Miss Miko turned her head to look at Hua Ye, hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said: "That's not okay... You said that you should 'keep your word' in life, so you said to go to bed at [-] o'clock, so I went to bed at [-] o'clock. Not negotiable."


The dirty loli was hit by a sudden blow, and Da Po knelt down on the ground.

in the bathroom.

Hua Ye was washing his hands and face.

The speed of playing ghost cards is very fast. It takes half an hour for a game of chicken eating, and the winner can be decided within three to five minutes of drawing ghost cards. Although Hua Ye did not win all the time, he was kissed one after another. Six times, except for the saliva on the face, there was no fluctuation in the heart.

After washing up, it was already eleven twenty in the evening by the time Miss Miko turned off the light in the living room.

It was the dead of night, and a ray of moonlight shone in, adding a sense of tranquility.

Four beds were lined up, with Hua Ye and Miss Miko sleeping on both sides, and Hinata and the two young girls in the middle. The little cat girl was in good spirits at the moment, nestling in a cardboard box and playing with balls of wool.

"Can't sleep..." In the darkness, Hinata, who was holding a big tiger pillow in his arms, turned sideways and looked over with bright eyes, "Brother Xiaoye, tell me a story?"

"will not say."

"Then let me tell you a story?" Hyuga's voice was not loud, soft and waxy, like some kind of delicious jelly fudge, echoing gently in the living room and under the moonlight, "I saw a piece of news a while ago, It is said that after the three bad guys spent all their money, they wanted to get rich by robbery..."

Is this the so-called 'a horse without night grass is not fat, and a man is not rich without windfall'?

In a sense, it's really a simple and violent way to get rich... But now that surveillance equipment is everywhere, robbery is not difficult, the difficulty is how to escape arrest!

The dirty loli continued: "A middle-aged uncle who got off work late at night saw three people blocking the road and robbed him, so he turned around and ran, and the three delinquents chased after him."

"The bad guy who ran at the front felt that this was not good, but he couldn't catch up for a while. After much deliberation, he finally had an idea and threw the samurai sword in his hand. It's a pity that the samurai sword failed to hit the uncle who ran in front. Instead, it just happened to fall at the uncle's feet..."

Speaking of this, Hinata spit out the tip of her pink tongue, and put her chin on the pillow, looking at Hua Ye and giggling: "Brother Xiao Ye, guess what happened afterwards?"


Hua Ye couldn't help but think of an article "One Hundred Questions on Women's Questions and Answers Skills" that he saw on the Internet, in which one point appeared most often

Many times, when a woman asks you a question, she neither wants you to give an answer, nor does she want you to conduct a rational analysis, but just needs you to cheer her up.

So Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"What happened afterward?"

"Hmph, don't you know? Let me tell you!" This answer obviously suits Lolita's heart, she hugged the pillow and rolled half a circle, stretched out her snow-white and slender right leg, and clamped the quilt under the crook of her leg , blinking and blinking, "then the uncle picked up the samurai sword at his feet, turned around and rushed up to the three delinquents. The three delinquents turned around and ran away in fright, begging the uncle to return the samurai sword while running." In the end, they had nowhere to go and ran into the police station before finally surviving..."

your sister!If you think about the samurai sword with your toes, you won't return it!

If it is said that King Qin's walking around the pillar was the earliest anti-killing around the tower in history, and Wu Song's fighting the tiger was the earliest jungler, then this is the real version of one person, one knife, piercing all the way!

The dirty loli giggled: "Brother Xiaoye, what do you think this story tells us?"

"Eat more fish so you can run faster?" Catwoman rested her chin on the cardboard box and looked over with her round eyes.

"No, no." Hinata hugged the big tiger pillow and turned around, "What do you think, sister?"

"A momentary impulse will only harm others and yourself?"

Miss Miko pursed her lips and replied softly.

Hinata continued to shake his head: "That's not right, brother Xiaoye thinks?"

Hua Ye said very simply:

"do not know."

"Hmph, it's actually very simple." Hinata triumphantly announced the answer to everyone, "This story tells us that when we go out to rob, we must practice the specialization of flying props."


Your sister is proficient in flying props!

Although I knew that the answer might not be reliable, it is too outrageous!If the knife is thrown accurately, it is not a robbery, but a murder. The sentencing for attempted robbery and robbery and homicide is completely different!

"The samurai sword is not a flying prop." Hua Ye couldn't help complaining with a dark face, "You need to click on the throwing specialization, not the flying prop specialization, okay?"

"Hey, sounds about the same?"

"Pineapple and jackfruit sound similar, but they look so different!"

Pineapple is a fruit that grows on the ground, while jackfruit is a fruit that grows on trees. They are fundamentally different!

After a long time, the symposium finally ended, and the sound of even breathing sounded.

"Mr. Hua, good night." Miss Miko said softly.

"OK, good night."


Silent all night.

the next morning.

"Well, brother Xiaoye, good morning..." Dirty Lolita opened her eyes in a daze, arched her little head in Hua Ye's arms, and then quickly woke up, "Hey, why is brother Xiaoye under my quilt?" inside?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"Look carefully, am I in your quilt, or are you in mine?"

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