"What are you talking about? So happy." Miss Miko asked curiously.

Hua Ye replied casually: "Hinata is saying that you also play cosplay."

"Huh?" Miss Miko turned her head to look at Kohinata, so frightened that Loli raised her arms and crouched in defense.

"Cosplay or something..." Qianye Liuli turned her eyes to the outside, her face flushed slightly, "It's just a usual hobby... If Hua Jun likes it, it's not impossible to wear it..."

I just said it casually, I didn't say whether I like watching your cosplay.

Before Hua Ye could speak, Xiao Hinata raised her hand first, and tried her best to call her sister: "Sister, please wear that Yixian cosplay costume, because she has long legs and is invincible!"


Chapter 795

After dinner, Miko told Hinata to study honestly at home, and then went out with Hua Ye to do commissions.

A black Maybach is parked outside the shrine.

As Hua Ye and Miss Miko sat in the back seat, the Maybach started silently and blended into the night.

"So far, there are a total of four victims, all of whom are men. One is [-] years old, the other two are [-] years old, and the last one is [-] years old...the identities and ages are different, but because they are both Yin and Yang For the sake of the teacher, the four of them knew each other, but they were only casual acquaintances, and they did not interact in private."

Miss Miko handed a folder to Hua Ye, and then explained the whereabouts of the car: "The only thing in common is that the places where these four people were attacked were all near a Queen's Bar, so let's go to the Queen's Bar today. Check it out."

Hua Ye responded, reached out to take the file, and flipped through it.

There are two photos posted on each page. The first one is a frontal photo of a suit and leather shoes, and the second one is a photo of the victim lying on the bed with age spots on his face and gray hair like withered grass. It is obviously the image after being attacked. In contrast, it is even more shocking.Next to it is a simple list of the families these people belong to, their identities in reality, the time they were attacked, and so on.

Hua Ye closed the folder in his hand and asked casually:

"No one saw the face of the attacker?"

"No." Miss Miko shook her head, "According to these four people, they only remember that they left the bar and woke up again, and they have become what they are now."

No need for Hua Ye to ask, Miss Miko continued:

"The first attack was not taken seriously, and it was not until the third attack that everyone became nervous."

Speaking of this, Miss Miko bit her lower lip: "I really want to go to the school festival too... It's a pity that I just happened to be at the Onmyoji Association for the whole weekend... You don't blame me, do you?"

"What's your fault?" Hua Ye was speechless.

Don't you think there are too few Shura Fields?

Miss Miko blinked her eyes and grinned. Her long black hair flowed down her shoulders, and her smile was quite pretty: "Three attacks occurred in succession. All the onmyojis in the city are on alert, and a special combat team has been set up. Squatting and fishing near the Queen's Bar, it's a pity..."

"It's a pity that the murderer was not caught. Instead, there was a fourth attack?"

"That's it." Miss Miko stretched out a finger, "The fourth victim named Saitosai, is the forty-five-year-old middle-aged man, who has a high reputation in the Onmyoji Association and has many subordinates There are few powerful shikigami with rich combat experience, but it is a pity that they are still attacked, and there is no sign of any battle at the scene..."

So the other onmyojis were all afraid.

Even veteran onmyojis, when facing that unknown enemy, also have no chance to make a move. Obviously, the enemy is very powerful, very powerful.

In addition, although the person who was attacked did not die on the spot, it is undoubtedly more terrifying than death to change from a high-ranking onmyoji to a cripple lying in bed and unable to take care of personal hygiene.

That's why these people turned to Miss Miko. The result of the duel between Chiba Shrine and the Beichuan family surprised the Onmyoji Association. The record of defeating Shuten-douji made Miss Miko famous. However, after these people discovered that Hua Ye had a close relationship with the Queen of the Night Igarashi of the Shinrisha, no one dared to disturb him anymore.

After the situation was finished, the car fell silent.

With the deepening of autumn, the temperature is getting lower and lower after nightfall, but the air conditioner in the car is cool and pleasant.

"Hua Jun, I'll sleep first..." Miss Miko suddenly turned her head to look, "Call me again when we get to the bar?"

Hua Ye was startled, nodded and said:


"Then... lend me your shoulder for a pillow."


The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Miko Liuli blushed slightly, and slowly leaned on Hua Ye's shoulder.

Hua Ye looked down, and although Miss Miko had closed her eyes, the blush on her face did not dissipate, her body was also a little stiff, and there was a trace of thin tension on Guazi's face.

This time, I went to the bar to sit on the sidelines. Naturally, Chiba Liuli couldn't still wear the maiden costume, otherwise she would definitely become the focus of the audience, so now she changed into a very ordinary short-sleeved shirt and jeans that are easy to exercise. Go, the perfect curvature of the high bulge on the chest is extraordinarily attractive.

A golden osmanthus petal fell on her hair.

A light and timeless aroma lingers on the nose.

In addition to cherry blossoms, there are many sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted in the backyard of the shrine. It was probably blown to my hair by the evening wind when I went out.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and reached out to pick off the sweet-scented osmanthus.

It was obvious that Miss Miko's body tightened slightly, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly, but they did not open in the end, but the blush on her face became more intense.

The thin cherry lips painted with moisturizing watercolors, under the dim headlights, reflected a seductive blurred luster, like some kind of good-tasting fudge jelly, which made people want to take a sip.

Hua Ye suddenly remembered a sentence.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep...


She had just closed her eyes, she hadn't fallen asleep at all, so she couldn't talk about waking up, that is to say... Is this tacit approval?

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