It was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

Illya is mainly responsible for the cleaning of the ingredients, and Elma volunteered to help wash the vegetables. In order to get rid of the title of "free food", she worked very hard.

Gabriel did not go to help in the kitchen, but sat on the sofa in the living room with Hua Ye, and whispered, "My sister has already thought about it, and I promised you to help eliminate the curse of the dragon..."

Hua Ye said seriously: "Is this your formal request?"

"Eh?" Gabriel blinked, "I guess..."

Hua Ye looked at the useless angel and said meaningfully: "Remember, this is your fifth request."

"What fifth time..."

In the middle of speaking, Gabriel suddenly came back to his senses.

When my sister fell from the sky a few days ago, in order to deal with my sister, I asked this facial paralyzed person to help me, and then I signed a treaty of 'five requests in exchange for a kiss reward'... Originally, I only planned to let him do four things and then stop, why didn't I know I don't think I've done the fifth thing!

Doesn't that mean that not only can't I resist, but I have to obediently cooperate with being kissed with such a paralyzed face?

"Gabriel, what are you talking about?" After noticing that her sister's expression was different, the expression on her face seemed to be a mixture of shame and sweetness, Jiaairu couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly, and asked in a deep voice.

"No, it's nothing..." Gabriel shook her head hastily.

You must never tell your sister about exchanging kiss rewards. She is such a serious and old-fashioned person, she will definitely be blown up when she hears such a thing, right?

The useless angel decisively changed the subject and said:

"Sister, let him help you lift that strange curse first?"

Taking advantage of my sister's inattention, the crippled angel gave Hua Ye another murderous look, "Don't lie in front of my sister, or I'll beat you to death!"

(As for rewards for kisses... Anyway, it's not that I haven't been kissed before, just treat it as if I was bitten by a kitten or puppy, and it will be fine if I close my eyes...)

(There will be no cooperation, at most it will not bite this facial paralysis...)

(Salty Egg Superman only has three minutes to transform. It has been decided that he will only be given three minutes. Once the time is up, he will be blown away!)

"Yeah." Gail nodded slightly.

She had no doubts about Hua Ye's ability, nor did she know that Hua Ye would deliberately use this method to take advantage of her, so she calmly extended her right hand in front of Hua Ye.

The fingers are fair and slender, the nails are neatly cut, without any nail polish, it is a natural and healthy color, and the light blue blood vessels on the back of the hand can be seen... All in all, this is a beautiful hand, and it is perfect for making hand models It's no longer a problem.

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel: "I held it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and help my sister lift the curse!"


Hua Ye responded and took Jiaailu's right hand.

Different from Gabriel's always cold little hands, elder sister Gail's hands are warm and soft, just the right size to hold in her hands, her skin is delicate and smooth, like milk silk chocolate, it seems that she will slip out of her hands if she is not careful.

The postures of the two people are not ambiguous, just a very ordinary handshake ceremony, but there is a younger sister, Gabriel, in the middle, which is more or less weird.

Especially with the passage of time, a faint blush appeared on Jia Ailu's face, and her eyes moved to the balcony. It is obvious that her heart is not as calm as it appears...

There was a sudden pain in the foot.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and immediately met a pair of warning eyes.

"Don't bully my sister! This is the bottom line!?"

"If I find out that you even bully your sister, I will never forgive you!?"

Chapter 810 Shall I take care of you?

"All right."

Hua Ye let go of Jia Ailu's little hand, picked up the teacup, and continued to drink barley tea. The process of lifting the curse was very ordinary, with no earth-shattering light and shadow effects, and no props such as a living heart.

Of course, there are still sacrifices to ask for help... such as the lips of a crippled angel.

"Has the curse been lifted?" Gabriel asked nervously.

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "Your sister won't be brushed by the giant dragon group anymore."

"Thank you." Jiaailu thanked softly, and withdrew her hand as if nothing had happened, but the blush on her face did not fade away, obviously her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

"I'm going to the bathroom..."

Gail stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the bathroom with a calm expression.

But Hua Ye knew very well that Jia Ailu was actually very nervous, because her palms were full of sweat!

When the bathroom door closed with a 'click', the useless angel immediately looked up at Hua Ye, smiled softly and said, "Sister's hand is very comfortable to hold, right?"


Hua Ye paused, and quickly judged that this was another proposition.

Life is full of traps.

If you are not careful, you may fall to the ground.

There are many variants of this question, such as "The girl in front is very beautiful", "That girl on TV is very cute", etc. In this case, the answer of ordinary people is mostly "very comfortable". , "It doesn't feel comfortable to touch your hand", "It's not uncomfortable at all" these three answers.

However, these three answers are all wrong options.

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