The baffle in the middle of the compartment has already been put down, separating the front compartment and the rear compartment, and closing the rear compartment into a relatively private space.

The beautiful girl leaning on her shoulder was still pretending to be asleep, and there was a faint fragrance lingering in the air.

At a time like this, should... the car vibrate?


I just watched the bed quake in the movie with Gabriel and Jia Ailu the night before yesterday, and then I watched the real grass quake in the park with Wei Nai last night. Is there going to be a live-action car quake today? ? !

Hua Ye hesitated for a moment, then silently stretched out his hand towards...

own pocket.

Then he took out his phone.

Car shock is impossible.

Although Hua Ye has never been cowardly, Qianye Liuli is not the kind of frivolous and casual girl, if she really does something excessive, she can't continue to pretend to sleep.


Ten minutes later, the car stopped steadily.

Hua Ye turned his head to look out the window, and the brightly colored signboard of the Queen's Bar came into view clearly.

"Here we are." Hua Ye put away his phone and lowered his head.


Miss Miko responded, opened her eyes, raised her hand to smooth a few strands of hair on the side of her face, then blushed slightly, and got out of the car behind Hua Ye.

Coming out of the car, the weak and shy maiden lady in the previous car disappeared like a flash in the pan, replaced by a beautiful girl with a demure temperament.

The driver in a suit bowed respectfully, turned around and drove away without speaking.

"Shall we go in?" Miss Miko raised her head slightly, half of her side face looked extraordinarily delicate and charming under the flickering lights, "It's okay if the entrustment cannot be completed. In short, your own safety is the most important thing. If you feel that the situation is not right, we will Hurry up and leave..."

Chapter 796 The Tail Problem

eight pm.

Queen's Bar.

This was Hua Ye's first visit to the bar. When he opened the door and walked in, he was faced with an orange stone wall. After turning a corner, he could see all kinds of drinks occupying the entire wall.

The bar is not as smoky as imagined, with demons dancing wildly, but rather quiet, with soothing and soft music playing, and the dim light is soft and ambiguous.There are bar counters, booths and sofas inside, as well as wall-mounted LCD TVs for live broadcasting. The decoration style is low-key and luxurious.

It is worth mentioning that in island countries, most of the bars are places for drinking and do not provide special services. If you want to solve your physical needs, then go directly to the custom shop. If you call to open a room, no one will care.

Since this store is called "Queen's Bar", it is naturally dominated by beautiful waitresses. There are no ordinary male bartenders in white shirts and black vests standing at the bar, but a row of young, beautiful, lively and lovely girls, but they are not wearing clothes. Instead of being a bartender, they are all dressed up as bunny girls and cat-eared girls. Even the girls who serve drinks are dressed as bunny girls.

Hua Ye somewhat understood why there were so many men in the bar.

These girls are all tall, with a protruding front and back, and each of them has a very delicate makeup, with a reserved and decent smile on their faces, which makes people feel good at first glance.

If you take a score, the beauty of these hostesses in the bar is all above 80 points, and some even score more than [-] points.

Some people have a prejudice against the profession of escort girls, and always think that they are unscrupulous so-and-so workers.

However, the fact is that the hostesses in the island country only accompany drinking, chatting, and do not sleep with them. They are among the top ten most popular female occupations, and they are actually a profession that makes money and is popular.

High income corresponds to high quality. Almost all the hostesses here are graduates or students of prestigious universities. Being beautiful is just the foundation. They can talk and do things. , Even if it is an advanced math problem that you can't solve, you can ask them to help you solve it.

Under the triple offensive of cute animal ear girl costume + exquisite makeup + gentle smile, after a busy day, it is normal for a man to come to this kind of place to relax and have fun, right?

After entering the bar, Miss Miko kept looking at Hua Ye, and found that Hua Ye's eyes were still calm, and he was not fascinated by the smiles of these beast-eared girls, so a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Hua Jun, since we're here at the bar, shall we have a drink too?" Miss Miko invited.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

It's not as crowded as a tram, nor is it like some nightclubs where deafening heavy metal rock music is playing, and then a group of drugged psychopaths are swinging around. Generally speaking, this bar gives Hua Ye a good feeling , a drink is nothing.

"Good evening, what would you like to drink?"

asked a bunny girl standing behind the bar with a smile.

This bunny girl is wearing a sexy low-cut backless dress, with pink tights and fishnet stockings on her lower body. Her voice is sweet and pleasant, like a warbler singing. When she speaks, the pair of rabbit ears on the top of her head are still shaking, and her smile is bright. Impressive, with an overall score of [-].Especially the two snow mounds on the chest are extraordinarily magnificent, they should be bigger than Miss Miko's, the deep ravine seems to have the magic power to attract people's attention, even the most heroic sailors will sink into it if they are not careful. Among them, it has since become a dead bone in the tomb.

Miss Miko slightly raised her eyebrows and said calmly:

"I want a glass of oolong shochu."

Same-sex repulsion.

Especially when both parties have similar looks and figures, they will instinctively repel them, because no one is willing to be the foil of others.

Although the bunny girl who entertained Hua Ye was not as tall as her, and her legs were definitely not as long as her, her breasts were extraordinarily large, and they looked like they might have reached an E cup.

What are you doing with such big breasts?

Is it used as a cushioning air cushion?

Miss Miko has always been very confident in her figure. Even in this era of plastic surgery and breast augmentation, she is also very confident in her bosom, that is, she has experienced what despair is in front of Thor.

It's a pity that what she is wearing today is not a tight-fitting shirt, and the bra is not a style that is particularly crowded with career lines. At this moment, when the two are compared, they are directly inferior to each other by two grades, and it is inevitable that they are a little unhappy.

"Where's this gentleman?" The bunny girl turned her head to look at Hua Ye, with a bright smile on her face, showing eight standard white teeth, and said softly, "There are many kinds of cocktails here, what special flavor do you want to drink? , you can also tell me, I will try to adjust it."

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