Hua Ye took out the phone from his pocket expressionlessly, searched, and dropped the phone in front of Alma.

Elma blinked, reached out to take it, and saw clearly written in the news summary

"Rich woman brushing music, the ultimate challenge of all cowherds, waiting for you to fight."

"Not long ago, a cowherd was taken care of by a rich woman. The rich woman used a wire ball to wash the dishes [beep——]. The ultimate challenge..."

After seeing this news, Elma's face was flushed with redness, and she threw the phone to Hua Ye as if she had been electrocuted, and stammered, "Ju, that's what it's just too obscene Already!"

"I'm sorry!" Elma bowed, shook her head vigorously, her short brown hair was flying in the air, "It's impossible for me to agree to such things..."

If you promise me or not, how much do you have to shake M to take the initiative to challenge the brush.

"That..." This dragon lady is pitiful, "Is there still food to eat if you don't brush it? How about I buy you a wire ball and you brush it yourself?"


Chapter 807 My sister looks a bit strange

"It's getting late, I'll go to the supermarket to buy ingredients first..."

Hua Ye didn't want to continue entangled in the issue of 'rich women having fun', so he decisively changed the subject.

"I'll go too." Eluma hurriedly raised her hand, the master went out, so it's hard for her to sit still in the house alone, "I owe the money first, and I'll give it to you next time, and I can help carry things Say……"

At this moment, the conversation between Gabriel and Gail was also over, and the useless angel looked at Hua Ye: "My sister and I are going to the supermarket too, shall we go together?"

Hua Ye nodded and said:

"Then let's go together."

"Wait a minute, I'll go back with my sister to change shoes..."

When Gabriel went out to change clothes, she happened to see her female neighbor Ayana Yamamoto pushing the door out.

Ayana Yamamoto looked like she had just woken up not long ago. She was still wearing a blue and white pajamas, carrying a few bags of garbage in her hand. Seeing Gabriel coming out of Huaye's room, she couldn't help but sighed.

I once gave Gabriel a forgiveness hat, no matter how dull a person is, he should be able to react, right?

Although that boy looks quite handsome, but he is not so handsome that it makes people feel bad, and he rents a place like this, he must not be a rich man, and he cheats on other girls like this... Such a boyfriend will not break up Do you keep it for the New Year?

It's been so long that we can't tell each other, maybe this is true love...

Ayana Yamamoto shook her head, she didn't mean to say hello to Gabriel, she was about to go downstairs with the garbage, but she saw another "enlarged version" of Gabriel walking out from behind Gabriel, wearing a kimono , with a cold expression, giving people the feeling of a plum blossom proudly blooming in the ice and snow, she is clearly a beauty with a score of [-] or above.

It doesn't stop there.

Immediately after the door came out a super-breasted beauty wearing a big-eyed frog shirt, which forcibly put on the shirt to give a 3D effect. Among other things, her breasts alone are enough to make people fascinated.

Hua Ye was the last one to go out, and then there was a beautiful silver-haired maid in black and white maid outfit who bowed and saw him off...

Ayana Yamamoto just felt that the whole person was not good.

He's obviously just an ordinary handsome high school student renting a house, so why do beautiful girls often come and go in and out of the room!

The resentment emanating from the messy female neighbor in the wind was particularly obvious, so everyone looked over in unison.



The female neighbor, Ayana Yamamoto, grinned dryly, then turned around and returned to the house decisively, carrying the trash.


Walking on the way to the supermarket.

"Xiaoye, you and the two of them are just neighbors, right?" Elma asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Hua Ye turned his head to look.

"It's so strange..." The dragon lady was a little puzzled, and whispered, "When you talk to them, you seem very intimate..."

For office workers, they have to go to work, get off work, stay up late and work overtime every day. It can be said that living is already very tiring, and there is not so much time and energy for interpersonal communication...

This is also the reason why many students hold hands and succeed, while office workers are single one after another.

Neighborhood indifference is a common phenomenon in modern society. Some people don’t even know their neighbor’s name for several years. If the relationship is too close, it will make people suspicious.

"Because it's a neighbor who hugs and holds high..."

Just as Hua Ye was about to answer, there was a burst of screams and exclamations in front of him.

Looking around, I saw a three- or four-year-old boy sitting on the ground crying at the entrance of a supermarket, with a corn sausage rolling down beside him. Just the super-two husky, sniffing that sausage.

The woman walking behind should be the child's mother. Seeing this scene, she screamed in fright, threw the shopping bag in her hand, and rushed towards the child.

"Don't cry, don't cry." The woman picked up the child and checked it with distress and self-blame, "Have you been bitten?"

The child was frightened and just cried, unable to answer at all.

The owner of the husky is a middle-aged woman, who trotted over in high heels at this moment, and hurriedly said, "My dog ​​is very good and won't bite..."

"Why don't you put on a leash when you go out?" the child's mother asked angrily, "What if such a big dog bites someone?"

The middle-aged woman was a little embarrassed: "It's very good, it was just playing with your child..."

"I only saw your dog scared my child and fell to the ground!" The child's mother was quite angry, "You are not afraid of your dog, but it doesn't mean that other people are not afraid, and why don't you walk your dog on a leash? "

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