This filthy loli was not honest at all when she was asleep, it just rolled around, and when it was almost dawn, it actually rolled into Hua Ye's quilt, which caused a super headache.

"Get up quickly." Hua Ye said with a straight face.

"Well, don't..." Hinata closed her eyes, but instead hugged Hua Ye, "Brother Xiao Ye smells so good... I don't have to go to school today, and I can't open my eyes... Let me sleep a little longer Bar……"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You drool too much."

"No, no drool!" The dirty loli blushed, and hurriedly raised her hand to wipe the corners of her mouth, "Girls don't drool!"

This is the same kind of remark as "Girls don't need to go to the bathroom, they go to the bathroom just to touch up their makeup" in some abandoned houses on the Internet. After hearing this, Hua Ye's heart didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Okay, I'm getting up now..."

Hinata puffed up her cheeks, and was about to roll from Hua Ye's arms into her own quilt, but her feet accidentally touched a hard object.

"Eh? What is this..." Dirty Loli rubbed her feet and muttered to herself, "It feels so strange to say..."

"Don't move!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he almost ran away on the spot.

Go on, be careful to be bombarded by space-based orbital guns, with your current young body, it will be cracked!



As a book artist, he has never eaten pork, but has always seen pigs running, so he can naturally guess what kind of "weapon" Hua Ye is hiding on his body, who is only wearing pajamas.

In the blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and Hua Ye was playing a two-player game with the dirty loli, when the phone rang suddenly.

"It's not good!" The call was connected, and the voice of the crippled angel Gabriel came over immediately, full of anxiety, "Sister is going to fight a giant dragon! If you don't come back, the world will be destroyed!"

Chapter 805 Dragon Slayer Jiaailu

"I'll go back right now."

Hua Ye put away the phone and stood up from the sofa.

"Hey, Brother Xiaoye is leaving now?" Poor Loli puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "Didn't you agree to go back tomorrow, the game hasn't been cleared yet, and the reason of saving the world and so on, Is it too exaggerated?"

It's not an exaggeration at all, okay?

Gabriel already knew Thor and Connor, but now she only said that the dragon was coming, but she didn't say who it was, obviously she didn't know each other, so the person who came should be the new dragon lady Elma, after all Apart from her, Hua Ye had no interaction with the other two giant dragons.

If Jiaeru and Eruma really fight, the battle between the angel and the dragon may completely destroy the world!

In order to accompany you to pass the game, I wasted the opportunity and failed to stop the battle between the angel and the dragon in time, and finally led to the destruction of the world, just like a nail destroying a kingdom, the consequences are super serious, okay?

"Mr. Hua, go back." Miss Miko pursed her lips and said empathetically, "It's important."


Hua Ye nodded and left Chiba Shrine.

He didn't choose to take the tram. After all, it would take a long time to take the tram. Hua Ye untied the seal directly and moved to the door of the apartment in an instant.


Sensing the energy fluctuation, Ilya opened the door and bowed to Huaye, the cat ear headdress on her head trembled slightly with the bowing movement.

Hua Ye responded and looked at the three people in the living room.

One is the two sisters Gabriel and Gael, and the other is, as expected, the dragon maiden Elma.

It seemed that the two had already fought, and there was still a faint wave of power in the air at this moment, but the pair of angels and dragons obviously controlled the power within a certain range tacitly, and did not affect the surrounding environment. Otherwise, the neighborhood would have already been razed to the ground.

"You're finally back..." Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief, blinked and winked at Hua Ye, signaling Hua Ye to come to the rescue.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"It's not good to fight and kill... How about sitting down and eating and chatting?"


Gabriel expressed that she wanted to hit someone.

Now is the great war to destroy the world. It's too childish to try to fool the past just by eating and drinking, right?

Believe it or not, go over and give you a water splash right now!

In the end, what shocked the crippled angel out of his glasses was that Elma, who had a serious face and serious eyes, actually lowered her head when she heard the words, blushed slightly, and said hesitantly, "Then, I'm sorry to bother you..."



Illya made several cups of green tea and served them. Hua Ye sat on the sofa, drinking tea while looking at Alma: "Why are you here?"

"That, that..." Elma's expression was a little embarrassed, holding the cup in one hand, and pointing to the fruit on the coffee table in the living room with the other, "I'm here as a guest!"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"to be frank."

They have only met twice, they are not familiar with each other at all, and they are both men and women of the opposite sex, so how can there be any reason to come to visit casually?

"It's really a visit..." Jia Ailu was a little guilty, looking up at Hua Ye from the bottom up, and asked cautiously and nervously, "I've already bought fruit... Xiaoye should be able to take care of the meal at noon, right?" ?”

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