Maybe he will be arrested by the gendarmerie on the charge of molesting an underage girl.

So Hua Ye resolutely used the placement play learned from Wei Nai, turned around and sat on the sofa, ignoring this troublesome loli.

Hinata quickly puffed up her cheeks, feeling unhappy: "Really, brother Xiaoye didn't react at all?"

Hua Ye squinted.

So what's your hope for a reaction?

Is it like a certain admiral who specializes in controlling the sauce, hugging and holding the young destroyer high?

"What are you doing dressed like this?" Hua Ye asked casually.

"Because Mr. Eromanga said that art comes from life. Recently, I want to draw a fanbook of Xiangchan and Xiaochan. Only after experiencing it personally can I have a deeper understanding..."

Get to know your sister!Did you experience those dirty cartoons before?

The filthy loli knelt on the sofa, leaned into Hua Ye's ear, and whispered, "And the admiral can marry a destroyer."

But the admiral of the marriage destroyer will be captured by the gendarmerie, right?

Gently pointing two fingers on the chest, this filthy loli was a little shy: "Hinata's favorability has reached 100 points, the admiral wants to give out a ring?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Ugly refusal."


Not long after, another cat-eared loli in a sailor suit came out.

Ling Na walked in front of Hua Ye, the cat ears on the top of her head trembled, and she asked, "Are you our admiral meow?"


After speaking, he changed his posture with his hands crossed over his chest, raised his chin, exposed his fair and slender neck, and acted arrogantly: "Master Xiao is here! We are very powerful!"

Hey, you two are addicted to playing!Will there be a baby girl submarine coming soon!

Hua Ye's face was dark: "Don't you find it troublesome to change clothes every now and then?"

"will not."

The two lolis answered in unison.

Hinata: "You won't get tired no matter how you change into good-looking clothes!"

Catwoman: "No matter how you eat delicious dried fish, you won't get tired, meow!"

Sure enough, from loli to women, they are all incomprehensible creatures.

"Brother Xiaoye, how is it, how is it?" Hinata jumped off the sofa and stood with Lingna. The two of them were about the same height, and now they put their faces together again, "Xiang-chan and Xiao-chan will never Separate, if you promise, buy one get one free."

If you make an oath, it's not buy one get one free, but buy one get three free, right?

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "It's not that good."

"Woooo..." Hinata puffed up her cheeks, showing an expression of "how can you go so far", "I have clearly prepared for a long time to say... Brother Xiaoye is too much!"

It's really too much to attack the loli destroyer!

Little emotions came and went quickly, Hinata quickly hugged Hua Ye's fingers: "Then what kind of cosplay does Brother Xiao Ye like? For the sake of the admiral, I can change clothes."

Hua Ye retorted casually, "I'm longing for naizi."

If you say this in front of Wei Nai, you will probably get a few rolls of eyes, but if you say it in front of this dirty loli who draws a little yellow book, you don't need to pay attention at all.


The dirty loli was suddenly hit hard, and she knelt down on the sofa in the posture of a duck: "Brother Xiaoye is too vulgar... How can you only pay attention to that kind of thing, inner beauty is what really matters..."

What's wrong with liking boobs?

It's like when you go to buy fruit, would you tell the boss "not big ones, just pick small ones"?

In a sense, a girl's breasts are actually similar to fruits, because they are all delicious, and they are all eaten with hands.

So as a normal male animal, there is nothing wrong with liking girls with big breasts/parts!

"Brother Xiaoye, I told you, right? Elder sister actually likes cosplay too." Lolita looked around, and after confirming that Miss Miko was not there, she whispered, "My sister's legs are super beautiful, she definitely looks like Yixian in cosplay." Say."

Needless to say, I already saw your sister's legs when I was in the hot spring!

Hua Ye's gaze moved down and landed on the filthy loli's leg.

The sitting posture of the duck looks a little dull, with slender legs, wearing pink and white mid-tube knee socks, like a big piece of cotton candy, the toes wrapped in socks move around in the air, revealing a bit of playfulness and cuteness , if a lolicon sees it, they probably can't help holding it in their hands and playing with it carefully, right?

The dirty loli blushed slightly: she shrank her legs back: "Brother Xiaoye, if you want to play, you can also..."

I'm not interested in your feet at all, okay?

Two fingers lightly tapped on the chest: "However, you can't stain the stockings with strange liquids. If you are found out by your sister, you will be punished..."

Catwoman was sitting on the other side of Hua Ye, eating a snack that she didn't know where she came from. Her mouth bulged and her legs swayed slightly. She turned her head and said, "It's okay if you want to masturbate." Meow."

Hua Ye expressed that he wanted to flip the table: "I don't want to at all!"

Footsteps sounded from outside the door, and Miss Miko walked in.

Chiba Liuli, who just took a shower, wore a very cool summer white dress with suspenders. Her round shoulders were exposed in the air, and her long slightly damp hair was scattered on her shoulders, simple and pure.

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