"If you don't eat it, I'll send it back and let your sister eat it with you."

"You guy..."

Gabriel had no choice but to sit fiercely beside Hua Ye.

The durian pulp has been peeled off and placed on a plate. It is light yellow in color and has three or four petals. The way to eat it is very simple, just tear it into small pieces with your hands.

Hua Ye tore off a piece of pulp and put it in his mouth.

"How do you feel?" Gabriel asked curiously, her eyes wide open.

Hua Ye commented: "The taste is average, but from a nutritional point of view, it's edible."

The taste of durian is somewhat similar to cream. Although the air is full of stink, after eating it, it seems light.

Hua Ye tore another piece and handed it to the useless angel: "Open your mouth."

Gabriel showed disgust on her face: "It smells so bad...can I not eat it?"


"You wait, after my sister leaves, I'll see how I want you to look good." Gabriel had no choice but to succumb, closed her eyes and opened her mouth to bite the fruit that Hua Ye handed over, and began to chew in small bites.

Then he quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and spit it all into the trash can: "No, no, I really can't swallow it..."

"Haven't you eaten it before?" Hua Ye's face was blackened, even if it was unpalatable, the reaction didn't have to be so big.

"I bought it for my sister to eat, but unfortunately after cutting it open, my sister said on the spot that she couldn't stand the taste..." Gabriel raised her hand to wipe her mouth, with a look of "what can I do, I'm also very desperate" on her face The expression said, "Now my sister didn't eat a bite, but she almost poisoned me to death."

"Negative teaching materials, use notes."

"go away."

As Hua Ye said, he tore off another piece of fruit and put it in his mouth.

"Ha, it looks like you like to eat it?" Gabriel raised her hand and waved it under her nose, showing dislike, "Isn't this called similar smell?"

"Smelly?" Hua Ye half-closed his eyes.

"Hentai, don't even think about it!" The useless angel understood Hua Ye's eyes, turned around and ran away, not giving Hua Ye any chance to bully.

It's a pity that he has short legs and short legs. He just took two steps when Hua Ye grabbed his slender wrist and pulled him back onto the sofa.

"You, what are you doing?" Gabriel's eyes were wary, and she hugged the pillow to cover her chest, "There are still people here!"

There was a flash of light around Ilya, and it disappeared in an instant.

"It's gone now." Hua Ye looked away.

"No." Gabriel shook her head violently, unable to resist, "I ate durian just now, if you dare to kiss me, I will jump off the balcony!"

It's only on the second floor, even if you jump from the balcony, you won't be able to fall to your death.

Hua Ye snorted softly, and said, "If you brought the durian here without my consent, you must give me an exchange voucher, or you will bear the consequences."



"I said I got it..." Gabriel looked disgusted, "It's just an exchange voucher, just give it to you."

After the useless angel left, Hua Ye put down the durian in his hand: "Put it in the refrigerator first."

"Is the master not eating?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "I never said that I like durian."



In the blink of an eye, it was Friday, and the campus life was still peaceful and leisurely. Gabriel was still fishing in class, Liuhua and Satania were fighting each other everyday, Lafite made troubles from time to time, and only Vinai had two dark circles under her eyes again. , and issued an order to Hua Ye not to approach.

School in the afternoon.

After Hua Ye returned to the apartment, not long after, there was a knock on the door.

The people who came were the big breasted loli Hoshino Xia, and the maid who once poured coffee for Hua Ye on the rooftop.

"Excuse me." Hoshino Xia blinked her eyes, her eyes were big and round, and said in a cute loli voice, "I'm going to trouble Mrs. Xiao Ye again today."

This big-breasted loli was originally an attribute of a childish face and big breasts. Today, she specially tied Ji's hair into double ponytails. She is wearing a white dress, moccasin shoes and a cotton candy-like pink and white midi. Tube socks...Although they are pretending to be tender and cute on purpose, they can't make people feel disgusted at all.

Hua Ye responded, and looked at the black-haired maid. Although they had met on the rooftop several times, the two hadn't communicated with each other. To this day, they don't even know each other's name.

The black-haired maid bowed respectfully, and then said meticulously: "My name is Mei Hanoi, and Master Igarashi ordered me to make biscuits."

After finishing speaking, the black-haired maid offered the spiritual fruit in her hand, then quietly stepped aside and waited, apparently without any intention of causing trouble.

Taking advantage of Igarashi's going out to do missions, he took the opportunity to take the position?


The last maid was fined to keep a dog because she said "Let go of Igarashi-sama, let me do it".

If I dare to hook up with Igarashi's default person, maybe I will be sunk into Tokyo Bay.

Without the presence of Igarashi, Hoshino Xia began to test on the verge of being slapped. At this moment, she walked up to Hua Ye, tilted her head slightly, and her ponytails danced behind her back. She asked cutely, "Master Xiao Ye, is there anything I can do to help?" What about it? If you have one, just say it.”

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