"You never asked me, what did I say?"

"Tch, it's all your fault anyway!" The crippled angel resolutely threw the blame away, "Hurry up and get rid of the curse on my sister, it makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Hua Ye didn't move, but said:

"Let's just say it first, lifting the curse requires physical contact, so don't be angry then."

"Huh?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide and clenched her silver teeth, "Don't tell me that you want my sister to take off her clothes and then palm to palm, or use a more obscene posture to detoxify..."

Every word was full of murderous intent, Hua Ye felt that if he nodded, this crippled angel would explode on the spot.

"You've watched too many TV dramas. How can you have such a troublesome detoxification condition." Hua Ye's face was black, and he couldn't help complaining, "I just asked your sister to hold my hand for a while."

"I see." Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief, and the murderous aura slowly dissipated, "Then hold it..."

"Aren't you angry?"


The crippled angel opened his mouth to say why he was angry, but as expected, he still cared a little.

My sister is not as used to being bullied by this facial paralysis like myself, and she has never dated a boyfriend. Now she suddenly shakes hands with a boy, even if it is to lift the curse, she will be somewhat concerned, right?

Gabriel hesitated for a while, and finally said:

"Then wait a minute, let me ask my sister what she means..."


Go back to the living room.

"Xiaoye, are you going to take care of the meal at noon?" Elma put down her teacup and moved closer, her brown eyes full of expectation and nervousness, afraid that Huaye would say 'no'.

"Don't care about the food." Hua Ye said calmly.

It's impossible to be full, at least in this world, even if you eat all the stocks in a whole buffet restaurant, you won't be full!

Hua Ye added: "But there are no ingredients in the refrigerator, so I need to buy them now."

"Yeah, wrap the ingredients on me!" Hearing Guan Fan, Elma's eyes lit up, and the corners of her lips couldn't stop twitching, as if she got a big piece of meat and bone dog.

Probably because she felt that the expression just now was a bit embarrassing, the dragon lady hurriedly coughed lightly, trying to suppress her joy, and then started chirping beside Hua Ye.

"Then what do we have for lunch? Geoduck last time? It tastes super good, and the sweet and sour pork ribs, I really want to eat it again, the taste of mapo tofu, I feel that I will never forget it for the rest of my life..."

When it comes to food, the elegance and restraint that he had pretended just now was immediately forgotten, and he really deserves to be a more serious foodie than Kang Na.

"Ahhh, there are so many foods I want to eat, I want to eat them all..." Elma scratched her hair and asked cautiously, "Can Xiaoye cook all the dishes just now at noon?"

"What do you think?" Hua Ye looked disgusted.

Taking care of the food is already very good, it would be too much to pick and choose!Do you know how troublesome it is to cook so many dishes at once!

"Don't worry." The dragon lady probably misunderstood. Hearing this, she blinked her eyes, raised her hand and patted her chest, and her plump figure caused a burst of fluctuations that were about to come out. "The money for buying ingredients today I'm coming out!"

"Are you rich?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows. He remembered that when he was a guest at Xiao Lin's house two days ago, he heard the dragon lady complain that the salary during the probationary period was too low, and he was almost unable to eat.

"No problem!" Elma gave a thumbs up, with a very happy smile on her face, "I became a full-time employee yesterday, and my salary has increased a lot, now..."

Before he finished speaking, a thunderbolt suddenly struck, turning Elma into a black and white silent sculpture.

"what happened?"

"That, that..." Elma came back to her senses, stretched out two fingers and tapped her chest lightly, and whispered aggrievedly, "The salary will only be paid on the [-]th, I don't have much money now... "

"Then how much do you have?" Hua Ye asked.

It's not that I want her to pay for the ingredients, it's just a casual question.

Elma reached out her hand to touch her pocket, took out a few banknotes and coins, and held them in front of Hua Ye, pitifully, like a primary school student who forgot to do her homework: "After buying the fruits, there are only these left... ..."


Pit father ah!Just now I swear that the money for the ingredients is paid by one person, but the whole body is only more than [-] yen, you eat a dick!

"I-Although I'm not a rich woman, I can still help!" Seeing Hua Ye's face full of black lines, Elma quickly stretched out a finger to promise, "For example, help you play music..."


Hua Ye immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

He vomited blood!You are so angry that you vomit three liters of blood!It is true that rich women are a group of people who live a good life and are enviable, but if they are connected with Shuashuale, they will become a super bad existence in an instant!

Hua Ye took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to growl: "Do you know what it means for a rich woman to have fun?"

"Eh?" Elma tilted her head and nodded her chin, "When I was in the company, I heard people talking about fun, but when those people saw me, they immediately stopped talking..."

In front of the office goddess, everyone wants to try their best to show their best side, of course it is impossible to run the train in front of you.

"Then I asked Thor, and Thor said that this is a sport that is beneficial to physical and mental health, just like cupping, it will make people painful and happy..."

In a sense, it’s true that it’s true to be happy and happy... You’re wrong to ask Thor, how unreliable that dragon maid is, you should have known it for a long time!

Elma looked at Hua Ye with expectant eyes and said:

"Thor also said at the end that as long as I am willing to help Xiaoye play music, you can eat any food you want, isn't it a lie?"


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