"Help?" Hua Ye thought for a while, then said casually, "Then go and eat the fruit in the refrigerator."

(Hey, let yourself help eat fruit?)

(This is not helping, but showing kindness!)

(Hmph, let me just say, it is impossible for a man to resist the temptation of 'children's face and big breasts'!)

(Igarashi's poor-breasted star has already written the word "defeated dog" on the top of its head.)

"Yeah, leave it to me, I will help."

Hoshino Xia spit out the tip of her pink tongue, bounced to the refrigerator, stretched out her hand to open the refrigerator, and then her rosy face suddenly paled, and her whole body was petrified in place.

"This, this smell is..."

Hua Ye's voice came over: "It's just those few pieces of durian, you should eat them all."

Jia Ailu refused to eat a bite, Gabriel threw up after taking a bite, Ilya made it clear that it was bad, Hua Ye also didn't like it, but it just took up space in the refrigerator, and the smell was not good.

Hoshino Xia bit her lip, already about to cry.

Eating durian or something, for a person like her with a very sensitive taste, is simply cruel torture, okay?

Deliberately showing good intentions is basically deliberately bullying people!

"Why don't you eat?" Hua Ye's voice came again, "Why are you still crying?"

"No, no..." Hoshino Xia raised her hand and wiped her eyes, "I'm happy..."

"Happy to tears?"

"Because it was the first fruit you invited me to eat..."

Hua Ye nodded: "If you like it, I'll buy you two more next time."


Chapter 793 Delegated Tasks

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw this big-breasted loli dawdling by the door of the refrigerator, with a pitiful appearance about to go to the execution ground, and said speechlessly, "It's fine if you can't eat it."

"I will work harder next time!" Hoshino Xia Rumeng was amnesty, and hurriedly closed the refrigerator.

After the two took the biscuits and left, the phone in their pocket vibrated suddenly.

Hua Ye took out his cell phone and saw that it was Miss Miko calling.

"Hua Jun." A pleasant voice like the evening wind blowing through the bamboo forest rang in my ears, "Are you free tonight?"

"what's up?"

"I have a tricky commission, and I want to ask you... If you have time, let's discuss it in detail tonight?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"it is good."

Although Hua Ye and Ms. Miko live far away and don't see each other every day, but now that technology is advanced, chatting and communicating is no longer difficult. Dirty loli and Miss Miko often chat with Hua Ye, and sometimes ask about cultivation. Sometimes it's as simple as talking and saying good night.


After half an hour.

"Brother Xiaoye! (*^▽^*)"

Carrying a big red schoolbag and wearing a little yellow hat, the filthy loli stood outside the tram stop. When she saw Hua Ye coming out, she ran forward in surprise and hugged Hua Ye's hand.

"You haven't come home yet?" Hua Ye asked casually.

"Because today is Friday." The dirty loli didn't let go of Hua Ye's hand, and Hua Ye received a lot of envious and jealous eyes from the lolicons, "School ends early in the afternoon, I went to Egypt Teacher Luo Manga went to learn painting skills and said that on the way back, Lingna sent me a message saying that Brother Xiaoye was coming to play, so I will wait for you here."

As he spoke, he raised his small face, showing an expectant expression of "come and praise me, come and praise me".

Hua Ye thought about it, it seems that the sister at the front desk of Dirty Lolita is a classmate of Teacher Eroman'a, and he once helped to deliver a manuscript of the manga, but that time he only saw the other brother, not that Eroman'a That's it, Teacher A.

"Brother Xiaoye, I want to eat ice cream!" Lolita raised her hand and said expectantly, "Ice cream, ice cream."

Hua Ye lowered his head and asked, "What ice cream?"

"It's the kind of ice cream that's been very popular recently. Just take a bite, and it will spray a lot of white smoke." Poor Lolita's eyes are shining, eager to try, "I saw a lot of people eating it recently, and they even took pictures. , I can finally eat it today!"

"Your sister won't let you eat, why do you think I will let you eat?" Hua Ye was speechless.

Hyuga rolled her eyes, raised her face and said, "Because I am my sister-in-law, and when I grow up, my sister-in-law will belong to my brother-in-law."

Belongs to your sister, this kind of words are too addictive!

It's like people often say, "It's not as delicious as dumplings, and it's not as fun as sister-in-law." Try playing with sister-in-law to see if you will be interrupted!

"My elder sister always said that the things outside were unhygienic, and wouldn't let me drink Coke, saying it would damage my teeth, and wouldn't let me eat potato chips, saying it would make me fat, and then wouldn't let me eat that kind of liquid nitrogen ice cream, saying It's not nutritious..." Dirty Loli puffed up her cheeks, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, "...Ice cream doesn't need any nutrition, as long as it tastes good."


It made a lot of sense, Hua Ye found it speechless.

After walking not far, Hua Ye quickly saw where the popular ice cream shop was, because there were many people queuing up at the door of the shop, and there were a few girls nearby holding smoky ice cream, with their noses and mouths protruding Spewing out white gas, holding up the selfie stick and taking selfies.

"Brother Xiao Ye, how are you?" Lolita pulled Hua Ye over to line up, "It looks interesting, doesn't it?"

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