At this time, Gabriel, who was going to buy laundry detergent, came back, and just heard Elma say: "Don't worry, I have a special technique for washing fungus, and I promise you won't make you sick..."

Then the female customers nearby were all flushed with embarrassment, and the crippled angel blinked, and suddenly showed a shocked expression of O v O, and said in disbelief: "You, you just said that you would give it to him what?"

"My black fungus." Eroma didn't wait to see Gailu, she didn't have any hostility towards Gabriel, she tilted her head when she heard the words, and replied, "If you want to eat, it's not impossible..."

"I don't eat that disgusting thing!" The crippled angel took a step back, with a broken expression on his face, even if he washed it clean, he wouldn't be able to eat that kind of thing!Or are dragons all such terrifying creatures?

"Hey, what's so disgusting?" Elma frowned slightly, a little annoyed, "Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean that others don't either...Xiao Ye liked it a lot last time."


Gabriel took another step back in fright, her eyes widened to the limit.

"You, you said he has already eaten?"

"Yeah." Elma nodded, "But I didn't do it, it seems Thor did it..."

Gabriel couldn't listen anymore, and turned her head to look at Hua Ye, the murderous look in her eyes had become solid: "Death penalty! Cut to pieces! Execute Ling Chi!"

If this is not a supermarket, it is estimated that he has shown his real body at this moment and sent Hua Ye to heaven with a "Sanction of the Holy Angel".

"What are you staring at me for? She said black fungus in cold sauce!" Hua Ye finally chose the fresh prawns, and then roared with black lines on his face.

"Hey, cold salad... black fungus?"

"Otherwise, what kind of fungus do you think I would eat!" Hua Ye was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The useless angel finally came to his senses that the so-called black fungus was the edible fungus bought in the supermarket, not something bad, but of course he would not admit it: "Tch, I didn't doubt you, you are in a hurry to explain. what?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"You're dirty."

"Hey, what did you say?"

"The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom, and the filthy sees filth. You can be cured by the filthy medicine."



In front of the cash register.

"Hello, the total is [-] yen." The cashier girl in uniform smiled sweetly, "Our supermarket is holding a lucky draw recently. If you spend more than [-] yen, you can get a lucky draw chance. The grand prize is an Apple laptop."


Hua Ye turned his gaze to the big cardboard box behind the cashier girl, and was speechless for a moment.

The cardboard box was full of rough dolls, and they were of a style that Hua Ye was very familiar with... because when Gabriel and Gabriel met in the supermarket for the first time, they had encountered a similar lottery event!

At that time, she also brought a little devil's doll to her, and I don't know if Gabriel lost it.

Gabriel obviously also remembered that chance meeting in the supermarket more than half a year ago, looking up, and seeing each other's eyes, this useless angel actually blushed extremely rarely.

"Give me something, pay the bill together, and then draw a lottery, shall we?" Hua Ye stretched out his hand and said.

"Sister?" Gabriel looked at Gail.

Kael nodded slightly.

After swiping the card, Hua Ye looked at Gabriel: "Is it yours or mine this time?"

In front of her sister, Gabriel would always turn on the holy light mode, and said with a smile, "You can just smoke."

If Jiaailu is not here, this useless angel will definitely come to draw the lottery by himself.


Hua Ye nodded, grabbed a note and took it out.

The girl at the cash register opened it and said pleasantly, "Congratulations! You've won the lottery!"

"Win the consolation prize?" Hua Ye's heart remained unmoved, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Hey, how do you know?" The cashier girl opened her eyes wide.

Hua Ye complained expressionlessly:

"Because I have already been tricked by the same trick once."


"Ahem..." The cashier girl laughed dryly, and quickly changed the subject, "Well, take a look at which puppet you want, and I'll give it to you?"

"Just that one." Hua Ye pointed.

The last time I chose the little devil puppet with wings and holding a trident, this time Hua Ye naturally won't take it again, but asked for a white little sky puppet.

"Please keep your prize."

Hua Ye reached out to take it, and instead of giving it to Alma, he handed it directly to Gabriel, saying, "Here you are."

The crippled angel turned his head to look at his sister with a guilty conscience. Seeing that Jia Ailu didn't speak, he obviously acquiesced, so he reached out to take the puppet, and gave Hua Ye a "knowledgeable" look by the way.


Back to the apartment.

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