Because these answers only focus on 'comfort', but forget the subject and object of the answer, the correct answer should be to stare at the other party affectionately, and then seriously say: "I have been looking at you just now, there is no other reason at all. Feel."


"Shameless!" Gabriel raised her hand and waved it in front of her face, making a gesture of disgust, "You facial paralysis can suddenly speak."

Hua Ye raised his face and said:

"I want to exchange rewards..."

"Hentai, you can't do it here!" The useless angel hurriedly raised his hand to support Hua Ye's chest, turned his head and nervously looked in the direction of the bathroom, and then whispered, "My sister is still in the bathroom...we'll talk about it when I go to school!"



in the kitchen.

"Xiaoye, shall I cook for you?" Elma raised her right hand with expectant eyes, "If it's not troublesome, can you teach me how to cook by the way?"

Compared with a certain salted fish and useless angel, this dragon lady is obviously more self-motivated.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

If this dragon lady knows how to cook by herself, she won't come over for food in the future, which can save a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that Hua Ye soon regretted it.

"How much salt should be added to this dish... Puyo Puyo..."

"Oh, it seems that there is too much oil... Puyo Puyo..."

This dragon girl is quite studious. In the spirit of asking questions when she doesn't understand, she often bends down to ask Hua Ye for advice. As a result, the milk volume is slightly inferior to Thor's, and it makes a "pu yo pu yo" sound from time to time. The big-eyed frog on the bed is even more frowning, as if it will be unbearable in the next moment, disintegrate and die...

The vibrating sound of Puyo Puyo is like a magic spell, which greatly affects the mood of cooking!

"You go out first..." Hua Ye sighed.

"Eh?" Elma hurriedly put away the notebook for recording, pitifully, "What's the matter, is it because I don't have the talent to cook?"


"Then why did you let me out?"

"Do you know why you poured too much oil?" Hua Ye asked with vacant eyes.

"I don't know." Elma shook her head, then bowed in the manner of a disciple, "Please tell me, I will correct it!"

Hua Ye was expressionless: "I'm afraid you can't correct it..."

"Is it so serious?" Elma bit her finger, a little nervous and wronged, "But I still want to know the reason..."

"Because your boobs are too big."

"Eh eh?"

Hua Ye complained, "Your breasts are blocking your view, that's why there is a problem."

"Ju, is this the reason?" Elma took a step back and covered her chest with her hands, "Then how does Thor cook?"

"Then do you know how much oil Thor wasted?"



Lunch is very rich, there are mapo tofu, dry-roasted shrimp, shredded cabbage, sweet and sour fish, vinegar potato shreds and so on.

"I'm gonna start now!"

Elma clasped her hands together, looking at the dishes on the table, her face was almost overflowing with happiness.

"Let's eat." Hua Ye picked up the chopsticks.

"Yeah." Following Hua Ye's nod, Elma hurriedly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dry-cooked shrimp, and then ate it in one bite, her face quickly flushed with satisfaction, "That's this The taste of day and happy..."

Hey, don't gasp when you talk, the big-eyed frog on your shirt is about to go on strike!

Elma swallowed the food in her mouth, and suddenly turned her head to look at Hua Ye, with sparkling lights in her eyes, she said seriously, "Xiao Ye, shall I take care of you?"


Gabriel, who was drinking miso soup, immediately sprayed, and quickly took two napkins to wipe her mouth.

Jia Ailu, who was picking up vegetables, also trembled, and one of the chopsticks in her hand was broken.

"What did you say?"

Hua Ye was also stunned, thinking he was having auditory hallucinations.

"Let me tell you." Elma looked at her with wide eyes, and said seriously, "Shall I take care of you?"


Take care of your sister!Do you want to play the rich woman brush fun!And you, a guy who only has more than [-] yen all over you, have no right to say that you are a nurturing one!

Hua Ye said with a dark face:

"Do you know what nurturing means?"

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