with wasabi and soy sauce, and served as a dipping sauce.

The islanders like to share their meals, and Thor had already put the cut geoduck sashimi on four plates before, not to bully Elma on purpose.

"No, it's okay." Erma swallowed, tried her best to look away from the cooking, and stammered, "I, I don't really like food..."

He also said that he didn't like to eat, and his saliva was about to flow down, okay!In order to suppress the appetite in my heart, I can't even speak smoothly!

Thor blinked, and suddenly smiled slyly: "Actually, there are still."

"Hey, where is it?" Elma asked hastily.

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