
Take care of your sister's food!It's fake to be a guest, but it's real to come over for a meal! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!


What happened is actually quite simple.

Today is Saturday, a rare weekend not occupied by overtime.

During holidays, Kobayashi usually sleeps in at home, and won't get up lazily until noon when Thor calls for someone, but Elma doesn't sleep in. After all, for the dragon, sleeping or not is irrelevant.

Food is obviously much more attractive to her than sleeping late.

It's just that it has been more than a month since I came to this world, and I have already eaten most of the ordinary delicacies on the street. If I eat again, I will inevitably lose some expectations, so Elma misses Hua Ye's cooking even more.

In fact, as long as you are willing to spend money to eat in high-end restaurants, the taste of the food will definitely not be bad.

The problem is that Elma has just become a full-time employee, her salary is not high, and she has to pay rent, water, electricity, internet, etc., her life is stuttering, and she can't afford big meals at all.

After finally being free, Elma didn't have the slightest awareness of "reading, studying, and recharging herself". Instead, her mind was full of delicious food. As a result, the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't bear it. Finally, she bought some fruits and couldn't help but come to eat...

As a result, when knocking on the door, I happened to meet Jiaairu.

The meeting between the angel and the giant dragon is actually not a problem, because the heavens have already been considered half acquiescent. As long as these giant dragons don't suddenly go crazy and destroy the world, they will turn a blind eye. After all, if there is a war, the price will be a bit high.

The problem is that Jiaailu's title is 'God's Hand', and the most distinctive stroke in her resume is that she once slayed a dragon...

When a giant dragon meets a dragon slayer, can he let it go?

Of course not.

It's like waking up one day, and the man found the [Forgiveness Hat] flag on his head, turned around and went out, and saw the bright [The wife next door is doing a good job] flag on the neighbor's head, conflicts are inevitable.

When Thor faced Gabriel and Raphael, he didn't make any moves, because Gabriel and tax-evading Lafite were just ordinary angels, and their combat power was not worth mentioning in Thor's eyes. Angels who were not threatening naturally didn't need to pay attention.

But Jiaelu is powerful and is a "dragon slayer". Even if Elma is a dragon of the kind and lawful camp, she will not sit idly by.

It's a matter of race versus politics.

It's like the villagers in a village can't do without cheating and intrigue, but it won't work if people from other villages bully the villagers.

"Xiaoye, is that blonde woman in a bathrobe your neighbor?"

After drinking the green tea, Elma pulled Hua Ye to the balcony and asked in a low voice.

Counting from Gabriel, it would be more appropriate to say sister-in-law?

Hua Ye was suddenly curious.

It is said that my sister-in-law is half of my brother-in-law's butt, so is my sister-in-law the other half?

"It's a neighbor." Hua Ye nodded.

"Is that so..." Elma turned her head and thought for a while, then whispered, "Then I won't bother her for the time being..."

It's the first time for me to be a guest, so I must leave a good impression, so that I can continue to come over for dinner in the future.

Not long after Hua Ye returned to the living room, he received Gabriel's gaze and came to the balcony again.

"Hey, what's your relationship with that woman?" Gabriel raised her small face and asked ferociously, "She looks very familiar with you, and what did you say to fight out, don't damage the things here... It feels like being a hostess.”

There seemed to be a slight sourness in his tone.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "It's a long story..."

"Then make a long story short."

"Elma, Xiao Lin's company colleague and Thor's friend, I met two weeks ago when I was a guest at Xiao Lin's house, and this is the third time we have met, and I didn't say more than [-] sentences." Hua Ye finished explaining, Then she squinted and said, "She's a foodie, and she came here today for a meal."


Chapter 806

"So it's a foodie dragon like Kang Na again..." Gabriel was quite satisfied with Hua Ye's answer, but soon frowned her slender eyebrows, "Then why did she suddenly feel disgusted after seeing her sister?" look?"

Hua Ye replied:

"Because your sister is a dragon slayer with the 'curse of the dragon' on her body."

"Ehhh?! The curse of the dragon?!" This kind of thing that sounds very bad immediately made Gabriel nervous. The useless angel hurriedly grabbed Hua Ye's hand and asked anxiously, "Curse!" Is it serious? What are the consequences? Why don't I know?"

"It's not serious." Hua Ye held Gabriel's little hand with his backhand, and made an analogy, "It's like killing a player in an online game, and then being turned into a celebrity by the system, which will naturally attract other players' attacks... ...the dragon's curse is essentially a mark, but only on dragons."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel's eyes widened.

"That's right." Hua Ye nodded, "In the eyes of the Dragon Clan, your sister is now a famous red monster with taunts."

Gabriel was in no mood to correct the title of 'Red Monster' at the moment, and said nervously, "Now that Elma has discovered her sister's identity as 'Dragon Slayer', wouldn't she call her teammates to form a group to swipe... Bah, come to beat my sister?"

"It's very likely." Hua Ye nodded again.

"Then what should we do?" The crippled angel bit his lip and looked up at Hua Ye, "Can you help to lift that 'curse of the dragon'?"

"Yes." Hua Ye replied.

Hearing that the curse of the giant dragon could be lifted, the crippled angel immediately relaxed, gritted his teeth and said, "Soulless! Then why didn't you say it earlier? It made me worry to death!"

Hua Ye said with a dark face:

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