"The shape of the geoduck is very similar to that of a boy." Thor pointed at Hua Ye, and said solemnly, "So I can let Elma eat it..."

Hua Ye's face turned dark immediately.

eat your sister!What do you want to say!No matter if she squatted under the table to eat, or cut it into slices and dipped it in sauce, it was terrible!


Before he could finish speaking, Thor was hit by Xiao Lin's raised hand.


Thor pretended to be teary and crouched with his head in his arms.

"Thor... er..."

The deep voice was like the cold wind in March and September, and the gloomy white light reflected on the lens made this dragon maid who always likes to test on the edge of being slapped hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Stop talking, stop talking!"

In the end, it was Kobayashi who spoke, and took a little from each plate to give to Elma, and there was no terrible scene of "five people share four pies, and killing just one person is enough".


"I'm gonna start now!"

Elma clasped her hands together, and as soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of sashimi dipping sauce, put it in her mouth, and then showed a super stupid face.

First, the eyes are bent into two crescent moons, and then the pretty face is raised, revealing a snow-white and slender neck, the corners of the thin lips are turned up, and the cheeks are blush... In short, it looks like It's almost heaven.

This dragon lady happened to be sitting opposite Hua Ye. In order to prevent the buttons from collapsing again, before eating, Elma unbuttoned two of the buttons on her white shirt. The white and slender collarbone and the unfathomable gully were clearly presented in front of Hua Ye.

However, this greedy dragon's IQ drops drastically when it encounters delicious food. Now it is completely immersed in the delicious food, its cheeks are flushed, its expression is happy, its clothes are disheveled, and it looks like it is going to go to heaven at any time. It looks really bad enough .

Thor rolled his eyes, and started to play tricks again: "Hey, Elma, the proposal last time is valid for a long time, as long as you go to Xiaoye's as [beep——], you can eat whatever you want every day."

"That kind of thing..." Elma opened her eyes, swallowed the food in her mouth full of treasure, then stretched out the tip of her pink tongue, licked off a grain of rice stuck to the corner of her mouth, and then whispered hesitantly, "Then How can it be possible to say yes to such a thing, you must carefully consider it..."

My original purpose in coming to this world was to take Thor away, but Thor didn't take him away, and now I can't do without... Such a delicious meal, I can't refuse it at all.

"Don't think about it." Hua Ye said with a dark face, "I won't agree."

Hey, didn't you say it was absolutely impossible last time, why did it become a serious consideration this time!The promised dignity is priceless, don't sell yourself for delicious food!

After dinner.

Hua Ye sat for a while, then got up to leave.

"Be careful on the road." Xiao Lin warned, then turned to look at the dragon maid next to him, "Thor, are the fruits ready?"

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Thor handed two black convenience bags to Hua Ye, and suddenly approached, "Oh, your shoulders are covered with dust, let me pat them for you..."

The dragon maid came closer, clung to Hua Ye's ear, and whispered, "Xiao Ye, I'll leave Elma to you! Try to turn her into R/BQ as soon as possible!"

Hua Ye immediately sprayed.

What the hell is R/BQ?

Where did you learn such a bad word!

Thor showed a small canine tooth, expressing his dissatisfaction: "Xiao Lin belongs to me alone! That idiot Elma works with Xiao Lin every day, and now even Xiao Lin and I have to occupy the private space... can't Tolerate!"

Hey, did you forget about the blue-eyed baby dragon?

Don't think that Kang Na is ignorant when she was young, her sociology knowledge is much better than yours, she is soft on receiving gifts every day.

"Anyway, that idiot likes delicious food very much. You try to cheat her with delicious food, and I will support you secretly!"

"I refuse." Hua Ye remained expressionless.

"Woo..." Thor puffed up his cheeks, looked at the sky, hesitated, and whispered, "If you can do it, I'll let Connor make [beep——] for you?"

Hey, what terrible things are you talking about, it's all turned into silence words!Are you sure I won't have my leg broken and sent to the German orthopedics department?

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "No, get lost."


Walking down the apartment building and checking the time, it was already half past seven in the evening.

The moonlight is slightly cool, and the evening wind is cool.

Hua Ye thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the coffee shop on the corner of the street.


The coffee shop is not big, and Wei Nai is both a waiter and a welcome guest. Seeing Hua Ye come in, although she is already very familiar with it, she still bows solemnly, but her face is blushing slightly, obviously From Hua Ye's eyes, I understood Hua Ye's meaning.

"Don't say it here..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip and whispered, "Don't tell Xiaoqian either!"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "A cup of mixed coffee."

"Hold on."

Not long after, Xiao Qian came over with a cup of mixed coffee, put the coffee down, and asked curiously: "Hey, why is Wei Nai sauce so shy? What did you do just now?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.

Wei Nai has already issued a gag order, not to speak out about the reward exchange, and she hasn't done anything yet.

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