I never cowardly.

So Hua Ye didn't say anything in the end.

"Speaking of bunny girls, there is a very popular manga recently called "Adolescent Idiots Don't Dream of Bunny Girl Seniors"..." Ms. Miko is not an introverted and shy person after all. Although learning to meow is a bit embarrassing, but now After recovering, she turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her black hair flowing down her shoulders like a waterfall, "Have Mr. Hua seen it?"

"I haven't seen it." Hua Ye shook his head, "I've heard of it."

Most of the comics that Hua Ye read were drawn by that black-bellied girl, Lafite, to read them together. He usually doesn't take the initiative to read comics.

The "Bunny Girl Senior Sister" mentioned by Ms. Miko is said to be scheduled for animation. The general content seems to be a male high school student who is in adolescence and sentimental. From time to time, he can always see wild bunny girl senior sisters around. But everyone else can't see it... Sure enough, for male high school students, the bunny girl-senpai is the best expectation in their hearts?

"Speaking of which, I'm actually a sophomore at Waseda University, but I've applied for a suspension from the school, and I've studied in your school for a year in high school..." Miss Miko suddenly pursed her lips into a smile, her eyes curved into crescent moons Son, "So I'm your senior sister."


Hua Ye suddenly remembered a sentence.

What kind of skill is it to lure innocent and ignorant idiot schoolgirls?

If you want to hook up, you can hook up with the teacher and senior sister. As long as you are brave, the teacher and senior sister will take maternity leave together!


Since last week, the Onmyoji Association has sent people to this bar to wait for a rabbit and go fishing to enforce the law. Unfortunately, they have not been able to find out who the real culprit is behind the scenes. Of course, they will not ask Hua Ye and Miss Miko to solve the case in one day.

Coming here today is just a simple check-in and investigation.

Miss Miko was talking to Hua Ye when she suddenly saw Hua Ye turned to look at the guests at another booth, and asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with those people?"

"No." Hua Ye withdrew his gaze, "It's just a bad girl who has met twice."


Tian Zhongnai sat on the sofa and looked at the high-end bar in front of him with some curiosity.

Because the father often went out to work, and the family relationship naturally produced irreparable rifts under the circumstances of less gatherings and more separations. In the end, the parents chose to divorce. After that, the mother remarried soon, and the father thought that he was wearing a hat of forgiveness in the marriage. He was so brooding that he even resented her.That's why when she was bullied at school, her father's attitude towards her was to ignore her.

In order not to be bullied, or to say that she has had enough tears, Tian Zhongnai slowly transformed into a bad girl.

But is it easy to be a bad girl?


Everything in this society needs to form cliques, and mavericks will always be shot to death on the beach.

So the double ponytails I like very much can only be untied and dyed in an ugly color. The white short skirt that I like to wear in summer can only be stored in the bottom of the cabinet. I replaced it with a short shirt, hot pants and a baseball bat. I have to endure the discomfort and let myself blend into the gang of bad girls.

Today is Friday.

After a week of campus life, it was inevitable that she wanted to relax. Tian Zhongnai didn't want to go back to that cold home. Just a few 'friends' who were also delinquent girls called her out to play, so she came to the bar.

Tian Zhongnai was still a little reluctant at first, after all, minors are not allowed to drink alcohol, but for their low-level delinquents, rules are meant to be broken.

Holding a large glass of yellowish beer in his hand, Tian Zhongnai suddenly discovered that the unscrupulous girls who brought her here to play were quite proficient in their drinking postures.

"Wen Nai, why don't you drink?" An unscrupulous girl approached, smelling of alcohol, which made Tian Zhong Nai subconsciously want to lean back, but finally endured it.

The girl's tone was joking: "Could it be that you've never had a bar before?"

"Nonsense!" Tian Zhongnai turned his head and snorted softly. As a bad girl, the required skill is 'Don't Counsel Your Mouth', "When I was drinking, you were still drinking milk!"

Chapter 798 The Man Behind the Scenes

"I just don't like the taste of beer..."

Tian Zhongnai looked at the beer in his hand, frowned slightly, then took a deep breath, raised his head and took a big gulp.

The taste of the beer is slightly bitter and has an indescribable taste. For those who have never drunk alcohol, it is really not delicious.

(Is this what beer tastes like?)

(I don’t know how those people who have no drink and no joy every day drink it...)

(I heard that life is all in a glass of wine, maybe life is this kind of bitter taste...)

"Wen Nai, if you don't like beer, try this cocktail?" The unscrupulous girl brought over a cocktail.

"Well, I'll try it."

Tian Zhongnai reached out to take the cocktail, her eyes brightened slightly, it was a cocktail she couldn't name, the wine inside had distinct layers, reflecting a blurred dreamy brilliance in the glass.

"Such a beautiful cocktail should taste good, right?"

Tian Zhongnai thought so, raised his head and took a sip, and found that the taste of this glass of wine was sour and sweet, quite delicious, so he drank all the cocktail in the glass in one go.

Tian Zhongnai soon discovered a phenomenon that frightened her.

My head started to dizzy.

Although she has never been drunk before, but now her limbs are numb, her head is dizzy, and her top-heavy feeling must be drunk, right?

"I, I'm going to the bathroom..." Tian Zhongnai shook his head, ready to go to the bathroom and wash his face with cold water.

As if he noticed Tian Zhongnao's abnormality, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes stood up and grabbed Tian Zhongnao's wrist: "I'll go with you."

Tian Zhongnai opened his eyes wide, quickly shook his head and refused: "I'll go by myself..."

She is only physically drunk now, but her brain consciousness is still clear. After all, she is also a third-year junior middle school student, and she is also a bad girl who is "well-informed". Naturally, she understands what this middle-aged man who met for the first time wanted. What to do... such a private thing as going to the bathroom, how can you, a strange man, help you?

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