It's not that she deliberately hooked up with Hua Ye, it's just a basic professional habit. After all, in this kind of high-end bar, the income is linked to the drinks sold, and the more you sell, the higher your income.

Miss Miko half-closed her eyes, and a slight chill surged up her body, making the bunny girl's smile a little stiff.

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "A cup of oolong shochu is fine."

He is not interested in cocktails. If he wants to drink, he can make it himself. It is definitely much better than the cocktail made by the bunny girl in front of him.

"Okay, you two, please wait a moment."

The bunny girl turned around and took the wine from the wall, revealing her slender waist, and the delicate white skin on her back reflected the hazy light, making her extremely alluring.You can also see a ball of fluffy snowballs swaying from side to side behind the buttocks. It should be the tail of a rabbit. With that shaking and shaking, Miss Miko, who is also a woman, is a little hot on the face.

Turning her gaze slightly, she happened to see Hua Ye staring intently at the bunny girl's buttocks. Miss Miko puffed her cheeks slightly, raised her hand to roll up a strand of hair by her ear, and said nonchalantly, "If Mr. Hua is interested, I will I can help you with her contact information."


Hua Ye found that he seemed to have encountered a proposition.

It's like "Oh, the girl in front is so pretty", "I seem to have gained weight recently", "When I was taking medicine last night, I heard a strange cry outside the window, guess what I saw"...Everywhere in life They are all traps, if you are not careful, you may fall into the pit and never climb out again.

If you want a number or something, you don't need your help at all!Don't think that a casual tone can fool me!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and said:

"No contact information is needed, I'm just curious about how the rabbit tail was put on."

Miss Miko raised her mouth for a moment, then replied:

"It should have been sewn on with a needle and thread, or pinned to it..."

"I heard that the cosplayers at the manga show sometimes put their tails into certain parts." Hua Ye asked solemnly, "Have you ever used it?"


Miss Miko was stunned, and soon realized what Hua Ye meant by "a certain part". Her pretty face flushed suddenly, and for the first time she showed a look of shame and anger. She pinched Hua Ye's waist with wide eyes.


So the trick of pinching people is really a natural skill that women can learn without a teacher!Otherwise, how could it be explained that they are so proficient at pinching people, and their positions are all exactly the same!

Chapter 797

"How could I use that kind of thing!" Miss Miko was ashamed and angry, and wanted to hit someone for the first time, "And most of those tails are tied around the waist! The situation you mentioned is only a very small number... "

"I see." Hua Ye nodded.

Although the cosplay circle is notoriously smudged, from time to time you can see a news report about a certain male cosplayer being forcibly developed into a sunflower, but playing cosplay at the comic exhibition with that kind of thing... Think about it All feel super bad.

"You two, the oolong shochu you want."

Two glasses of beer-like beverages were placed in front of Hua Ye and Miko, and the bunny girl smiled softly: "My name is Akiyama Rin. If you want to drink other drinks, you can tell me at any time."

"Thank you." Miss Miko nodded slightly. Although this bunny girl is not pleasing to the eye, the basic courtesy will not be lost.

Shochu mainly refers to distilled alcohol, which is different from the common fermented alcohol such as sake and plum wine. It belongs to another production process. Although it is very common in Japan, it is the first time for Hua Ye to drink it today.

"Shall we sit in the booth over there for a while?" Miss Miko stretched out a slender finger, pointing to the empty sofa in the corner.


After walking to the corner and sitting down, Hua Ye took a sip of oolong shochu and found that the alcohol content was not high. Besides the smell of wine, there was also a faint aroma of oolong tea.

Miss Miko also took a sip, although she was not as drunk as Wei Nai, but there was a faint blush on her face.

"Does Hua Jun like bunny girls very much?" Miss Miko asked in a low voice, holding the wine glass in both hands, her eyes suddenly rolling.

"It's okay." Hua Ye replied.

Not to mention liking it, just not hating it.

"Is that so..."

Miss Miko lowered her head and stroked the outer wall of the wine glass with her fingers, seeming a little hesitant.

After a while, she took a light breath, put down the wine glass in her hand, then clenched her right hand into a fist, raised it to her face, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and called softly: "Meow~~"


The voice was very soft and soft. In the soothing light music in the bar, Hua Ye almost thought it was an auditory hallucination, but the blushing on the face of the witch Liuli, and the slender fingers flicking the hair beside her ear, all proved it. What just happened was no hallucination.

The usually elegant and reserved Miss Miko suddenly made such a meow, and the contrast broke through the sky in an instant.

The problem is that what you just learned is cat meowing, not rabbit meowing, okay?

Hua Ye pondered for a moment, then said:

"Call again?"


It's a pity that Miss Miko has already picked up the wine glass again: "If you want to hear it, let Lingna call it to you next time..."

The "meow meow" of the cat-eared girl has long been used to it, but your meow sounds particularly fresh and interesting.

Miss Miko turned her head to one side, stroking the wine glass with her fingers, a mixture of shyness and sweetness floated on her delicate pretty face, "However, bunny girls or something, cosplaying once in a while, shouldn't be a problem..."

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, wanting to say that he doesn't really like bunny girls very much.

It's just that I always feel that saying this sentence means that I am cowardly.

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